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152 Cards in this Set

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Staphylococcal food poisoning
and clostridial food poisoning
are _______
- typhoid fever
- salmonellosis
- shigellosis
- E. Coli diarrheas
- peptic ulcer disease
- campylobacteriosis
- brucellosis
- cholera
- bacillus cereus
- other
are examples of:
Mouth -- G.I. Tract
Portal of entry
_____- illnesses in which bacterial toxins are ingested with food and water
______ - illnesses in which live bacterial pathogens are ingested and grow in the body
The ______ ______ is the time between
* consumption of contaminated material
* appearance of symptoms
incubation period
Clinical ______ and duration of illness depend on:
* the toxin or microbe (what it is)
* the infectious dose (how much you ate)
______ can make individuals more or less prone to food/waterborne illness
* for example, age or sanitary conditions
* we usually lose the "bookends" - the very young and the very old. with so many opposite characteristics, what do these 2 different groups have in common?
What causes these intoxications and infections is contact with _____ contaminated food and water
- Contamination -
_____ can be infected during improper slaughter procedure
Fruits and vegetables can be washed with contaminated ______
Infected humans can _____ food they handle through the fecal-oral route
_____-contamination can occur:
* between foods
* via knife, cutting board, etc.
_____ contamination can occur by defecation of infected individuals in public water sources
Improperly stored foods can contain large numbers of _____ because of rapid multiplication.
Bacterial food poisoning can result from an ______
Clostridium botulinum is the source of ______
C. botulinum produces a deadly ____ that attacks the nervous system, causing flaccid paralysis
Death is caused within 1-2 days of symptom onset by respiratory paralysis
Symptom of Botulism: _____ _____
Flaccid Paralysis
If treated early, large doses of antitoxins can neutralize the toxin
Most outbreaks are related to home canned foods or from foods eaten cold (heat destroys the toxin)
Wound ______ occurs when a wound is infected with C. botulinum
____ botulism, aka floppy baby syndrome, frequently occurs when an infant is fed honey
Minute doses of _____ toxin can be used to treat movement disorders and to remove facial wrinkles
Symptoms start ~ 11/2 days after eating food
* 7 strains A-G - we are most affected by
A,B & E
* In U.S, around 100 cases/year
* U.S., Germany began weaponizing toxin in WWII, Iraq deployed missiles filled with botulinum toxin in 1990.
Staphylococcus aureus causes ______ food poisoning
_____ are often consumed in protein-rich foods such as:
* meat and fish
* dairy products
The _____ causes gastroenteritis for several hours
- Symptoms: nausea, vomiting and diarrhea starting at T+30min.
Food is often _____ by:
- boils or abscesses on a handler's skin
- through sneezing
Proper handling, refrigeration, and heating help decrease the risk of ______
Commonly contaminated are meat, poultry, and fish
Clostridium perfringens
Clinical symptoms require a high infectious dose, and take 8-24 hours to appear and is usually over in 24hrs
Clostridial food poisoning
Most GI infections require a large dose of ______; shigella and E. coli O157 are exceptions
_____ _____ is caused by salmonella enterica serotype typhi (S. typhi).
Typhoid Fever
__ _____ is transmitted by the five Fs:
- flies
- food
- fingers
- feces
- fomites
S. typhi (typhoid fever)
Salmonella enterica serotype ___ _____
S. typhi
__ _____ is acid resistant -- can survive in sewage and the stomach
S. typhi
___ _____ passes through the stomach to the small intestine
- it causes ulcers, bleeding, and pain
- CNS symptoms -- delirium, coma
- Rose spots on the skin, and not much diarrhea, but mucus and blood in the feces
Salmonella enterica
S. Typhi
Invasion into cardiovascular system can occur
- Rose spots indicate blood hemorrhage
S. Typhi
Vaccines contain dead or attenuated __ ____ or polysaccharides from __ ____ capsule - effective for ~ 2yrs.
S. Typhi
_____ can be contracted from a variety of foods
______ is usually caused by S. enterica serotype enteritidis or typhimurium
Gastroenteritis occurs 6-48 hours after a large infectious dose of _______
* Symptoms of ______ include, fever, nausea and/or vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, dehydration
* Rarely fatal - (but your feel like you want to die!)
_______ can also be transmitted by live animals
- milk
* Chickens and reptiles can carry _____ eggs also
* Occurs where sanitary conditions are lacking
Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery)
______ is primarily caused by shigella sonnei
- S. dysenteriae causes epidemics in the developing world
Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery)
Contaminated foods commonly include:
* eggs
* vegetables
* shellfish
* dairy
Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery)
An infectious dose requires as few as 10 __ ____ individuals
Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery)
Shiga toxin production in the intestinal epithelium destroys GI epithelial cells ~ ulcerations of the intestines ~ bloody stools
Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery)
Infection of the large intestine can lead to fatal dysentery
Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery)
* 18,000 cases/year in U.S.
