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171 Cards in this Set

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Bugs that do not gram stain well
These Rascals May Microscopically Lack Color
tTreponema, Rickettsia, Mycobacteria, Mycoplasma, Legionella pneumophila, Chlamydia
Stain to dx Whipple's disease
stains glycogen, mucopolysaccharides
Silver stain for
Legionella, and fungi ex pneumocystis
Obligate aerobes
Nagging Pests Must Breathe
Nocardia, Pseudomonas, Mycobacterium tb, Bacillus
Obligate anaerobes
Can't Breathe Air
Clostridium, Bacteroides, Actinomyces
Obligate intracellular
Rickettsia, Chlamydia
Can't make own ATP
stay inside cells when its Really Cold
Facultative intracellular
Some Nasty Bugs May Live FacultativeLY
Salmonella, Neisseria, Brucella, Mycobacterium, Listeria, Francisella, Legionella, Yersinia pestis
Positive quelling reaction
Capsular swelling
it is an encapsulated organism!
Encapsulated bacteria
SHiN SKiS (group B)
Strep pneumo, H flu, N meningitidis, Salmonella, Klebsiella pneumo, group b Strep
Catalase positive organisms
Staph aureus, Serratia, Pseudomonas, Candida, E.Coli
CGD pts have recurrent infxns with these microbes
Urease positive bugs
Proteus, Ureaplasma, Nocardia, Cryptococcus, H. pylori, Klebsiella
Actinomyces israelii
yellow "sulfur" granules, composed of a mass of filaments and formed in pus
Israel has yellow sand
S. aureus pigment
aureus is Latin for gold
Serratia marcescens pigment
Red pigment
think red maraschino cherries!
Host antibodies against Streptolysin O toxin used to dx
Rheumatic fever
Toxin is from Strep pyogenes (GAS)
Toxic Shock Syndrome
caused by exotoxin A from strep pyogenes or TSST-1 from staph aureus
fever, rash, shock
ability to take up DNA from environment
segment of DNA that can jump- excision and reincorporation- from one location to another
DNA is transferred from one bacteria to another by a virus
genes for 5 bacterial toxins encoded in lysogenic phage
shigA like toxin, Botulinum toxin, Cholera toxin, Diphtheria toxin, Erythrogenic toxin of strep pyogenes
Coag negative staph identification
On the office's staph retreat, there was NO StRES
S. Sapophticus Resistant
S. Epidermidis Sensitive
Alpha hemolytic strep identification
OVRPS overpass
Viridans is Resistant
S. Pneumonia is Sensitive
Beta hemolytic strep identification
Group B strep- agalactiae- Resistant
Group A strep- pyogenes- Sensitive
Part of the normal flora of oropharynx, Cause dental caries
Streptococcus mutans- a viridans streptococci
Cause of subacute bacterial endocarditis
Streptococcus sanguis- a viridans strep
sanguis is blood in latin, there is lots of blood in the heart
Where do viridans group strep live
In the mouth because they are not afraid of-the-chin (optochin resistant!)
