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45 Cards in this Set

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POP follows this model


POP focuses on addressing the ___________ causes of crime.


This policing scholar introduced problem-oriented policing


This is defined as “police placing more emphasis in their improvement efforts on organization and operating methods than on the substantive outcome of their work.”

Meansover ends syndrome

What does each letter in S.A.R.A stand for?

Scan,analyze, respond, assess

This may be defined as a geographic location with an above average concentration of crime

Hot Spot

Trueor false? Although promising, hot spots policing has not been evaluated in practice.


This scientific law provides support for hot spots policing.

The law of crime concentration

This Criminologist introduced the law of crime concentration at places

David Weisburd

Definethe law of crime concentration

For a defined measure of crime at a specific microgeographicunit, the concentration of crime will fall within a narrow bandwidth ofpercentages for a defined cumulative proportion of crime.

True or false? The most significant “driver”of intelligence-led policing was the September 11th attacks in the United States.


ILP follows this model.

3-I model

Name a driver of intelligence-led policing body

Demand gap, advances in information technology, pressure for managerial professionalization and the growth of serious and organized crime

What type of crime analysis is the study of recent criminal activity through the examination of characteristics such as how, when and where the activity has occurred to assist in pattern development, investigative leads and suspect identification and case clearance

tactical crime analysis

What type of crime analysis has the purpose of identifying networks of offenders and criminal activity aswell as to assist police in apprehending those violators of the law

intelligence analysis

What type of crime analysis is the study of crime problems and other policerelated issues to determine long-term patterns of activity as well as toevaluate police responses and organizational

Strategic crime analysis

The original hot spot map was created to depict the spread of which disease?


What are the five steps of the crime analysis process?

Collection,collation, analysis, dissemination, feedback

Which type of displacement involves the movement of offenders from one geographic location to another


What type of displacement involves the movement of crime from one time to another


This involves the spread of crime reductions beyond the geographic locations that were targeted

The diffusion of crime control benefits

Name One reason why displacement may not occur

Some offenders are less likely to commit crime at places they are unfamiliar with,some offenders have a limited amount of time to commit crime

What Is the term that suggests that “the probability of displacement is greatest close to the original crime location and decreases as the distance from the response area increases

Familiarity Decay

True or false? The Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment wasfound to reduce crime. If it did, by what percentage? If not, how much did crime go up?

True- reduce by 23%

These types of officers worked during the Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment


Stopand Frisks increased during the Philadelphia Foot Patrol Experiment by what percentage?


Theseare defined as the geographic locations where officers in the PFPE actually patrolled, not just where they were assigned to patrol

Active Beats

How Many “buffer zones” or “catchment locations” were patrolled during the PFPE?

All of them (54)

Thisis considered the strongest research design to test policing and otherinterventions.

Experiment Or randomized-controlled trial

In This type of research design, control locations are matched to similar treatment locations without randomization. This most often occurs after an intervention has been introduced


The Philosophy of evidence-based policing requires that decisions on what policepractices to employ should be based on ________ ________ about what works best

Scientific Evidence

This of the following is an interactive web-based tool which houses all police crime-control intervention research of moderate to high methodological quality

Evidence-based policing matrix

According To David Weisburd,research accordingly suggests that it is time for police to shift from person-based policing to __________ policing

Place-based policing

This Is the amount of time that officers should spend in hot spots in order tomaximize deterrence.

10-16minutes or about 15 minutes

Thisis the maximum amount of time that should elapse in-between hot spot visits inorder to maximize deterrence

Two hours

To Ensure hot spot patrols do not become predictable, they should be _________ and________ as opposed to regularly scheduled.

Randomand intermittent

Thisis the study where the Koper curve emanated from.

Minneapolis hot spot experiment

Whatis the full name of the police scholar that developed the Koper Curve?

Christopher Koper

True or false? Although crime is very concentrated, the extent to which it is concentrated has not been found to be stable over multiple years?

False,Weisburd(2015) showed that the bandwidth of percentages within which crime clusters was stable over a 10 year period.

Trueor false? Evidence-based policing is a decision making perspective, not a panacea


Trueor false? Gun buy-back programs have been described as having a strong evidence-base.

False—no evidence suggests that they are effective

Assessing most forms of displacement and diffusion require the use of at least three different components, which are a response area, a displacement/diffusion area,and a ____________ area.


How much larger were the police’s active beats than the beats that they were assigned to patrol?

0.13 miles larger

By What percentage did the police’s active beats overlap the control beats?

18 or 30%

That evidence-based policing is a philosophy that implicates 4 things in law enforcementdecision making

research, evaluation, analysis and scientific processes.