* No vaccine is available
Shigellosis (bacterial dysentery)
Typhoid fever, shigellosis, campylobacteriosis are the main ___ ____ infections that cause bloody stools
GI tract
______ caused by campylobacter jejuni is largely self limiting but recovery can be aided by antibiotic
Causes dysentery = extremely watery diarrhea ~ enormous fluid loss
_____ is caused by vibrio cholerae
___ _____ are often consumed with raw oysters and water
- the cells are susceptible to stomach acid
- a large infectious dose is needed to colonize intestines
V. cholerae
Tenting of Skin
Saris in 3rd world countries can be folded 4-8 times to filter out most _____
_____ toxin causes unrelenting loss of fluid and electrolytes through diarrhea (up to 1 L/hour)
If untreated, fluid loss leads to shock and coma
- can kill a healthy human adult in 3 days
Antibiotics and restoration of water and electrolyte balance are effective in treatment
Vaccines using dead V. cholerae are available
Causes various forms of gastroenteritis
E. coli Diarrhea's
______ is normally found in the human intestine, but certain serotypes are pathogenic
E. coli
"Travelers trots", "Montezuma's revenge", infantile diarrhea, E. coli O157:H7 (will kill you)
E. coli diarrhea's
______ ___ _____ produce a toxin that causes gastroenteritis - is non-invasive
- a.k.a traveler's diarrhea, infantile diarrhea
Enterotoxic E. coli
_______ ___ _____ cause diarrhea in infants, or particularly where sanitation is lacking - "moderately invasive" - symptoms caused mostly by inflammation, not toxins
Enteropathogenic E. coli
__________ ___ ______ is often transmitted by undercooked ground beef (or bagged spinach)
Enterohermorrhagic E. coli
______ - refers to surface identity markers (will kill you)
Enterohermorrhagic E. coli
* Contamination also occurs in unpasteurized milk and juice, sprouts, lettuce, and salami
* Infection can occur from contact with cattle or swimming in/consuming contaminated water
Enterohermorrhagic E. coli
* A small infectious dose causes hemorrhagic colitis (bloody stool) 1-8 days after infection
* Complications can occur in young children or the elderly, but most cases resolve in 5-10 days
* most serious complication is hemolytic uremia
Enterohermorrhagic E. coli
* can be spread person to person
* Helicobacter pylori
Gastric Ulcer Disease
* it is unknown how __ ____ is transmitted but it likely involves contaminated food or water - kissing???
* people can infect dogs??
H. pylori
Gastric Ulcer Disease
The bacteria produce urease, which in turn produces ammonia
- ammonia neutralizes acid in that area of the colony, allowing the bacteria to survive
H. pylori
Gastric Ulcer Disease
The ammonia, and an H. pylori cytotoxin destroy ____-secreting cells
* this creates an ulcer
A ____ breath test is used - detects radioactive CO2 coming from hydrolysis of urea
Results from consumption of contaminated poultry or dairy products; drinking from a stream
________ is the most common cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in the U.S.
______ ______ is transmitted through the fecal-oral route, usually by poultry
Campylobacter jejuni
Colonization of the intestine occurs during a 2-7 day incubation period
_____ - ____ _____ is a rare nervous system disease that may develop
Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Usually manifests itself as meningoencephalitis or septicemia
Is caused by listeria monocytogenes - a psychrophile
_____ is transmitted by:
* food contaminated with feces
* contaminated animal products like cold cuts and soft cheeses
______ usually affects pregnant women, the elderly, or immunocompromised
________ is characterized by
* headaches
* stiff neck
* delirium
* coma
______ is a blood disease involving high numbers of infected monocytes
Infection of the uterus can occur in women - can cause mental retardation and developmental abnormalities in unborn children - ______ disease
Brucella species cause ______, which affects people who work with large ruminant animals
infection can occur through eyes, abrasions, or consumption of contaminated dairy products
The bacteria are transported to the spleen and lymph glands upon infection, causing flu-like symptoms
_____ is also called undulant fever because of a specific fever pattern
____ species other than V. cholerae can cause illness
___ ______ is a common problem where large amounts of seafood are consumed
V. parahaemolyticus
___ _____ is transmitted by oysters and clams
- it can cause a deadly systemic infection
- can also cause a "flesh eating disease"
- found in gulf coast waters
V. vulnificus
_____ ______ can cause diarrhea or vomiting
- infections usually occur from eating contaminated cooked grains
- produces a toxin that causes emesis(vomit)
- can throw blood pH off
Bacillus cereus
______ _____ causes intestinal illness
- infection is often from eating raw seafood
Plesiomonas shigelloides
_____ _____ cause both cholera-like and dysentery-like diarrhea's
Aeromonas hydrophila
_____ is a chronic, infectious disease
- it is one of the top five most reported microbial diseases in the U.S.