PHayngitis can result in
rheumatic PHever and glomerulonePHritis
from GAS (strep pyogenes)
Rheumatic Fever sx
No rheum for SPECCulation
Subcutaneous plaques, Polarthritis, Erythema marginatum, Chrea, Carditis
Colonizes the vagina
Colonized the gut
Streptococcus bovis- nonenterococcus group D strep
Cornyebacterium lab dx
gram positive rods with metachromatic- blue and red- granules and Elek test for diphtheria toxin
Diphtheria toxin
potent exotoxin, inhibits protein sythesis via ADP ribosylation of EF-2, encoded by beta prophage
ABCDEFG- ADP ribosylation beta prophage corynebacterium diphtheria elongation factor 2 granules
C. perfringens toxin
alpha toxin- lecithinase, a phospholipase, causes myonecrosis (gas gangrene) and hemolysis
C. difficile toxins
Toxin A- enterotoxin, binds to brush border of gut
Toxin B- cytotoxin, destroys cytoskeletal structure of enterocytes, causing pseudomembranous colitis
tx of C. diff
metronidazole or oral vancomycin
Difficile cause Diarrhea
Only bacterium with a polypeptide capsule
Bacillus anthracis
contains D glutamate
get black skin lesions- black eschar (necrosis) surrounded by edematous ring
Woolsorter's disease
inhalation of anthrax spores from contaminated wool
Listeria monocytogenes
faculatative intracellular gram positive rod, beta hemolytic, from unpasteurized milk/cheese, deli meets, vaginal transmission during birth, form actin rockets that move from cell to cell, characteristic tumbling motility
gram positive anaerobe, forms yellow sulfur granules in sinus tracts, can cause oral/facial abscesses that may drain through sinus tracts in skin
gram positive, weakly acid fast aerobe in soil, pulmonary infxn in immunocompromised
tx Sulfa for Nocardia, Actinomyces use Penicillin
Ghon complex
TB granulomas- ghon focus usually in lower lobes + lobar and perihilar LN involvement
reflects primary infection or exposure
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare
often resistant to multiple drugs, causes disseminated disease in AIDS, prophylactic tx with azithromycin
Hansen's disease
Leprosy, causes by m. leprae, acid fast bacillus that likes cool temps, 2 forms- lepromatous diffuse over skin, low cell med immunity with humoral th2 response, and tuberculoid- high cell med immunity with largely th1 immune response
tx long term DAPSONE
Lactose fermenting enteric bacteria
grow pink colonies on MacConkey's agar
lactose is KEE- fast fermenters klebsiella, e coli, enterobacter
test wtih macConKEE'S agar
slow fermenters- citrobacter, serratia
E. coli produces
beta galactosidase, which breaks down lactose into glucose and galactose
e. coli is gram negative, lactose fermenting rod
Gram negative outer membrane layer inhibits entry of
penicillin G and vancomycin
may still be susceptible to penicillin derivative such as ampicillin
Neisseria fermenting
MeninGoccci ferment Maltose and Glucose
Gonococci ferment Glucose
Culture on chocolate agar with factors V (NAD+) and X (hematin) for growth
Haemophilus influenza
when child has "flu" mom goes to five V and dime X store to buy chocolate
h flu does not caus ethe flu- influenze virus does
Legionella pneumophila
gram negative rod, stains poorly, use silver stain, grow on charcoal yeast extract culture with iron and cysteine
aerosol transmission from water source habitat- no person to person, tx erythromycin
Legionnaire's disease
from legionella pneumophila-severe pneumonia and fever
pontiac fever- mild flu like sx
Hemolytic uremic syndrome
triad of anemia, thrombocytopenia, and acute renal failure
endothelium swells and narrows lumen- mechanical hemolysis, red renal blood flow, damaged endothelium consumes platelets
EHEC can produce it
Distinguish EHEC from other E. coli
Does not ferment sorbitol
Red currant jelly sputum
causes lobar pneumonia in alcoholics and diabetics when aspirated
4 A's- aspiration pneumonia, abscess in lungs and liver, alcoholics, diAbetics
Rose spots on the abdomen
Typhoid fever from salmonella typhi, found only in humans, have fever, headache, diarrhea, has potential to remain in gallbladder and cause a carrier state
Comma shaped and grows in 42 degrees C
Campylobacter jejuni
oxidase positive
fecal oral transmission
campylobacter likes the hot camp fire
common antecedent to Guillian Barre syndrome
Usually transmitted from pet feces ex puppies, contaminated milk or pork
Yersinia enterocolitica
outbreaks of diarrhea in day care centers
causes mesenteric adenitis that can mimic Crohn's or appendicitis
Visualized in dark field microscopy
B is big
Borrelia, leptospira, Treponema
Can be visualized using aniline dyes (wrights or giemsa stain)
Weil's disease
icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis- severe form with jaundice, azotemia from liver and kidney dysfunction, fever, hemorrhage, anemia
flulike sx, jaundice, photophobia with conjunctivitis
Ixodes tick
transmits Borrelia burgdorferi- lyme disease and Babesia
Lyme dse
BAKE a Key Lyme pie- Bilat bells palsy, Arthritis, Kardiac block, Erythema migrans
tx doxycycline, ceftriaxone
Screening test for syphilis
many false positives- with viruses- mono, hepatitis, drugs, rheumatic fever, lupus and leprosy
Confirm syphilis with FTA-ABS
Reservoir of Mycobacterium leprae in US
Clue cells
vaginal epithelial cells covered with bacteria
Gardnerella vaginalis
gray fishy smelling vaginal discharge
tx metronidazole
Endemic typhus
Rickettsia typhi
fleas vector
Epidemic typhus
Rickettsia prowazekii
human body louse vector
rash starts centrally and spreads out sparing palms and soles
Palms and Soles rash seen in
you drive CARS with your palms and soles
Coxsackievirus A infxn- hand foot and mouth dse, Rocky mountain spotted fever, and Syphilis
Rocky mountain spotted fever
caused by rickettsia rickettsii, sx rash on palms and soles- vasculitis, headache, fever, endemic to EAST COAST
Chlamydia trachomatis serotypes
A,B,C- africa, blindness, chronic infection
D-K- urethritis/PID, ectopic preg, neonatal pneumonia and conjunctivitis
L1-3- lymphogranuloma venereum
Frequent outbreaks in military recruits and prisions
Mycoplasma pneumonia
high titer of cold agglutinins (IgM)
grown on Eaton's agar
tx with tetracyclin or erythromycin
Tinea versicolor
caused by Malassezia furfur
degrades lipid, produc acids that damage melanocytes and cause hypo/hyper pigmented patches
spaghetti and meatball appearance on KOH prep
tx miconazole, selenium sulfide
Dimorphic cigar shaped budding yeast
Sporothrix schenckii
nodules along draining lymphatics
tx itraconazole or POTassium iodide
plant rose in a pot!
Septate hyphae branch at acute angles
Disk shaped yeast forms on methenamine silver stain
Pnemocystis jiroveci
Spindle cells with cigar shaped nuclei, interweaving fascicles, mitoses
Congenital toxoplasmosis
classic triad of chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, and intracranial calcifications
Tx toxoplasmosis
sulfadiazine and pyrimethamine
Naegleria fowleri
swinning in freshwater lakes, rapidly fatal meningoencephalitis, dx amoebas in spinal fluid, tx amphotericin effective in few
Tx african sleeping sickness- Trypanosoma brucei
Suramin for blood borne dse, Melarsoprol for CNS penetration
It SURe is nice to go to sleep, MELAtonin helps with sleep
dx blood smear
transmit from tsetse fly painful bite
Cycles for plasmodium
P. vivax/ovale- 48 hr cycle, tertian, fever on first and third day, 48 hrs apart
P. falciparum- irr fevers
P. malariae- 72 hr cycle, quartan
tx chloroquine, mefloquine if resistant
vivax/ovale- primaquine
Maltese cross
fever and hemolytic anemia
northeaster US
Ixodes tick
tx quinine, clindamycin
Chaga's disease
Trypanosoma cruzi
dilated cardiomyopathy, megacolon, megaesophagus, predom in South America
Reduviid bug, painless bite
dx blood smear, tx nifurtimox
Macrophages containing amastigotes
Leishmania donovani
visceral leishmaniasis- kala azar
spiking fevers, HSM, pancytopenia
transmitted by sandfly
tx sodium stibogluconate
Causes anal pruritis
enterobius vermicularis
use the scotch tape test
tx with meBENDazole or pyrantel pamoate
River blindness
Onchocerca volvulus
transmitted by female blackflies, get black skin nodules, "black sight"
tx IVERmectin for rIVER blindness
Can see worm crawling in conjunctiva
Loa loa
transmitted by deer horse and mango fly, causes swelling in skin
tx diethylcarbamazine
9 mo-1 yr after female mosquito bite with wuchereria bancrofti, causes blockage of lymphatic vessels, tx diethylcarbamazine
Taenia solium
ingest larvae from undercooked pork- intestinal tapeworms- tx praziquantel
ingest eggs- cysticercosis
tx bendazoles for neurocyst
Liver cysts
echinococcus granulosus
eggs in dog fecers, causes anaphylazis if ag released from cysts
tx bendazoles
Cestode (tapeworm) causing B12 def
Diphullobothrium latum
ingest larvae in raw freshwater fish
tx praziquantel
Trematode (fluke) causing biliary tract dse, cholangiocarcinoma
Clonorchis sinersis
in undercooked fish
tx praziquantel
Undercooked crab meat
Paragonimus westermani
inflam and 2ndary bacterial infxn of lung
tx praziquantel
Schistosoma mansoni
portal htn
snails are host
tx praziquantel
Schistosome haematobium
hematuria, squamous cell carcinoma of bladder
Live attenuated vaccines
induce humoral and cell med immunity
small pox, yellow fever, chicken pox, sabin's polio virus, MMR
Live! See small yellow chickens get vaccinated with Sabin's and MMR!
