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48 Cards in this Set

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Every 10 years congressional districts to reflect the census results. This process is known as

Legislation redistricting

This occurs when a senator continues to talk for several hours in order to prevent a vote on a bill


When Congress passes a piece of legislation one to the president the president can either sign the bill into law or refuse two sign it thus exercising the power of


The Supreme Court decision in Plessy versus Ferguson helped to establish the precedent of ________ , which allowed for racial segregation

Separate but equal

The president of the United States is elected by

The electoral college

The process by which state governments have been made to follow certain sections of the Bill of Rights based on the application of the 14th Amendment is known as

Selective incorporation

This amendment protects citizens against unreasonable search and seizure

4th amendment

If there is a tie vote in the United States Senate it is up to the _________ to cast the tie breaking vote in

Vice President

The United States Constitution provides citizens with the right of ______ , which is the right to be brought before a judge and shown cause for detention

Habeas corpus

Occurs when legislative districts are drawn in such a way as to give advantage or disadvantage to one group over another

GArry Mandering

The number of electoral votes a state is alotted is equal to the number of _______ and _______ the state has

House nd senators

The First Amendment deals with religious freedom two main clauses. that establishment clause which States, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion" and the _______ clause

Free exercise claim

Name the two senators Who currently represent the state of illinoise in the United States Senate

Ruben and Duckworth

What case was it when the Supreme Court ruled that segregation of school children based on race is unconstitutional

Brown vs. Board of Education

The Secretary of State Attorney General Secretary defense and Vice President are all members of the


This Amendment to the United States Constitution guarantees women the right to vote

19th Amendment

The type of representative have similar backgrounds to their constituents is known as what

Sociological representation

When the holder is seeking reelection for the office they currently hold they are known as

Incumbent candidates

Mapp vs Ohio helped to establish the_________ which states that evidence obtained in violation of citizens 4th amendment rights cannot be used as evidence in court

Exclusionary rule

This Amendment states that the right to vote cannot be denied on the basis of race

15th amendment

Because of the __________set the rules for the debate a filibuster is not possible in the House of Representatives

Hpuse rules comittee

Illinois has how many congressional districts


It did the base around at the Second Amendment to the US Constitution often centers on the two Clauses to the amendment which are the ________ and ______ clause

Operative and preambulatory clause

type of government that most accurately describes the United States federal government .


___ is a fundamental democratic principle that states governments should follow the will of the majority while protecting the interests of the minority.

Majority rules with minority

The process of _____________________________ refers to when responsibility for a policy is transferred from the federal government to state and/or local governments.


According to the __________________________________ public acts, records, and judicial proceedings from one state should be recognized in other states.


Full faith and credit clause

________________ is a system of government that divides powers between central and regional authorities.

Dual Federalism

___________ was proposed during the Constitutional Convention, it favored larger more populated states by creating a system of representation based on population.

Virginia plan

_______________ is the belief that ordinary citizens have the ability to affect what government does.

Political efficacy

_______________ are grants that allow state and/or local government greater discretion in how the grant money will be spent.

Block grants

_____________________________ states that transactions among private parties should be free from government interference / regulation and that market forces should drive economic decisions.


When it came time to ratify the Constitution, a source of disagreement between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists was __________________________, which states Congress can create new laws to carry out their expressed powers.

Bill of rights

When the federal government imposes conditions on state and/or local governments for which they are not reimbursed is known as ______________________

Unfunded mendates

The type of government that recognizes no formal limits to its power, seeks to absorb all other social institutions, and often uses violence and intimidation to control citizens is called ______________________________________.

Totalitarian system

During the Constitutional Convention the _________________________________ was proposed to address how slaves would be counted in regards to population and determining how many representatives each state would receive.

Three fifths

____________________________ goes beyond residency and refers to active involvement in one’s society and/or community.

Civic engagement

During the winter of 1787, angry farmers seized county courthouses to prevent debtors trials from proceeding, this uprising is known as: ______________________________________

Shey rebellion

The _____________________________ states that all laws and treaties signed by the federal government are the supreme law of the land.

Supremely clause

__________________________________ is the economic theory that advocates for governmental regulation / intervention as a means to creating stability over business cycles.


_________________________________ refers to actively playing a role in the political process. Examples include voting, letter writing, and protesting.


The _________________________________ states that state governments cannot show favoritism towards their residents nor can they discriminate against residents of other states.

The _________________________________ states that state governments cannot show favoritism towards their residents nor can they discriminate against residents of other states.

Privellegr and immunity clause

___________________________________ was proposed at the Constitutional Convention and favored smaller, less populated states by creating a system of equal representation regardless of population.

New Jersey plan

The major disagreement during the constitutional convention between the large and small states was the issue of ______________________________.

Connecticut compromise

The Constitution created a system of __________________________________ where each branch of the federal government can influence the actions of the other branches to. An example would be the President’s veto power.


The first governing document, or constitution, of the United States was called ________________________________________.

Articles of confederation

____________________ refers to using ‘grants in aid’ to encourage state and local governments to pursue nationally defined goals.


In the modern United States how is federalism structured between the federal, state and local governments?
