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72 Cards in this Set

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Infection of uterus
infection of fallopian tube
normal pH of the vagina
Most common normal flora in the female reproductive tract
Inflammation of the glands penis
inflammation of the epididimis
inflammation of the prostate
What part of the urethra is colonized with bacteria?
Distal 1/3
Organism for Bacterial vaginosis
Gardnerella vaginalis
What will slides show if a pt has bacterial vaginosis?
squamous cells with bacteria inside
Common organism for Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)
Staphlococcus aureus
What is TSS caused by?
Release of Exotoxin C from leaving a tampon in for too long or pulling it out too early
S&S of TSS
fever, hypotension, rashes, dequamation
Most common organism for Group B strep
Streptococcus agalactiae
When do you screen a pregnant woman for group B strep?
35-37 wks
Common organism for Mastitis
Staphlococcus aureus
Yeast infection in the mouth caused by oral sex
Thrush- caused by candidia
Summer diaper rash in babies or rash in inframammary space caused by
Most common cause of vaginitis in females
Yeast infection: Candida albicans
S&S of yeast infection
adherant thick cottage cheese discharge
These are formed as a result of Candida albicans and Candida dublinises
germ tubes with spores
What STD is caused by a motile parasite which causes frothy discharge and intense itching and strawberry cervix?
Trichomonas Vaginalis
What drug is Trichomonas treated with and what is important to remind the pt while taking it?
Flagyl (Metranidozol)

Cant drink alcohol!
What pH does trichomonas like
more alkaline

Which vaginal infections present with fishy odor?
Bacterial vaginosis and trichomonas
How do you diagnose gonorrhea in men?
gram stain PMNs and see intracellular gram negative diplococci
How do you diagnose gonorrhea in women
Gram stain and culture growth on Thayer-Martin plate

**Must be reported if found to be positive
Incubation period for Neisseria gonorrhea
2-7 days
70 of females are asymptomatic for this
Neisseria gonorrhea
What complication may result from gonorrhea
Scarring to the fallopean tubes leading to infertility
Organism that causes Syphilis
Treponema pallidum

tightly coiled spirocete, motile with 3 flagella
Primary Syphilis
Hard painless shanker on penis/vagina
Secondary Syphilis
Christmas tree rash on trunk that will clear up in the sun
Tertiary Syphillis
Generally presents like manic-depressive illness

CNS changes
Describe syphyilis chancre
raised borders, not painful, lesions with spirochetes, highly infections
resolves on its own
Treponema pallidum
acid fast
Highly infections lesions during secondary syphilis
Condyloma latum
Define latent syphillis
the stage in which there is a positive serological tests for syphillis in the absesnce of any clincial disease symptoms
Sx of Tertiary Syphillis

personality changes
act "all out" like a child
reflexes are hyperactive
eyes are in Argyll Robertson pupils
Sensorium (delusions, hallucinations)
Intellect: reduction in mental capacity
Speech: slurred speach, repeat last words
Argyll Robertson Pupils
pupil doesnt restrict with light but does will accomidation

"protitute pupils"

Hutchinson's teeth
notches on the teeth

Non-treponemal Syphilis testing
screening for syphillis
crude antigen used in testing
Used to see response to tx
venereal disease research lab

spinal testing
Treponemal testing for syphilis
confirmatory, specific
has actual antigens from treponema
Positive earlier in the disease and remains positive for years

Treponema Pallidum Immobilization
Darkfield microscopy
Tx for Syphillis
penicillin or erythromycin or tetracycline is PCN allergic

after proper treatment they are no longer infection within 24-48 hours
Jarisch Herxheimer Reaction
most common with treatmetn of secondary syphillis, rash, fever, fatigue, mimics drug reaction
Organism for Chancroid
Haemophilus decrevi
What makes chancroid different from syphilis
very PAINFUL lesion
not at firm as syph lesion
What Chancroid look like on a gram stain
school of fish
inflammed lymph tissues
Grouped vesicles within a week of sexual encounter
Herpes Simplex
Tx for Herpes Simplex
Antivirals: acyclovir
Valtrex: valaciclouvir
Famvir: famcicluvir

Due to the pox virus
Molluscum contagiosum

umbilicated lesion
spread by touching
Most common cause of non-gonococcal urethritis
Chlamydia trachomatis
Staining technique for Chlamydia
incusion body

filled with glycogen and picks up iodine stain
Infectious form of Chlamydia
Elementary body

cannot replicated
metabolically inactive
Dischange of Chlymydia vs Gonorrhea
not as painful or thick
Organism for Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
Chlymydia trachomatic
Lymphogranuloma Vereneum
very painful buboes
much more common in men
Organism for Granuloma Inguinale
Klebsiella granulomatis
Pathonumonic for Granuloma inguinale
Donovan body
safety pin on bipolar staining
Organism for Gential warts
condylomata acuminata

HPV vaccine
Quadravalent vaccine
main serotypes 6,11,16,18
benign commonplace lesions on penis
pearly penile papules
PID happens at beginning and end of period... why?
becuase cervical Os is open for menses
Chandelier's Sign for PID
insert 2 fingers into the vagina and move the cervix

pt will react because it is VERY painful
organism for pubic lice
phthirus pubis

usually on the hair shaft
Organism for scabies
Sarcoptes scabei
Neisseria gonorrhea effect in babies
Opthalmic Neonatorium
hightly infectious lesions in secondary syphilis
Condyloma latum
Treatment for syphilis

Erythromycin or tetracycline if allergic