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45 Cards in this Set

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general chracteristics of Rickettsia, xociella, Ehrilichia, and Bartonella
very mally bacillus, aerobic, weakly Gram negative, Giemasa stain
R. rickettsii virulence factor
obligate intracellular parasite
pathophysiology of R. rickettsii
inoculation via antropd vector --> local invastion and replication --> widespread dissemination. tissue injury due to replication in vascular endothelium
reservoir of R. rickettsii
rodents + ticks
disease of R. rickettsii
Rock mount spotted fever - acute onset. classic triad: fever, headache, rash. macular to petechial rash with centripetal spread. rash begins at ankles then goes to trunk
lab diagnosis of R. rickettsii
Weil-felix reaction (agglutination tests), specific serology,indirect fluorescent antibody, direct visualization, culture (difficult and slow)
treatment of R. rickettsii
tetracycline and chloramphenicol (doxycline)
virulence factor R. akari
obligate intracellular parasite
reservoir of R. akari
mouse + mite
disease of R. akari
rickettial pox. classies triad with papulovesicular rash. infection is biphasic - mild febilre illness --> sever fever and headaches
lab diagnosis of R. akari
weil-felix reaction, IFA, direct visualization, PCR
treatment of R. akari
tetracyline (doxycline) or chloramphenicol
virulence factor of r. prowazekii
obligate intracellular parasite
reservoir of R. prowazekii
human body louse
disease of R. prowazekii
epdiemic typhus/louse borne typhus: acue onset of classic triad with maculopapular rash 91st drunk then body), lots of complications
Brill-zinsser disease - reccurent epdiemic typhus
lab diagnosis of R. prowazekii
weil-felix reaction, IFA, direct visualization, PCR
treatment of R. proawazekii
tetracyline (doxycline) or chloramphenicol
prevention of R. prowazekii
vaccine: formaldehyde-inactivated R. prowazekii or live/attenuated strain
virulence factor of R. typhi
obligate intracellular parasite
reservoir of R. typhi
rodents + flea
disease of R. typhi
gradual triad + nausea, may or may not have rash
lab diagnosis of R. typhi
weil-felix, IFA, direct visualization, PCR
treatment of R. typhi
tetracyline (doxycline) or chloramphenicol
virulence factor of C. brunetii
obligate intracellular spores antigenic variation
pathophysiology of C. burnetii
transmission via inhalation or ingestion of contaminated milk no vector
reservoir of C. burnetii
animals, sheep, spores in soil
diseases of C. burnetii
Q fever- acute - triad respiratory sytmptoms no rash
chronic - aubacute endocarditis, 50 percent asymptomatic, only ricksettia that cause peneumo and no rash
lab diagnosis of C. burnetii
serology, PCR
treamtne of C. burnetii
acute - tetracycline
chronic - ramfpcin + tetracycline or TMPSXT
virulence of E. chaffeensis
obligate intracellulr parasite
reservoir of E. chaffeensis
deer + tick
disease of E. chaffeensis
chrichiosis: ferve headache, malaise, myalgia, no rash
lecuopenia (low WBC) and thormbocytopenia (low platelets)
monocytic ehrilichiosis infects moncytes in blood and tissue
grandulocytic ehrlichiosis - infection of granulocytes
lab diagnosis of E. chaffeensis
IFA, PCR, direct visualization, blood smear
treatment of E. chaffeensis
tetracyline (doxycline)
virulence factors of B. henselae
not an obligate intracellular parasite
pathophysiology of B. henselae
bartonella gives rise to angioproliferative lesions
reservoir of B. henselae
cats + cat flea
disease of B. henselae
cat scratch disease - inital pustule/capsule --> fever, malaise --> lymhadenophathy
unusual manisfestations: perinauds oculoglandular syndrome, encephalitits, hepatitits
associated disease states - angiomatosis, bacillary peliosis hepatitis, relapsing fever with bacteremia
lab diagnosis of B. henselae
culture, serology, histology, PCR
treatment of B. henselae
CSD: rifampin, ciproflaxacin, TMP-SXT, gentamicin, doxycline
virulence factor of B. quintana
not an obligate intracellular paraiste
disease of B. quintana
trench fever - persistent/recurrent fever, headache, weakenss, mylagia, no rash, point pain
lab diagnosis of B. quintana
serology, PCR
treatment of B. quintana
tetracycline or chloramphenicol
reservoir of B. quintana
human body tissue (the homeless)