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224 Cards in this Set

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breakdown of complex molecules --> get energy from this energy source
"Biosynthesis". Require energy obtained from catabolism. Used to make cell wall, membranes, ribosomes, surface structures, macromolecules such as proteins or nucleic acids, amino acids, nucleotides
Both catabolic and anabolic
Entner-Doudoroff, Glycolysis, and Pentose Phosphate can all lead to...
Transition Step
Entner-Doudoroff, Glycolysis, and Pentose Phosphate can all lead to fermentation if they ...
do not have an ETC or organisms are forced to ferment because they don't have terminal electron acceptor
Transition step
conversion of pyruvate to acetyl Co-A by pyruvate dehydrogenase
Transition step goes to..
TCA or Krebs cycle
Capacity to do work
Potential is and kinetic is
stored, motion
Gibbs free energy
energy available in products minus energy available in substrates
-delta G, Heat release, favorable
+ deltaG, unfavorable, put heat into reaction
metabolic pathways is a series of sequential reactions that link ___ with ____ reactions, driving overall equilibrium forward. This results in a +/- delta G?
Unfavorable, Favorable, -delta G
Pathway different from mechanism!!
Pathway is: series of enzyme catalyzed reactions
Mechanism: way of doing particular reaction
Linear, Branched, and Cyclical pathways
A --> B, A to B and C, A to A
enzyme substrate/product not coenzyme
Reducing power/electron carriers

in metabolism, usually substrates/products NOT coenzyme that is recycled by same enzyme!!
ATP has high energy ___ bonds
Conversion of ATP to ADP in ___
ATP to ADP is done through
anabolism. Inorganic phosphate comes from some sort of other source. through Hydrolysis
Reaction for which Pi is added to ADP. There are 3 methods of doing this.
Substrate level phosphorylation
Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) + ADP <--> ATP (pyruvate kinase)
Oxidative Phosphorylation
ETC builds up PMF, drives ATP synthase which bonds inorganic Pi to ADP
ETC by sunlight builds up PMF, drives ATP synthase hich bonds inorganic Pi to ADP
Hydrolysis method 1
Releases phosphate.
ATP + H2O <--> ADP + Pi(PO43-) + 2H+
Hydrolysis method 2
Releases pyrophosphate that is irreversible.
ATP + H2O --> AMP + PPi(P2O74-) + 2+
Organic phosphorylation
Uses ATP as phosphate source.
ATP + glucose <--> ADP + glucose-6-phosphate + H+

thru phosphotransferase
NAD+, NADP+, and FAD are...
energy carriers (reducing power)
NAD+ and FAD are using primarily for
generating PMF
used for biosynthesis
Where do electrons go?
Terminal Electron Acceptors --> leaves cell
What is in a ETC
redox proteins, small molecules, it moves es and forms concentration gradient across membrane hich creates PMF which allows ATP to be produced thru ATP Synthase
Who doesnt have ETC?
obligate fermentors
Obligate anaerobes

Still needs to regenerate energy carriers
Examples of Terminal Electron Acceptors
O2 (aerobic respiration)
NO3- or SO42- (anaerobic respiration)
Pyruvate (fermentation) no ETC!!
Transition step only requires one complex ___
Purpose of catabolic pathways is?
oxidize glucose to CO2 (heterotrophy)
Generates energy (ATP), Reducing power (NADH, NADPH, FADH2), generates useful precurser metabolites
What are some sources for catabolism?
Polysaccharides, lipids, NAs, proteins, aromatics
Glycolysis can also be called
Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas pathway
Glycolysis is the most common pathway for ____ ___
sugar breakdown
Glycolysis products go to
Anaerobic or Aerobic Respiration which has an inorganic terminal electron acceptor (O2, NO3-, SO42-)
Uses cytochromes (protein e- carriers)
Reducing power --> ATP SYnthesis
Glycolysis products also go to
Has organic TEA
Its reducing power recycles e- carriers
No ATP synthesis beyond glycolysis
Glycolysis Net reaction
Glucose (C6H12O6) + 2 NAD+ +2ADP + 2Pi -> Pyruvate (C3H4O3) + 2 NADH + 2H+ + 2 ATP

Converts 1 glucose to 2 pyruvate

Generates 2 ATP through substrate level phosphorylation, + 2 NADH
used in Phosphorylation (ATP)
Used in Reducing power (NADH, NADPH, FADH2)
Same chemical formula, different structure; Functional group shift
Catalyzes reverse aldol condensation
Glycolysis stage 1
Glucose --> 2 G3P
Net: loss of 2 ATP
Glycolysis step 1
Glucose + ATP --> Glc-6-P + ADP

Phosphotransferase (brings glucose into cell)
6C --> 6C
1 ATP Consumed
Glycolysis step 2
Glc-6-P <--> Fructose-6-P
6C -> 6C
Phosphoglucose isomerase
Glycolysis step 3
Fructose-6-P + ATP --> Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate + ADP

6C --> 6C
1 ATP consumed
Glycolysis step 4
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate <--> DHAP + G3P

6C --> 3C + 3C
Glycolysis step 5
DHAP <--> G3P

3C --> 3C

Triose phosphate isomerase (TIM)
Glycolysis stage 2
G3P --> Pyruvate

(+1 NADH, + 2 ATP) * 2
Glycolysis step 6
G3P + NAD+ + Pi <--> 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate + NADH + H+

3C <--> 3C
Glyceraldegyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH)
Forms 1 NADH
Glycolysis step 7
1,3-bisphosphoglycerate + ADP <--> 3PG + ATP

3C <--> 3C
Phosphoglycerate kinase
Forms 1 ATP
Glycolysis step 8
3PG <--> 2PG

3C <--> 3C
Phosphoglycerate mutase
Glycolysis step 9
2PG -> PEP + H2O

3C <--> 3C
Glycolysis step 10
PEP + ADP -> pyruvate + ATP

Pyruvate kinase
Forms 1 ATP
Glycolysis Reaction ways of Regulation?
Enzyme production
Allosteric inhibition/activation
binding of inhibitor or activator at different site other than where chemistry is going on
Allosteric inhibition/activation on Phosphofructokinase
Activator: ADP
Inhibitors: ATP, pyruvate kinase, PEP
Entner-Doudoroff Pathway is ___ to glycolysis
Glucose --> 2 pyruvate
Overall reaction of Entner-Doudoroff pathway
Glucose + NAD+ + NADP+ + ADP + Pi --> 2 C3H4O3 + naDh + NADPH + 2H+ + ATP

Entner-Doudoroff is less ____ _____
energy efficient
Entner-Doudoroff has different _____
Pentose Phosphate Pathway
Alternative to glycolysis
Glucose --> 2 pyruvate
Pentose Phosphate makes useful _____ ______
precursor metabolites (sugars)
such as Ribose-5-phosphate and Erythrose-4-phosphate
nucleic acid/protein biosynthesis/aa
protein biosynthesis/aa
Pentose phosphate net reaction
C6H12O6 + NADP+ + 2NAD+ + ADP + Pi + 2H+ --> 2 CH3H4O3 + 2NADPH + 2NADH + 4H+ + ATP

Pentose phosphate as compared to glycolysis is...
less energy efficient
Different, useful precursor metabolites
some different enzymes
Transition step links to...
tricarboxylic acid cycle or fermentation
Do every organism have TS?
TS is catalyzed by
pyruvate dehydrogenase complex
TS generates reducing power
1 NADH per pyruvate or 2 NADH per glucose
TS also generates precurser metabolites
Acetyl CoA (lipid biosynthesis)
3C -->2C + 1C
TS net reaction
pyruvate + NAD+ + CoA --> acetyl-CoA + NADH + H+ + CO2
Tricarboxylic acid Cycle (Krebs) finishes ____ of glucose
TCA used for organisms that..
TCA cycle can be diverted to _____ thru metabolites
Overal TCA reaction
2 Acetyl-CoA + 6NAD+ + 2FAD + 2ADP + 2Pi ---> 2CoA + 4CO2 + 6NADH + 6H+ + 2 FADH2 + 2 ATP

Net 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2 ATP
TCA Cycle occurs ___ for every glucose molecule
Enzymes in TCA
Synthase vs. synthetase
thase: ATP independent
thetase: dependent or producing ATP
reducing power
Cleaves fumerate
TCA 1st step
oxaloacetate + acetyl-CoA --> citrate

4C + 2C --> 6C
Citratre Synthase
TCA 2nd Step
Citrate --> cis-aconitate + H2O

6C --> 6 C

TCA 3rd Step
Cis-aconitate + H2O --> Isocitrate

6C --> 6C
Steps 2 and 3 in TCA cycle are an _______ reaction
TCA step 4
Isocitrate + NAD+ --> alpha-ketoglutarate + CO2 + NADH + H+

6C --> 5C + 1C

Isocitrate dehydrogenase
Forms 1 NADH
TCA step 5
alpha-ketoglutarate + NAD+ + CoA --> Succinyl-CoA + CO2 + NADH + H+

5C --> 4C + 1C
2-oxoglutarate dehydeogenase
Forms 1 NADH
TCA step 6
Succinyl-CoA + ADP (or GDP) + Pi --> succinate + ATP (or GTP) + CoA

4C -> 4C
Succinyl-CoA synthetase
Forms 1 ATP (or GTP)
Substrate level phosphorylation
TCA step 7
Succinate + FAD --> fumarate + FADH2

4C --> 4C
Succinate dehdrogenase
Forms 1 FADH2
Succinate dehydrogenase
Also involved in ETC
TCA step 8
Fumarate + H2O --> malate

4C --> 4C
TCA step 9
Malate + NAD+ --> oxaloacetate + NADH + H+

4C --> 4C
Malate dehydrogenase
Forms 1 NADH
Glycolysis is most efficient pathway for
sugar metabolism
TCA cycle finishes conversion tooo
CO2 from Acetyl-CoA. Get A TON of energy
other catabolic pathways include
lipids (fats)
Hydrolyze D-glycerol off of fatty acids --> --> products can then undergo glycolysis or TCA cycle
Fatty acids undergo...

by lipases
beta oxidation
CO2 kicked off repeatedly until nothing left --> forms acetyl-CoA --> goes to TCA cycle or fermentation
hydrolysis of proteins to generate aa subunits

uses amino acid decarboxylases ( - CO2) and deaminases (-NH3)

products --> glycolysis or TCA or fermentation
Streptococcus pyogenes uses..
Clostridium perfringes
uses lipases
breakdown of carbohydrates (starches) --> sugars --> glycolysis, entner doudoroff, pentose phosphate
many bacteria can break down ____ and use as sole source of energy and carbon
Microbes recycle ____ thru aromatic breakdown and its useful for
lignin (woody biomass), bioremediation
Aerobic ARomatic catbolism steps
1) remove substituents by enzymes
2) Dioxygenase adds molecule O to ring structure --> catechol
3)Catechol dioxygenase adds O2 to ring and cleaves ring to give linear molecule
4) gives intermediates ---> TCA
Anaerobic aromatic catabolism is....
poorly understood
Purpose of respiration
ATP Synthesis from reducing power from TCA cycle
Use ______ phosphorylation in respiration
Respiration generates a PMF which is
High concentration of H+ outside cell. occurs across the membrane. uses ETC to generate.
respiration powers ____ _____
ATP Synthase
Net reaction for respiration
3 H+ -> ATP
Respiration regenerates ___ ____
electron carriers
What are ETS?
Groups of electron carriers
some proteins
some cofactors
Lot of redox reactions
Generates PMF
Respiration occurs in cyoplasmic membrane in
Respiration occurs in mitochondria in
What is PMF used for?
ATP Synthesis
Flagellar rotation
Nutrient uptake
Efflux (resistance)
In some cases Na+ substitutes for H+ in
PMF in halophiles, extreme halophiles
Respiration is one form of ___ ____
electron transport
Electron Carriers have...
double bonds and or metal ions
Cofactors that are electron carriers
quinones, iron-sulfur clusters, flavin mononucleotide (FMN)
Proteins that are electron carriers
flavoproteins, iron-sulfur proteins, cytochromes
Prok respiration characteristics
variable components because they can adapt
aerobic respiration
has terminal electron accpetor like O2
anaerobic respiration
has another inorganic terminal acceptor
prok respiration pumps protons ____ membrane
Aerobic prok ETS removes ___ e- from 1 NADH or 1 FADH2.
aerobic prok ETS pumps _____ protons and ___ O2 is reduced using NADH
2-8, 1/2
aerobic prok ETS pumps _____ protons and ___ O2 is reduced using FADH2. This is less favorable reaction
2-4, 1/2
Aerobic prok ETS in total pumps ___ protons per O2 molecule. It uses either 2 NADH, 2 FADH2 or 1 NADH and 1 FADH2
Aerobic prok ETS has 2 possible electron sources which are..
NADH (from multiple pathways)
FADH2 (from only TCA)
Using NADH for ETS in aerobic ETS
uses NADH dehydrogenases (NDHs)
Electron donor is NADH
Electron Acceptor is quinone
Overal reaction for NADH in ETS of aerobic respiration
NADH + H+ --> NAD+ + 2e- + 2H+
how many protons are pumped using NADH in ETS?
0-4. Under good conditions: NDH-1 pumps 4 H+.
Under bad conditions NDH-2 pumps 0 H+
Using FADH2 in the ETS for aerobic proks
Uses succinate dehydrogenase
Electron donor: FADH2
Electron acceptor: quinone
Overal reaction of using FADH2 in ETS for aerobic proks
FADH2 --> FAD + 2e- + 2H+
Does not pump any protons....
What is a quinone
Lipid soluble electron carrier
ie coenzyme Q, vitamin K
When quinones are reduced overall reaction
Q + 2e- + 2H+ --> QH2 (quinol)
Quinones shuttle _____ from dehydrogenases to terminal oxidase enzyme that reduces O2 aerobically
Two terminal oxidases in aerobic ETS
Cytochrome bo quinol oxidase and cytochrome bd oxidase
Electron donor: QH2
Electron acceptor: O2
Overall reaction for quinol being oxidized by terminal oxidase
QH2 --> Q + 2H+ + 2e-. the 2 H's are pumped out by terminal oxidase
Cyt bo pumps aditional __ H+ during e- transfer for __ H+ total
Cyt b oxidase pumps __ protons (additional) during e- transfer yielding __ total
Overal reaction for electron acceptor in ETS using FADH2
1/2 O2 + 2e- + H+ --> H2O
CYT bd pumps additional _ protons
cyt bo pumps additional __ protons
anaerobic prok ETS
where O2 is not that available
deep soil, water, and GI tract