Killed vax
RIP Always
Rabies Influenza Salk Polio HAV
SalK = Killed
DNA viruses
ds DNA except parvovirus- ssDNA
linear except papilloma, polyoma and hepadnaviruses- circular
RNA viruses
ss DNA except reovirus- ds DNA
Positive stranded RNA viruses
i went to a RETRO TOGA party, where i drank FLAVored CORONA and ate HIPPY CALIfornia PICkles
retrovirus, togavirus, flavivirus, coronavirus, hepevirus, calicivirus, picornavirus
Causes pink eye- conjunctivitis
Aplastic crisis in sickle cell disease
Parvo B19 virus
non enveloped SS DNA virus
JC and BK
polyomavirus- non enveloped ds DNA virus
JC- progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy in HIV
BK- transplant patients, commonly targets kidneys
JC junky cerebrum BK bad kidney
Congenital CMV infxn
infected cells have owl's eyes inclusions
Tzanck test
smear of an opened skinvesicle to detect multinucleated giant cells in HSV 1, HSV 2 and VZV
infects B cells, atypical lymphocytes infected with reactive cytotoxic T cells
#1 cause of fatal diarrhea in children
type of reovirus- non enveloped ds RNA virus
Types of picornaviruses
PERCH on a peak (pico)
non enveloped ss + linear RNA viruses
Poliovirus, Echovirus, Rhinovirus, Coxsackievirus, HAV
all are enteroviruses - fecal oral spread- except rhinovirus
Hand foot and mouth disease
Coxsackievirus, herpangina febrile pharyngitis myocarditis
non enveloped ss+ linear RNA virus
enveloped ss + linear RNA virus
other flavis- yellow fever, dengue, st louis encephalitis, west nile virus
enveloped ss + linear RNA virus
other toga- eastern and western equine encephalitis
enveloped ss - linear nonseg helical RNA virus
RSV- tx ribavirin
Rubeola Measles Mumps
Icosahedral RNA viruses
all positive stranded RNA viruses + ortho + reo
pos- toga, flavi, hepe, corona, calici, picorna, retro
Segmented viruses
all RNA viruses
Bunya- 3, Ortho- 8, Arena- 2, Reo 10-12
Acute hemorrhagic cystitis
Acid labile virus
rhinovirus- destroyed by stomach acid, does not infect GI tract
non enveloped ss + linear RNA virus
Yellow fever virus
flavivirus, also arbovirus, transmitted by Aedes mosquitos
enveloped ss + linear RNA virus
sx high fever, black vomitus, jaundice
Most important global cause of infantile gastroenteritis
segmented dsRNA virus
Right Out The Anus
villous destruction with atrophy leads to dec absorption of Na and water
Genetic shift
reassortment of viral genome, high freq recombination, pandemic
Genetic drift
minor changes based on random mutation, epidemic
Sudden Shift more deadly than graDual Drift
Postauricular adenopathy, lymphadenopathy, arthralgias, fine truncal rash that starts at head and moves down
Rubella- german measles, togavirus, enveloped ss + linear RNA virus
serious congenital dse- fetal infxn in 1st trimester causes sensorineural deafness, cataracts, cardiac malformations ex PDA
Contain surface F (fusion) protein
cause respiratory epithelial cells to fuse and form multinucleated cells
Difference between maculopapular rash in rubeola and rubella
Rubella- truncal rash
Rubeola- includes hands and feet
paramyxovirus- enveloped ss - linear non seg RNA virus
Parotitis, Orchitis, aseptic Meningitis
mumps make your parotid glands and testes as big as POM poms
Positive during window period
anti HBcAg
igm=acute/recent infxn
igg= chronic dse
High transmissibility
Low transmissibility
Anti HBeAg
Immunity to HIV infection
homozygous CCR5 mutation
heterozygous- slower course
virus binds CXCR4 or CCR5 coreceptor and CD4 on T cells, binds CCR5 and CD4 on macrophages
Superficial vascular proliferation in HIV pt
Bartonella henselae
bx reveals neutrophilic inflammation
Superficial neoplastic proliferation of vasculature in HIV pt
bx reveals lymphocytic inflammation
