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51 Cards in this Set

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What are some background idea on the YCJA?
Controls justice of Youth offenders, protects their identity and helps work them back into society.
What are the three main umbrella ideas? What does each mean?
Citizenship, identity and Quality of life. Citizenship means to feel apart of country or area like Canada. identity how you are seen and see yourself. Quality of life- how you life is good, bad, so so. do you live in a house go to school etc.
What is the Eassy/paragraph structure?
5 paragraph, 3 body, 1 introductory, 1 conclusion, 11 sentence pargraph- topic sentence, CD CM CM x3, transition sentence.
What or who is a lobbyist?
They are individuals hired by a certain group to influence MPs and put pressure on political officials about specific issues. Lobbyists often use the media to voice their views on issue that affect members, services and products.
Are Reintegrate and Rehabilitate related in anyway?
Sorf of. An offender must go to Rehab to work out the problems and then when they are released the Reintegrate starts.
What is Reintegrate?
Slowing working people (usually offenders) back into society.
How many government branches are there? What are they?
three, legislative, executive and judicial.
What does the Legislative branch do? Who is in it?
The duty of the legislative branch is to propose, amend, and pass laws in Canada. Parliment- house of Common, Senate, Governer General
What was the Indian Act?
This was made without the consulting of the First Nations.
-First Nations had to seek government permission to wear traditional clothing.
-banned traditional ceremonies, such as the sundance.
-prvented First Nations from being apart of political action.
What does the Judicial branch do?
Interprets and applies the laws. Make job make sure all canadians rights are respected.
What does the executive branch do?
Includes the Prime minister and the cabnet members. The PM decides who is important of what portfollios/ area. Ex, defence, foreign affairs, justice.
Who was the L’Association des Metis de l’Alberta et des Territories du Nord-Ouest?
This was an association that lobbied for Metis to have land to themselves.
What is a good synonym for Affirm?
What is the specification of section 23?
Minority language speaking rights. Publicly funded schools that serve in their language community.
What is in included in section 16-20?
French nad English as official languages of Canada, and the right to conduct their affairs with the governemnt in either official language.
What is a good idea to remember when reffering to the media?
The media is almost always biased and always has the point of view of the writer.
What are important ideas when looking for bias?
Does it cover more than one point of view, evidence and all sides of the story.
How is a PM selected compared to a senator?
A PM is voted on to pick compared to a senator who is appointted.
What is Apathetic?
Showing little or no emotion/ uninterested.
What is propaganda?
Ideas or rumors perposly spread, and aimed at someone. Deliberate spreading of such information
Why is the Justice often potrayed a blind?
It is blind becasue when involved in justice you cannot be stereotypical at all. You must enter with an open mind.
What is ethnocentrism?
beleif that one's culture is superior to others.
What is assimilate?
forced to (or become) part of a different cultural group
When was confederation?
When was the Charter of Rights and Freedoms made?
What is some significance in all the numbered treaties.
All treaties had some sort of water on their land, but sahred with others. Higher the treaty number the bigger the land peice.
What is the role of the John Howard society?
To work with offenders and work them back into society.
List two Advocacy groups.
John Howard society and Elizabeth fry.
What are some consequences for young offenders?
community service, counseling, prison, crminal record, Restitution/ pay for damaged property.
List some facts about the 14 year old who stole the truck.
there was a baby in the back seat, ditched the van, 12 months probation, under age driving.
How much power does the supreme court have?
the Supreme court can completely reject a bill.
What are some responsibilities of canadians?
to help impact our country for what you believe in (vote).
Who is the leader of the Conservative party?
Stephan Harper
Who is the leader of the Liberal party?
MIcheal Ignatieff
What are values?
Somethings that are significant to a certain group of people e.g. muslims, religion
What is a thesis statement?
A thesis statement is that sentence or two in your text that contains the focus of your essay and tells your reader what the essay is going to be about
Who was our first prime minister?
John A. MacDonald
What was the biggest year for youth crime?
2001 was the biggest year for youth crimes.
synonym for "to what extent".
how much
What is the charter of rights and freedoms?
a document created to ensure the rights of all canadain can be respected.
Who is the leader of the New Democradic Party?
Jack Layton
What was confederation?
The birth of Canada
What is the report stage?
Debates and votes are done on the bill and any changes are made to make the bill better
What are fundemental rights?
they are rights such as the freedom to express your own Opinion, choosing your own religion, the freedom to assiciate with any social group
What is an example of a lobby group?
MADD-mothers against drunk driving.
Did the metis have any historical documents such as the numberd treaties?
Nope, pass down through word of mouth.
what is a youth justice commitie?
it is a group of volenteers from your community
What provinces were originally in Canada?
Nova Scotia, New Brunswik, Ontario, and Quebec
What was the last province to join confederation?
How can citizens take part in the Justice system?
they can be part of a jury or be a witness and report crimes.
What is the third reading?
The final reading and voting on a bill.