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43 Cards in this Set

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Anton Van Leeuewenhoek

Father of Microscopy

Anton Van Leeuewenhoek

Father of Microbiology

Animalcules or beasties

It is the term use by Anton Van Leeuonhoek to described minute organisms.

Louis Pasteur

Father of Modern Microbiology

Louis Pasteur

He created the Rabies vaccine.

Louis Pasteur

He invented the process of fermentation and pasteurization; proved the theory of Biogenesis.

Joseph Lister

Father of Antiseptic Surgery

Phenol or carbolic acid

It is the first antiseptic used in surgery; used by Joseph Lister

Robert Koch

Father of Microbiological Technique

Robert Koch

Father of Bacteriology

Robert Koch

Father of Medical Microbiology

Vibrio cholerae

Bacillus anthracis

Mycobacterium tuberculosis

These are the microorganism discovered by Robert Koch. (3)


Paul Ehrlich

Father of Chemotherapy


This is the compound discovered by Paul Ehrlich; the first chemotherapeutic agent

Selective toxicity

This is the phenomenon of killing invading/harmful cells without harming the host.


This is also known as Arsphenamine.


This is also known as compound 606, private 606, magic bullet, or arsphenamine.

Alexander Fleming

Father of Antibiotics

Alexander Fleming

He discovered penicillin from a mold growing from one of his petri dish and noticed the zone of inhibition around the it.


It is the first antibiotic discovered.

Penicillium notatum

Penicillin, when discovered by Alexander Fleming, was obtained from: (scientific name)

Penicillium notatum

Penicillium chrysogenum

What are the scientific name of the molds where penicillin can be extracted?

Richard Petri

He invented the petri dish.

Emil Von Behring

He discovered the diphtheria toxin and created an antitoxin.

"The DEEP wound is BEHRING a toxin!"

Rudolf Virchow

Father of Pathology

"CHOWking cooks PATHO!"

Rudolf Virchow

He proposed the theory of biogenesis.


Ignaz Semmelweis

He proposed hand washing before surgery to prevent sepsis; proposed that germs can also come from medical practitioner.

"It is best to WEIS your hand!"

Edward Jenner

He discovered the process of immunization; those previously infected with cowpox did not have a severe reaction with the endemic smallpox; created the smallpox vaccine

"Edward has a COW and Jenner has a POX!"

Edward Jenner

Father of Immunology


He proposed the theory of abiogenesis


Carolus Linnaeus

He proposed the two kingdom system—Plantae and Animalia.


He proposed the five kingdom system—Monera, Protista, Fungi, Plantae and Animalia.


He proposed the three kingdom system—Bacteria, Archeae, and Eukarya.


He proposed the six kingdom system—Bacteria, Archeae, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.


This is the science of classification.

Carolus Linnaeus

Father of Taxonomy

Prokaryotic cells are:

I. Genetic material is not enclosed within a membrane

II. Lack other membrane-bound organelles

III. DNA is (not) associated with histone proteins

IV. Cell wall is peptidoglycan

Prokaryotic cells are:

I. Genetic material is not enclosed within a membrane

II. Lack other membrane-bound organelles

III. DNA is associated with histone proteins

IV. Cell wall is peptidoglycan


I. Divided by binary fission (mitosis)

II. Always (May have) have flagella and cilia

III. Absence (Presence) of nuclear membrane and nucleolus

IV. DNA is linear, usually complexed with histones

Eukaryotic cells are:

I. Divided by binary fission

II. Always have flagella and cilia

III. Absence of nuclear membrane and nucleolus

IV. DNA is linear, usually complexed with histones

Gerhard Domagk

He discovered Prontosil, a dye where the sulfa drugs are derived.


Bacteria avoids phagocytosis and dessication due to their:


Composition of fungal cell wall:

Cell wall

Endotoxin is associated with bacterial?


Giemsa stain is used to stain: