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7 Cards in this Set

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1. Tinea Capitis

2. Tinea Barbae

3. Tinea Corporis

4. Tinea Cruris

5. Tinea pedis/manuum

6. Tinea unguium

1. Ringworm - Scalp/hair

2. " " - Chin/Beard

3. " " - Body/Smooth Skin

4. " " - Groin/Jock itch

5. " " - Foot & Hand

6. " " - Nails

Opportunistic Pathogens:

1. Candida albicans

a. Candidiasis

b. Thrush

c. Vulvovaginal yeast infection

d. Cutaneous candidiasis

*Predisposing factors

1. fungal nosocomial infections

a. Yeast infection/ budding cells form

pseudohyphae, short-lived

b. thick, white growth (mouth & throat)

c. Female/discharge & ulceration

d. moist areas of skin/ burn victims

1. Cryptococcus neoformans

2. Pneumocystis (carinii) jiroveci

3. Aspergillus

4. Zygomycosis

5. Mycotoxicoses

a. stachybotrys chartarum

1. Yeast / common in AIDS, cancer & diabetes

2. Infection of lungs blocks breathing / causes pneumonia / affected

meninges & brain

3. Airborne soil fungus / affects lungs, eyes, heart & brain

4. Soil, water fungi / opportunistic (diabetes) / membranes of eyes, nose,

heart & brain

5. Fungal toxins / poisonous food

a. "black mold" causes cancer (sick building syndrome)



1. Algae

a. Karenia brevis

b. Cyanobacteria

2. Protozoa

a. trophozoite vs. cyst

Actual kingdom - organisms lacking special tissue

1. Photosynthetic / may or may not have flagella

a. grows quick creates blooms / red tide produce toxin brevetoxins

b. blue-green algae / produce toxins by drinking or bathing standing

bodies of water

2. Most harmless, spread by vectors / heterotrophic - feed on other


a. feeding stage (active) / dormant stage - some can do both stages &

produce sexually

Protozoan Classification:

1. Nastigophora

2. Sarcodina

3. Ciliophora

4. Apicomplexa

1. Flagella motility / sexual / cyst & trop capable

2. Sudopod (false feet) motility / asexual

3. Cilia motility / C & T capable

4. No motility (rely on vectors) / both sex & asex

1. Balantidium coli

2. Leishmaniasis

3. Amebiasis

1. Intestinal erosion / ingested / healthy resistant

2. Sand fly bite / large sores (L. major - most common)

3. Large trophozoite / humans primary hosts / ingested / cyst to 4 active cells

1. Entamoeba histolytica

2. Naegleria fowleri/Acanthamoeba

3. Giardia Iamblia

4. Trichomonas

a. Trichomonas vaginalis / trichomoniasis

1. Small intestine (4 cysts) / asymptomatic / enzyme dissolves tissues

(tumor like growths - liver & lungs)

2. standing water thru nasal passage / infiltration of brain

3. Travelers diarrhea (shed in feces) / ingested / pathogenic cysts into

duodenum / resistant to bleach

4. Pear-shaped, 4 flagella / only trophoziote no movement

a. asystematic (strict parasite) Female - foul smell, yellow discharge

Male - urethritis / milky discharge (diagnosed by smear) / STD