Prion disease
accumulation of beta pleated form of prion protein- PrPsc, resuls in spongiform encephalopathy, dementia, ataxia, death
sporadic- creutzfeldt jakob
inherited- gerstmann straussler scheinker
acquired- kuru
Mimic appendicitis by causing mesenteric adenitis
Yersinia enterocolitica, campylobacter jejuni, non typhoidal Salmonella
Tx of meningitis
Ceftriaxone and vancomycin empirically
Add ampicillin if Listeria is suspected
Herpes that causes meningitis
Herpes that causes encephalitis
MCC of osteomyelitis
Staph aureus
diabetics and IV drug users- pseudomonas
Vertebral osteomyelitis causative agent
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Pott's disease
Diagnostic markers of UTI
positive leukocyte esterase test= bacterial UTI
positive nitrite test= gram negative bacterial UTI
Leading cause of UTI
E. Coli
colonies show green metallic sheen on EMB agar
Urease positive bugs
Proteus, Ureaplasma, Norcardia, Cryptococcus, H. pylori, Klebsiella
Swarming on agar
Proteus mirabilis, motile, producses urease, associated with struvite stones, causes UTI
Can pass from mother to fetus during delivery
What does parvovirus B19 cause in neonates?
Hydrops fetalis
Toxo in neonate
chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus, intracranial calcifications
Rubella in neonate
PDA, cataracts, deafness
+/- blueberry muffin rash
CMV in neonates
hearing loss, sz, petechial rash, blueberry muffin rash
HSV-2 in neonates
temporal encephalitis, herpetic (vesicular) lesions
Syphilis in neonates
stilbirth, hydrops fetalis, facial abnormalities- notched teeth, saddle nose, short maxilla, saber shins, CN VIII deafness
Scarlet fever
from strep pyogenes (gas)\
erythematous, sandpaper like rash with fever and sore throat
PAINFUL genital ulcer, inguinal adenopathy
Haemophilus ducreyi
its so painful you do cry!
strawberry colored mucosa
Trichomonas vaginalis
vaginitis, corkscrew motility on wet prep
Most common bacterial STD in US
Chlamydia trachomatis
Fitz Hugh Curtis syndrome
PID can lead to this
infection of the liver capsule and violin string adhesions of parietal peritoneum to liver
Microbe that colonizes nasopharynx and can cause meningitis
H influenza type B
Fever with dysphagia, drooling, difficulty breathing due to edematous cherry red epiglottis
H influenza type B
Branching rods in oral infection, sulfur granules
Actinomyces israelii
Positive PAS stain
Tropheryma whippelii- Whipple's disease
Fungal infection in diabetic
Mucor or Rhizopus spp
Neutropenic pts at risk for
Candida albicans, Aspergillus
INH tox
Injures Neurons and Hepatocytes
give pyridoxine to prevent neurotox, lupus
dec synthesis of mycolic acids
only solo prophylaxis against TB
different half lives in fast v slow acetylators
tox neuro, hepato, lupus
inhibits DNA dep RNA polymerase
4 Rs- RNA poly inhib, Revs up microsomal P-450, Red/orange body fluids, Rapid resistance if used alone
used in TB, delays resistance to dapsone in leprosy, prophylazis in contacts of children with H flu type b
effectve in acidic pH of phagolysosomes, where is TB engulfed by macrophages
tox hyperuricemia, hepato
dec carb polymerization of mycobacterium cell wall by blocking arabinosyltransferase
tox- optic neuropathy! red green color blindness
HIV prophylaxis with
CD4 <200
CD4 <100
CD4 <50
bactrim for PCP
bactrim for PCP and toxo
azithromycin for MAI complex
Produces a trivalent exotoxin composed of protective antigen, edema factor and lethal factor
Bacillus anthracis
Unique capsules
Bacillus anthracis- D glutamic acid
GBS- sialic acid
Pasteurella- hyaluronic acid
best initial therapy for infxns predominantly anaerobic
lung abscess, aspiration pneumonia
licosamide antibiotic, inhibits the ribosome