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36 Cards in this Set

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A rod-shaped procaryote.
A layer of well-organized material, not easily washed off, lying outside the bacterial cell wall.
cell envelope
All the structures of a procaryote from the plasma membrane outward.
The movement of a microorganism toward chemical attractants and away from chemical repellents.
A spherical procaryotic cell.
An extremely heat- and chemical-resistant, dormant, thick-walled spore that develops within some gram-positive bacteria.
Fine, hairlike protein appendages on some procaryotes; some help attach cells to surfaces and others are involved in a type of twitching motility.
Fluid mosaic model
The currently accepted model of cell membranes in which the membrane is a lipid bilayer with integral proteins buried in the lipid and peripheral proteins more loosely attached to the membrane surface.
gas vacuole
A proteinaceous cytoplasmic organelle composed of clusters of gas-filled vesicles; used by aquatic procaryotes to change location in a water column.
A network of polysaccharides extending from the surface of procaryotes.
inclusion bodies
Granules of organic or inorganic material in the cytoplasm of bacteria.
lipopolysaccharides (LPSs)
Molecules containing both lipid and polysaccharide, which are located in the outer membrane of the cell wall of gram-negative bacteria.
An irregularly shaped region in the procaryotic cell that consists of its genetic material.
An essential component of the bacterial cell wall composed of long chains of alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid residues; chains are linked to each other by short chains of amino acids.
periplasmic space
The space between the plasma membrane and outermost layers of the cell wall in procaryotes.
A double-stranded DNA molecule that can exist and replicate independently of the chromosome or may be integrated with it; it is not required for the cell's growth and reproduction.
porin proteins
Proteins that form channels for the transport of small molecules across the outer membrane of gram-negative bacterial cell walls.
sex pili
Thin protein appendage required for bacterial conjugation; cells with sex pili donate DNA to recipient cells.
A regularly structured layer composed of protein or glycoprotein that lies on the surface of many procaryotes.
slime layer
A layer of diffuse, unorganized, easily removed material lying outside the cell wall.
A rigid, spiral-shaped bacterium.
A flexible, spiral-shaped bacterium with periplasmic flagella.
cocci (s., coccus)
roughly spherical cells.
diplococci (s., diplococcus)
divided cocci that remain together to form pairs.
comma-shaped, rod-like procaryotes.
a branch network of long filaments (hyphae) formed by actinomycetes.
procaryotes that are variable in shape and lack a single, characteristic form.
(function of) inclusion bodies?
storage of carbon, phosphate, and other substances.
term used to describe polar and nonpolar ends of structurally asymmetric membrane-associated lipids.
stabilize eucaryotic membranes
the plasma membrane and everything within.
gas vesicle
a rigid, enclosed cylinder that is hollow and impermeable to water but freely permeable to atmospheric gases. (gas vacuoles are made up of enormous numbers of gas vesicles.)
an inorganic inclusion body used by magnetotactic bacteria to orient themselves in Earth's magnetic field.
define a Svedberg unit
(e.g. 50S, 30S, 70S, etc.) The unit of sedimentation coefficient, a measure of the sedimentation velocity in a centrifuge; the faster a particle travels when centrifuged, the grater its Svedberg value or sedimentation coefficient.
plasmids that are integrated into the chromosome and subsequently replicated.
What is curing?
The loss of a plasmid.