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33 Cards in this Set

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Define Pathogen

A disease-causing microrganism

Define Normal Flora

Normal bacteria that live in our body that our body needs

Define Transient Flora

Flora that is not the bodies permeant flora that can colonise on the skin.

Includes bacteria, fungi and viruses

Define opportunistic pathogens

Harmless microorganism until given the right condition

Define Binary fission

Method of reproduction by bacteria to create a new cell from an older cell. (1 splits into 2, 2 splits into 4)

Define Eucarocytes

Anything with a true nucleus that replicate with sexual reprduction.

-> fungi, algae, protozoa

-> Humans, animals etc.

Define Procaryote

A single celled organism


What is nomenclature and how is it done?

A way of naming bacteria.


(First letter of genesis & full species)

-italics or underlined

-Genesus with capital & species with lower case.

ex. E.coli (italics)

Bacteria contain no ______ but contain ______



What temperatures do the following bacteria like:

A. physchrophiles

B. mesophiles

C. Thermophiles

A. 0-20

B. 20-40

C. 45-350

What do the following like:

a. Anerobic

b. Aerobic

c. Faculative anerobic

a. does NOT like oxygen

b. requires oxygen

c. can switch/survive w both

a. What PH do bacteria like?

b. What % of moisture do bacteria like?

c. what will happen to bacteria if moisture is taken away from them?

a. 7

b. >90%

c. They will stop growing/dividing, but will not kill them

What are the phases of bacterial growth?

Lag phase

log phase

stationary phase

death phase

-> more bacteria in the environment so they do less and eventually will die due to competition.

What are the four most common bacterial shapes?

Bacilli (rod)

Cocci (round)

Spriochetes (spiral)

diplococci (x2 kidney bean shaped)

Gram stain positive



cell membrane



Peptidoglycon layer

Gram stain negative



Cell membrane



Peptidoglycon layer

What is the purpose of the gram stain?

Determine the chemical make-up of cell walls of bacteria

Viruses have ___ or ____ and _____ both


What are the most common three shapes of viruses?

Helical (rectangle)

Icoschaedral (round)

Complex (alien/spaceship thing)

Can viruses duplicate on their own?


A long or short lived severe infection of sudden onset is what type of infection?

Acute lytic infection

An infection with no symptoms is called what?

Subclinical infection

A virus that hides until a trigger sets it off (e. coldsores) is called?

Latent viral infection

A viral infection that the body can't get rid of is called what?

Chronic infection

A cancer causing infection is called what?

Oncongenic viral infection

Can viruses exhibit more that one property?

Ex. both chronic and oncogenic?


what is the name of fungi that require keratin for growth that cause infection on skin, hair and nails?

Reservoirs= cats & dogs


Dermatophytes are classified according to their location of the body.

a. tinia pedis

b. tinea corporis

c. tinea cruris

d. tinea capitis

a. feet


c. groin


Yeasts are what kind of infections?

oppourtinistic infections

What classification is protozoa?

Eucaryotic cells - parasitic

What are parasites treated with?

Antihelminthic drugs

What is the name of the tiny parasitc things that live off blood?


What is the name of the contagrous skin diseasing causing infection caused by mites?