It is caused by Treponema palladium, a spirochete for which humans are the only host
____ ____ is characterized by a lesion (chancre) where the bacteria entered the body
Primary syphilis (pic of lesion on tongue)
____ _____ involves:
- fever
- skin rash
- swollen lymph nodes
* a chronic latent stage of 3-30 years follows in which relapses of secodary syphilis occur
Secondary syphilis
______ _____ involves formation of gummas that can cause:
* weakening and bursting of blood vessels
* degeneration of spinal cord tissue
* brain damage leading to personality and judgment changes and insanity
tertiary syphilis
______ ____ can occur in the fetus of a pregnant woman, leading to:
- stillbirth (kill baby)
- birth defects such as Hutchinson's triad
Congenital syphilis
Symptoms of ______ ______
* Weird thick teeth
* Interstitial keratitis (blindness)
* Eighth nerve (deafness)
Hutchinson's triad
______ can be an infection in any sexually active person
______ is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae
______ can also affect the:
* Reproductive organs
* Pharynx
* Rectum
* eyes
Infants can contract ______ ophthalmia while passing through the birth canal
In females it can spread to the fallopian tubes, causing:
* pelvic inflammatory disease
* possible sterility
* ectopic pregnancy (baby gets stuck)
* salpingitis (fallopian tube closes)
Males experience:
* tingling of the penis
* pain when urinating
* penile discharge
* swollen lymph nodes
* painful testicles
Many affected males are asymptomatic (dont think they have it)
______ _____ can be asymptomatic
- is the most commonly reported notifiable disease in the U.S.
- is one of several diseases known as a nongonococcal urethritis
Chlamydial Urethritis
______ is caused by Chlamydia trachomatis
85-90% of infected individuals are asymptomatic
Chlamydial Urethritis
* ___ _____ cannot make its own ATP and must rely on the host cell for energy
* It has two phases: the infectious elementary body and the noninfectious reticulate body
C. trachomatis
Spreading to the fallopian tubes can cause salpinigitis
C. trachomatis
If left untreated it can cause PID (pelvic inflammatory disease)
C. trachomatis
Males complain of painful urination and watery discharge
* it can cause infertility in males
C. trachomatis
______ can also occur in the pharynx or anus
______ can contact chlamydial ophthalmia during delivery
______ can be detected by a fluorescent antibody test or DNA analysis
Species of ______ are used to investigate the evolution of pathogenicity
______ causes painful genital ulcers
- (soft chancre) is caused by Haemophilus ducreyi
- caused by low hygiene
- Is common in areas with low public health standards and tropical climates
- a papule forms at the entry site that fills with pus and breaks down
- this leaves a painful, bleeding ulcer
- lesions often form on the penis in men, labia or clitoris in females
______ ______ produces mild symptoms
Ureaplasmal urethritis
It is an NGU caused by Ureaplasma urealyticum (T-mycoplasma)
Ureaplasmal Urethritis
Symptoms are similar to those of gonorrhea or chlamydia, but are often mild
- infertility can occur in men, salpingitis in women
Ureaplasmal Urethritis
_____ _____ can colonize the placenta during pregnancy, causing:
- miscarriage or
- premature birth
Ureaplasmal Urethritis
______ ______ is caused by a different serotype of C. trachomatis than chlamydia
- it is more common in men than women
- it is common in Southeast asia, and central and south America
Lymphogranuloma venerium
______ ______ is caused by Calymmatobacterium granulomatis
- it is rare in europe and North America
Granuloma inguinale
Characterized by:
- bledding ulcer
- swollen lymph nodes in the groin
Granuloma inguinale
* tissue samples reveal masses of bacterial cells (Donovan bodies) within white blood cells in the lesion
* Anal intercourse is the most frequent route of infection
Granuloma inguinale
_____ is a general term for various mild infections of the vagina or vulva
- bacterial vaginosis is the most common form, caused by Gardnerella vaginalis
______ is a Chronic, Systemic Infection
* It is caused by Mycobacterium leprae, an obligate intracellular parasite
Leprosy (Hansen Disease)
About 95% of the world's population is immune to _____ it is spread through nasal secretions
- it has a long incubation period of 3-6 years
_____ causes
- disfigurement of skin and bones
- twisting of limbs and curling of fingers
- loss of facial features
In multibacillary or lepromatous ______ , tumor-like lepromas form on the skin and respiratory tract
- The immune system does not react
________ contact
* Diseases have several manifestations
* Localized skin infections involve puss-filled pockets in the skin
______ is an infection at the base of a hair follicle
An ______ is a circumscribed puss-filled lesion
A ______ (boil) is a warm, painful abscess beneath the skin surface
If an ______ breaks, infection can be spread
_______ are a group of connected, deeper abscesses transmitted by skin contact
_______ is a skin infection common in children involving oozing blisters in the epidermis
Antibiotic resistance in ____ ______ is well known
S. aureus
Some __. _____ diseases result from contact with toxin
S. Aureus
______ skin syndrome involves red, wrinkled, tender, and peeling skin
- This usually occurs in children or immunocompromised people
_____ ______ ______ a characterized by sudden fever and circulatory collapse
- use of tampons have been associated with ____, but it is not the only cause.
Toxic Shock Syndrome
______ is transmitted by personal contact
- _____ is the worlds leading cause of preventable blindness
- it is caused by a serotype of Chlamydia trachomatis