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41 Cards in this Set

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Bloating, flatulence, foul-smelling fatty diarrhea - seen in campers and hikers
Giardia lamblia
How is Giardia transmitted?
Cysts in water
How do you diagnose Giardia?
trophozoites or cysts in stool
What do you use to treat Giardia?
bloody diarrhea (dysentery) and liver abscesses (reddish brown), RUQ pain
Entamoeba histolytica
Histology shows flask shaped ulcer if submucosal abscess of colon ruptures
Entamoeba histolytica
Diagnosis and Treatment of Entamoeba histolytica
Transmission: cysts in water
Diagnosis: serology and/or trophozoites or cysts in stool; RBCs in cytoplasm of entamoeba
Treatment: Metroidazole and iodoquinol
Cysts with 4 nuclei is seen in what?
Entamoeba histolytica
Severe diarrhea in AIDS - mild disease (watery diarreha) in ICH
Acid fast cysts is seen in what to diagnose it?
How is cryptosporidium transmitted?
Cysts in water
How do you prevent Cryptosporidium?
Prevention (by filtering city water supplies)
What are 3 CNS protozoa infections?
Toxoplasma gondii
Naegleria fowleri
Trypanosoma (T. gambiense, T. rhodesiense)
Brain abscess in HIV patient (ring-enhancing lesions on CT/MRI)
Chorioretinitis, hydocephalus, intracranial calcifications
Triad of Congential toxoplasmosis
How is toxoplasmosis transmitted?
Cysts in meat or cat feces crosses placenta (pregnant women should avoid cats)
How do you diagnose and treat Toxoplasmosis?
Serology, and biopsy to diagnose
Sulfadizine and pyrimethamine to treat
rapidly fatal meningoencephalitis how do you get it?
Naegleria fowleri
get it by swimming in freshwater lakes - enter via cribiform plate
How do you diagnose and treat Naegleri fowleri?
Diagnose: amoebas in spinal fluid
Treatment: Nothing!
African sleeping sickness what causes it and what do you see?
Trypanosoma (T. gambiense, T. rhodesiense)
See enlarged lymph nodes, recurring fever (b/c of antigenic variation), somnolence, coma
A painful bite from the tsetse fly transmits what?
African sleeping sickness; Trypanosoma
How do you diagnose and treat trypanosoma
African sleeping sickness
diagnosis: blood smear
treatment: Suramin for blood borne disease, Melarsoprol for CNS penetration
What are the 2 visceral protozan infections?
1. Trypanosoma cruzi
2. Leishmania donovani
Chaga's disease is caused by what and what symptoms?
Caused by Trypanosoma cruzi - see dilated cardiomyopathy, megacolon, megaesophagus - mostly in south america
Reduviid bug transimits this disease, how do you treat it? and how is it diagnosed?
Diagnosis: blood smear
Treatment: Nifurtimox
It is Trypansoma cruzi: Chagas disease
spiking fevers, hepatosplenomegley, pancytopenia
Leshmania donovani (visceral leshmaniasis)
Transmission by sandfly how do you diagnose and what is the treatment?
Disease Leshmaniasis (from leishmania donovani)
Diagnose: macrophages containing "amastigotes" (form that lacks flagella)
Treatment Sodium stibogluconate
Protozoa that cause hematologic infections
1. Plasmodium
2. Babesia
3. Trichomonas vaginalis
3 types of Plasmodium
P. vivax/ovale
P. falciparum
P. malariae
Trophozoite ring form in RBC and RBC schizont with merozoites
Plasmodium - common in African and Latin America
cyclic fevers, headache, anemia, splenomelgy
Malaria from mosquitos (anopheles)
Malaria that cycles occur every other day where is the dormant form and what is it treated with?
dormant form in liver is treated with primaquine
Malaria that cycles every day; what do parasitized RBC's occlude?
P.falciparum - parasitized RBC's occlude capillaries in brain (cerebral malaria), kidneys and lungs
How do you diagnose and treat malaria?
Diagnose: blood smear
Treatment: chloroquine (start with), use mefloquine (if resistant to cholorquine)
For vivax/ovale - add primaquine for dormant forms in liver!
maltese cross and ring forms
fever, hemolytic anemia predominantly in northeastern US
Trasmitted by Ixodes tick
Babesia and Borrelia burgodrferi
causes babeiosis and lymes disease
*can coinfect humans
how do you diagnose and treat babesia?
blood smear - see maltese cross, and no RBC pigment
Treatment: quinine, clindamycin
Vaginitis, foul-smelling greenish discharge; burning and itching
Trichomonas vaginals (don't confuse with Gardnerella vaginalis)
How is Trichomonas transmitted?
Sexually (it cannot exist outside human because it cannot form cysts
How do you diagnose Trichamonas and what is the treatment?
Diagnosis: Trophozites (motile) on wet mount
Treatment: metronidazole