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34 Cards in this Set

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Describe the early belief of spontaneous generation and miasmas.
Spontaneous generation is the belief that living things can arise fron non living matter. Miasmas was the belief that bad air created sickness and disease.
Describe the experiments and early work of Franscesco Redi that helped spontaneous generation.
He placed meat in different jars. Maggots only appeared on the jars exposed to the air.
Describe the experiments performed by Louis Pasteur that ended the theory of spontaneous generation.
He created the first vaccine for anthrax and rabies. He invented a way to stop milk and wine from causing sickness.
Describe Joseph Lister's contribution to the field of medicine, particularly surgeries.
He was the first to sterilize his instruments in surgery. He discovered how an infection was caused from an outside source. He used carbolic acid to streliize his instruments, wash his hands, spray in the air, and clean wounds.
Describe Louis Pasteur's contributions to microbiology.
He proved that germs entered from an outside source, that life arose from life.
What are some current occupations in the microbiology field?
1. Medical Microbiologists: identifies cause of diseases and how to eliminate them
2. Public Health Microbiologists: controls the spread of diseases through food and water
3. Immunologists: study how the body defends itself from microbial invaders
Structural differences between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria.
Gram positive bacteria contains a thicker peptidoglycan layer outside plasma membrane. Gram negative bacteria contains a thinner peptidoglycan layer surrounded by a thick outer membrane.
Composition of the peptidoglycan layer.
Enormous polymer that contains two sugar derivatives" N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid.
Describe procedure and mechanism of gram staining.
After heat fixation, the bacteria is stained with crystal violet solution and then iodine is added to promote dye retention. Ethanol is added to decolorize. The slide is counterstained with safranin. The peptidoglycan layer prevents loss of crystal violet. In thicker cell walls, iodine is retained. In thinner cell walls, the ethanol removes iodine but picks up safranin, turning pink.
Describe the importance of the cell wall.
Gives shape, protection, and acts as a target site for antibiotics.
Interfere with folic acid synthesis. Bactrim
Inhibits protein synthesis. Doxycycline. Broad spectrum for gram positive. High doses can cause complication.
IV. Inhibits protein synthesis and causes misreading of genetic message carried by mRNA. Streptomycin. Gram negative. Toxic.
Inhibits protein synthesis. Erythromycin. Used with patients allergic to penicillin.
Inhibits nucleic acid synthesis. Ciproflaxin. Broad spectrum (UTI). Resistance develops easily. Gram negative
IV. Treat superior infections. Disrupts cell wall synthesis in gram positive bacteria. Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus = trouble.
Most commonly used to distinguish between strep and staph. Decomposes hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water. Catalse activity (bubbling) is protective mechanism for bacteria.
Distinguish between E-Coli from other gram negative bacteria. If bacteria produces indole, the filter paper will turn pink.
Distinguish between Pseudomonas from other gram negative. If bacteria produces oxidase, filter paper will turn purple/blue.
Distinguishes between Staph. aureus and other Staph. species. Contains salt and sugar. Bacteria will ferment Mannitol and turn yellow.
Contains crystal violet and salts that only allows gram negative bacteria to grow. Contains sugar to distingish between lactose and non lactose fermenters. Bacteria turns pink
Gram positive cocci in clusters. Non-motile. Facultative anerobes. Catalase positive. Present on skin and mucous membranes. Produces slime layer and toxins.
Gram positive cocci in pairs and chains. Facultative anaerobes. Catalase negative.
Staph. aureus Diseases
TSS. Food Poisoning. Cutaneous. Bacteremia.
Staph. epidermidis Diseases
Bacteremia. Endocarditis. Catheter and shunt infections. Prosthetic joint infections.
Staph. saprophyticus Diseases
Strep. pyogenes Diseases
Strep throat. Scarlet fever. Cellulitis. Necrotizing fascitis. Rheumatic Fever. Glomerulonephritis.
Strep agalactia Diseases
Neonatal infections. UTI. Wound infections.
Strep. pneumonia Diseases
Pneumonia. Sinusitis. Otitis media. Meningitis. Bacteremia
Viridians Group Strep Diseases
Bacteremia. Endocarditis. Abscess formation. Dental caries.
Gram negative bacilli. Motile or non-motile. Facultative anaerobes. Oxidase negative.
Gram negative bacilli. Motile. Obligate anaerobes. Slime capsule. Found in water enviornments. Release toxins. Oxidase positive.
Enterobacteriaceae Diseases
Septicemias. UTI. Intestinal infections. Food poisoning.
Pseudomonas Diseases
Infects patients with low immunse system. Patients with chronic pulmonary disease. Patients with compromised defense mechanisms.