inorganic terminal electron acceptor, cytochromes
Pathways in anaerobic prok ETS
other dehydrogenases, quinones, other terminal oxidases, different terminal oxidases such as NO2-, NO3-
What are inorganic terminal electron acceptors in anaerobic prok ET
Nitrate reducers
Sulfate reducers (esp. archaea)
SO42- -> SO3- --> H2S
Fe3+ -> Fe2+
Mn4+ -> Mn 2+
Au 3+ -> Au
U6+ -> U4+ Geobacter metallireducens
Characteristics of Mitochondrial ET
Single chain, comparable to prok ET, protein complexes I-IV, 2 major electron carriers (quinone, cytochromes)
ATP Synthase
membrane embedded, 3 H+ enter, power synthesis of 1 ATP from ADP and Pi
Theoretical yield of ATP through oxidative phosphorylation is
34 molecules of ATP
2NADH e : 3 ATP max
2NADH2 e: 2 ATP max
Glycolysis: 2NADH --> 6ATP
Transition step: 2NADH --> 6ATP
TCA: 6 NADH --> 18 ATP
2 FADH2 --> 4 ATP
Maximum prokaryotic yield is
oxidative phosphorylation = 34
substrate level phosphorylation = 4
2ATP from glycolysis
2 ATP from TCA
Why do organisms ferment
no inorganic terminal electron acceptor (as in anaerobic respiration)

No O2, no NO2-, no SO42-

No ETC (obligate fermentors)

to recycle (get back) NAD+

No additional energy formed
How do organisms ferment?
organic terminal electron acceptor such as pyruvate, Derivatives (acetyl-CoA)
Useful byproducts of fermentation
Lactic acid (yogurt, tooth decay, cramps)

Ethanol (Beer, wine, bread)

Propionic acid (swiss cheese)

Mixed acids (MacConkey agar)

Butyric acid (butter)
Clostridium Perfringens (THE BAD)
Gram +
Obligate anaerobe
Endospore former
Intestinal flora
Deep soil, aquatic sediment
Gangrene 4 types
Loss of blood supply
Dry: shriveled blue black, brown skin (lose circulated)
Wet: bacterial infection, swelling blistering
Internal: Hernia
Fournier's: Genitalia
Gas Gangrene
Caused by Clostridium Perfringens
Muscle tissue
Infection, bloody discharge, swelling, sever pain, snap crackle pop
Catabolism and C. perfringens
Uses carbohydrates, aas, nucleic acids, lipids

Performs Glycolysis

No TCA Cycle
C. Perfringens two major fermentation pathways

What do they make?
makes ethanol,acetate, butyrate


Has lots of gas production (CO2 and H2)
C. perfringens
1st Pathway
Pyruvate ---> H2 + CO2 and ethanol/acetate/butyrate

Pyruvate synthase

Pyruvate + CoA + 2 ferredoxin (ox) --> Acetyl-CoA + CO2 + 2 ferredoxin (red) + 2H+

3C --> 1C + 2C
C. perfringens regenerates ferredoxin (ox) by...

