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15 Cards in this Set

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4 famous microbiologist and their contribution

Watson and crick- dna structure, lister - disinfectant to prevent surgical wound infection, Hooke- first to observe cells, Jenner- first vaccine for small pox

List steps of gram stain lab

Step 1

Start with a slide of dry heat fixed bacteria- Gram negative and Gram positive = same color, Step 2

Add crystal violet, let it set for about a minute, rinse with water- Gram neg. and pos. = same color, Step 3

Add iodine, wait one minute, rinse with water, Add alcohol, leave for a minute, rinse with water, Add safarin, wait one minute- Gram negative- Pink

Gram positive- Purple

List 4 modes of transmission

Direct contact, airborne transmission, common vehicle transmission, vector transmission

Are microbes good or bad for you

Both good and bad... they are good because they can be found in medicines and things that help clean the environment, they are bad because some of them can make you sick

List and describe 5 microbiology careers

1: food scientists and technologists- test food and beverages for pathogens. 2: teachers- create lesson plans to educate students about microbiology, 3: science writer- writes articles on current microbiology news, 4: mycologists- study disease causing fungus and fungus that produce antibiotics, 5: immulogists- investigate how a body defends it self against disease

List and define 6 organelles that are found in eukaryotic cells

Nucleus- a large organelle that stores the cell’s DNA, Mitochondria- make energy out of food, ribosomes- make protein, Golgi apparatus- make process and package proteins, lysosome- contains digestive enzymes that help digest foods, vacuole- used for storage

List the diseases that DPT and MMR vaccines are used to prevent

Measles, mumps, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis

Examples of macronutrients

Carbohydrates, lipids, protein

Examples of micronutrients

Vitamins, minerals( calcium, magnesium, potassium)

List and describe 4 main nutritional classes

Carbs- main energy of source for the brain, protein- major structural component of cells and is responsible for the building and repair of body tissues, fat- energy source that when consumed, increases the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins including vitamins A, D, E and K, water- Water helps to maintain homeostasis in the body and transports nutrients to cells.

3 types of bacteria shape

Coccus, bacillus, spiral

3 types of leukocyte

Granulocytes- able to injest foreign cells such as bacteria and viruses. Monocytes- can develop into two types of cells. Lymphocytes- cells to help regulate the body immune system two types B cells and T cells

Three types of capsids



Complex (these are usually only found in non-animal viruses)

3 granulocytes

Neutrophilis can ingest up to between around 5 and 20 bacteria in its lifetime. Eosinophils- can ingest up to between around 5 and 20 bacteria in its lifetime. Basophils are also involved in allergic reactions and are able to release histamine

Batch culture

Lag phase- very little to no bacterial growth. Log phase bacterial cells double at constant rate. Stationary phase- population growth levels off. Death phase- no activity