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46 Cards in this Set

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The urinary system consists of
two kidneys, two ureters, a bladder, and a urethra
Antimicrobial properties of urinary system
Natural urine acidity

Flushing properties of urine

Valves to prevent black-flow

Semen contains lysozyme

low pH makes microbes inhospitable
The female reproductive system consists of
two ovaries, two uterine (fallopian tubes), a uterus, cervix, vagina, and external genitals
The male reproductive system includes
two testes, a system of ducts/glands, and a penis
Normal urinary microbiota
Lactobacilli in vagina/ opening of urethra


Candida albicans in vagina/opening of urethra
Purpose of lactobacilli in vagina
produce lactic acid to maintain normal vaginal pH to inhibit development of microbes
Purpose of estrogen on vaginal microorganisms
promote growth of lactobacilli
Microbiota of bladder and male urethra
None/ normally sterile
Inflammation of bladder/ side effect of urethritis/ UTI

Cause: Usually E. coli from rectum (also from Pseudomonas, Enterococcus, Klebsiella, and Staphylococcus)

Symptoms: painful/difficult urination

Dx: culturing CFUs


Prevention: ingestion of cranberry juice to eliminate E. coli
inflammation of one or more kidneys

Symptoms: fever, dysuria, flank back pain

Dx: blood cultures or gram stain of >10,000 CFUs

Treatment: extended IV administration of cephalosporins
Domestic animal disease that can cause human liver damage (Weil's Disease)

Cause: spirochete Leptospira interrogans

Humans infected via contact with animal urine in water or soil through skin abrasion

Risk: animal occupations

Symptoms: headache, muscle aches, chills, fever within 2 weeks

Dx: serological test of blood or urine

Treatment: Doxycycline
Weil's Disease
liver damage caused by leptospirosis
Bacterial STD that can infect orally, rectally, or urethra/cervix

Anchor itself to urinary tract and release edotoxins

Cause: gram negative diplococcus Neisseria gonorrhea

Symptoms: men show painful urination/discharge in 2-3 days while women may not present with any

Dx: stain smear of pus for men/culture of cervix for women or ELISA test

Treatment: cephalosporins or fluoroquinolones for both partners

Prevention: newborns eyes treated immediately after birth
Gonorrhea can cause a coinfection of both
urethritis or chlamydia
Nongonococcal Urethritis (NGU)
urethritis not caused by gonorrhea
Cause: C. trachomatis

Symptoms: women usually asymptomatic / men present with watery discharge and painful urination

Dx: 72 yr DNA cultivation/ NAAT/AMP urine tests

Treatment: tetracycline/ doxycycline
Most cases of pelvic inflammatory disease are caused by
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
collective term for extensive bacterial infection of female pelvic organs

Cause: often gonorrhea or chlamydia infections

Dx: combo of previous related infection and current symptoms

Treatment: cephalosporins
microbes from bacterial infection attach to sperm and are carried to cervix

Can lead to sterility, ectopic pregnancy, and chronic pain
Cause: gram negative spirochete Treponema pallidum through sexual contact or saliva

Occurs in four stages

Dx: silver stains of fluid from lesions/ serological tests such as VDLR, RPR, FTA-ABS

Treatment: benzathine/ PCN or antibiotics to expecting mothers
Syphilis Stages
1. Chancre- painless sore, usually on genitals 10-90 days after infection

2. Secondary-varying skin rash usually on palms of hands, patchy hair loss, and mild fever

3. Latent- no symptoms for 2-4 years/ noninfectious

4. Tertiary-gummas appear on organs/ leads to CV/ Neuro symptoms
Lymphogranuloma Venerum (LGV)
Cause: serovar C. trachomatis in tropical regions

Symptoms: swollen lymph nodes/ genital enlargement

Dx: aspiration of pus from nodes stained with iodine

Treatment: doxycycline
Occurs in tropical areas/ associated with drug use

Cause: haemophilus ducreyi

Symptoms: swollen, painful ulcers on genitals lymph nodes (buboes)

Dx: aspiration of pus from nodes

Treatment: erythromycin or ceftriaxone but tissue destruction irreversible
Bacterial vaginosis
Inflammation of vagina

Cause: fungus Candida albicans or G. vaginalis which is normal in vagina but grows in excess under pH changes

Symptoms: vaginal pH above 4.5 with frothy and fishy d/c

Dx: fishy "whiff" test

Treatment: metronidazole, acetic acid gels, and yogurt
Genital Herpes
Cause: herpes simplex virus 2

Symptoms: painful urination, genital irritation, and fluid-filled vesicles for 2-3 weeks then latent period

Stress, menses, and fever may trigger relapse
Immune complex disease causing inflammation and damage of glomeruli of kidneys

Cause: strep/virus infections
Bacterial Vaginitis
Normal microflora of vagina (usually Gardnarella vaginalis) have opportunity to multiply due to pH change
Male equivalent to vaginitis
Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)
Cause: toxogenic strains of Staphylococcus aureus

Symptoms: fever, low blood pressure, red rash on trunk, shock

Organisms release toxins into bloodstream
STD which infects urogenital tract and feeds on other bacteria

Cause: protozoan parasite T. vaginalis

Symptoms: itching, white d/c

Treatment: metronidazole (unless pregnant)
Risk factors of contracting Gonorrhea
oral contraceptives (alters vaginal conditions in favor of microbial growth)

condom/spermicide reuse

Over the past 20 years chlamydial infections have
Genital herpes is related to increased risk of
C-Section (required to prevent fatal neonatal herpes)
Other HPV infections include
lip infections
Herpes pneumonia
Corneal infections
aka genital warts caused by HPV

Symptoms: asymptomatic in men

Prevention: condoms not useful/ new vaccine available
herpatic infection on finger that can result in oral, ocular, or genital herpes
Neurological damage, including thickening of the meninges, alaxia, paralysis, and insanity
inclusion blennorrhea
mild chlamydial infection in the eyes of infants
herpatic vesicles of cornea or eyelid
Herpes pneumonia
rare form of herpes seen in burn patients, AIDs patients, and alcoholics
granulomatous inflammation

symptomatic of syphilis that destroys tissues
Elementary body
infectious stage in the life cycle of chlamydia
Opportunistic circumstances of bacterial vaginitis includes

antibiotic use



Cause of AIDS
human immunodeficiency retrovirus which release transcriptase
reverse transcriptase
reverse enzyme found in AIDs used to make DNA from its RNA

Becomes integrated into host's chromosomes
Symptoms of AIDs
flu-like symptoms followed by asymptomatic period of months or years

Kaposi's sarcoma