2H+ + ferredoxin (red) --> 2H+ + ferredoxin (ox)
Acetyl CoA conversion in pathway #1 in C. perfringes
acetyl CoA turns into either acetate, butyrate, ethanol ---> regenerates NAD+
Because C. perfringes relases so much gas it increases ________ and creates ______
anaerobicty, bubbling
C. perfringes pathway #2 for fermentation overall reaction
Pyruvate --> succinate/propionate + CO2

Lactate dehydrogenase
Wat does lactate dehydrogenase do in pathway #2 for C. perfringes and then what reaction occurs after that
Pyruvate + NADH + H+ --> Lactate + NAD+

Regenerates NAD+

Lactate --> succinate or propionate + CO2

regenerates NAD+
Streptococcus pyogenes properties
Group A Strep (GAS)
Gram +
Facultative anaerobe: aerotolerant, obligate fermentor
common oral/upper respiratory flora
What does strep. pyogenes cause?
Pharyngitis (strep throat)
Rheumatic fever (scarlet fever)
Autoimmune disease
Necrotizing fasciitis: flesh eating bacteria
How does strep pyogenes infect?
wound site colonization: M protein binding

Exotoxin release -
A: superantigen
B: protease

Catabolism in S. pyogenes
No TCA Cycle
S. pyogenes does Homolactic fermentation (homofermentative metabolism)
finish 1 glucose --> 2 lactate
Lactate dehydrogenase

Pyruvate + NADH + H+ ---> lactate + NAD+

3C --> 3C
Regenerates NAD+

NO CO2 formation
Difference between homolactic and heterolactic fermentation
homolactic does not produce CO2
Lactobacilli (THE GOOD GUY)
Gram +
Facultative anaerobes: aerotolerant, obligate fermenter

Acidophile (pH 4)
Common intestinal flora; raw milk
Rarely pathogenic
Lactobacilli does what fermentation
Homolactic fermentation (NO CO2)
Lactobacillus lactics, Lactobacillus acidophilus

Heterolactic fermentation (heterofermentative metabolism) forms CO2
Lactobacillus brevis
Heterolactic fermentation in lactobacilli overall reaction
Convert 1 glucose --> 1 lactate + CO2 + 1 ethanol

6C --> 3C + 1C + 2C

regenerates NADP and NAD
Heterolactic fermentation starts a lot like
pentose phosphate pathway
Reactions of Heterolactic fermentation
Glucose ---> ---> CO2 + xylulose-5-phosphate
6C -> 1C + 5C

Xylulose-5-phosphate + Pi -> acetyl phosphate glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate + H2O
5C --> 2C + 3C

Acetyl phosphate -->--> --> ethanol
2C --> 2C
Regenerates NADP+

G3P -->--> pyruvate -> lactate
Regenerates NAD+
Lactobacilli benefits
probiotics (activia yogurt)
Good competitors (inhibits pathogens)
Antimicrobial production

Commercial products
Milk, kimchi, sauerkraut, pickles, chocolate
Chocolate 3 stages of succession
anaerobic yeast fermentation of pump on outer shell --> lowers pH to 3.5 (acetate, CO2, ethanol)

Lactobacilli fermentation
pH 4 (acetate , lactate, CO2)

Acetobacter aerobic respiration
converts acetate and ethanol to CO2, oxidation leads to brown color.
light as source of energy
Energy from an excited electron pumps protons
Two types of phototrophy
Photosystems are a ..
series of e- carriers and proteins
Excitation of an electron --> electron transfer

Happens to both autotrophs via light reaction and dark reaction and heterotrophs via light powering ATP synthase
4 Characteristics of Photolysis
Antenna system - pigments absorb light
Reaction Center - electron separation
Energy Carriers
Types of Antenna systems
Chlorophylls (primarily photoautotrophs)

Bacteriochlorophylls (primarily photoheterotrophs)

Accessory pigments
Carotenoids (Vit. A beta-carotene)
Anaerobix PSI
Noncyclic phosphorylation
Reaction center electron source: H2S, Fe2+, organic donor

Energy carriers
Cyclic phosphorylation
Reaction center electron source: bacteriochlorophyll

Energy carriers:
Oxygenic Z
Noncyclic phosphorylation
Reaction center electron source: H2O
Energy carriers: NAD(P)H

Produces O2 via
2H2O --> 4H+ + 4e- + O2
carbon fixation
conversion of CO2 to organics (glucose)


Aerobes - calvin cycle

Anaerobes, archaea - other mechanisms
Calvin Cycle overall equation
6CO2 + 12NADPH + 12H+ + 18 ATP --> glucose + 12 NADP+ + 18ADP + 18 Pi
Calvin cycle found in..
cyanobacteria, lithotrophs, purple bacteria, chloroplasts
Calvin Cycle steps
6 ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (5C) + 6CO2 (1C) --> 12 3GP (3C)
36 total

12 3PG (3C) + 12 ATP --> 12 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (3C)
36 total

12 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (3C) + 12 NADPH --> 12 G3P (3C)
36 Total

2 G3P (3C) --> --> --> 1 GLUCOSE (6C)

10 G3P (3C) --> 6 RIBULOSE-5-PHOSPHATE (5C)
30 total

6 ribulose-5-phosphate (5C) + 6ATP --> 6 ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (5C)
30 total
For organisms that do not do Calvin Cycle, they do reductive/reverse TCA cycle. Who does this?
Anaerobes, archaea
Original carbon fixation cycle
Reduces CO2 to acetyl CoA
TCA intermediates
A few different enzymes
Acetyl Co-A Pathway
Anaerobes and archaea, METHANOGENS
not photosynthesis
Polymer Biosynthesis: Polyhroxyalkanoates
sutures, mesh, surgical films
Fatty Acid Biosynthesis steps
uses Fatty acid synthase complex (FAS II)

Carboxylation of acetyl-CoA --> Malonyl-CoA --> Replace CoA with ACP --> Malonyl-ACP --> Loss of ACP from acetyl ACP and decarboxylation of added malonyl-ACP --> ketone reduction --> loss of H2O (dehydration)--> reduction (saturation)
Fatty acid biosythesis canalso be dehydrated for
cis unsaturation
Antibiotic Biosynthesis
Pathways and/or multifunctional enzymes

Very similar to fatty acid biosynthesis
Two types of antibiotic biosynthesis
single, modular enzyme
multienzyme complex
Polyketide Synthase (PKS) is...
an enzyme used for antibiotic biosynthesis. ie. erythromycin
Non-ribosomal peptide synthetase (NRPS) example

3 proteins (CepA, CepB, CepC)
7 modules ( to make 7 aa)

Other enzymes add functional groups
Infectious protein only
Diseases with proteins
Creutzfeldt-Jakob (human equivalency of Mad Cow)
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Chronic wasting Disease
Feline spongiform encephalopathy
Chronic wasting disease (deer, elk)
significant problem for hunters
Mechanism for prion formation
PrP^sc is misfolded to PrP^c when it binds and uses as substrate, aggregation
Familial PrP^c
mutation of PrPsc gene
three forms of prion diseases
familial, sporadic, acquired (consumation of contaminated meat)
Viruses are
noncellular particles
must infect host to reproduce
includes nucleic acid, capsid
Types of viruses
Plant viruses, mammalian viruses
viruses has a host range
single species (HIV , FIV)

Broad range (West nile)
Two types of structures of viruses
Symmetrical: icosahedral (20 sided)., Filamentous (helical)
3 classifying characteristics of viruses
Physical structures, Genome structure (RNA, DNA, single, double), Enveloped vs. Naked (outer lipid membrane vs. no membrane)
Steps for a phage
hos recognition and attachment, hijacking cell surface receptors, Genome entry, virion particle assembly, exit and transmission
3 cdifferent life cylcles of a phage
lytic, lysogenic, slow release
Lytic cycle or "virulent"
Protein expression
Host cell DINA digestion
Capsid synthesis
Viral DNA replication
Lysis and release
Lysogenic Life Cycle "temperate"
Prophage formation (genome integration), reproduction with host DNA, Excision --> lytic cycle
Slow Release
Cell survives!

Phage replication and assembly
No lysis
Slows host cell growth because of limited resources
infective RNA
No capsid
Requires host RNA-dependent
RNA polymerase for replication

Missappen potato
Hepatitis D
Only present upon co infection with hep B. capsid derived from hepatitis B