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38 Cards in this Set

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Microbiology define

Branch of biology that deals with micros that are very small organisms

Very small organism

Clinical Microbiology define

Study of pathogens

Bacteriology define

Department concerned with one cell simple non complex organism and that has different enzyme

Virology define


Live and reproduce with in cells

Live and reproduce

Mycology define

Study of organism

Special reproduction system

Reproduce spores

Parasitology define

Study of parasites

Organism that require living matter for their survival

Require living matter

Why are parasites not in the U.S?

1.Temperatures- climate is not consistent

2. Good system of diagnosis

3. Sanitation- clean water ( somewhat)

4. Technology- advanced always coming up with new things

5. Good health/nutrition people like to stay healthy and eat well balanced diet

6. Vectors- insects

How can you get a parasite?

1. Traveling- endemic

2. Blood transfusion or organ transplant somebody that was infected

3.imunosuppressed patients that doesnt have enough antibodies

4. Another host- food, not washing hands

5. Undercooked food

Taxonomy define

Classification of parasites

Branch of microbiology


Classification define

System of arrangement of living organism into groups that show a relationship

Groups are called taxons, groups, category


Nomenclature (binomial)

Assignment of names

Has two names

What are the two name for NOMENCHATURE?

Species and genes

Identification define

Process by which an unknown organism is confirmed as belongings to a specific group

Unknown organsim belonging to what

What is the diagnostic cycle?

1. Doctors office

-signs and symptoms

2. Doctor orders the test

3. Specimen is collected

4. Sent to the lab

5. Identification is done

6. Results sent back to the doctor

7. Doctor treats the patient

Symbiosis define

Association of different organism of different species living together. There are two types of symbiosis.

What are the two symbiosis?

1. Commensalism

2. Mutalism

Commensalism define

One organism that benefits the other one by living off it

Mutalism define

Beneficial to both

Ex. Bacteria in the intestine

Parasitism define

One organism is benefited and the other organism is harmed


Another organism the parasite is living on

There are two types of host what are they?

1. Intermediate

2. Definitive

Intermediate define

Parasite passes larvae stage or asexual reproduction stage

Definitive stage

Parasite where it passes

Lives at adult stage or asexual stage


Can be a animal, insect, lake, land

Harbors the parasite where a host can become infected

It harbors parasites

Host specificity

Range of diff host in which parasite can develop

Some can only develop in dogs and cats


Affection of host other than it's hoat


Contagious from pets to humans

Obligatory parasite

Parasite that cant live away from a host

Facultative parasites

Live independently with out host


Host that harbors a parasite that can be transmitted to another host and they show no signs or symptoms


Transport parasites from infected host to non-infected host

What are the two types of vectors?

1. Mechanical

2. Biological


Transport parasite (passively) no growth or development occurs in the insect


Essential in the life cycle of parasite and development or change of parasite that takes place in the vector

Life cycle

How the parasite lives, thrives and mature

Life cycle stages

A. Diagnostic stage

-what is identifiable that the doctor can make a diagnosis

B. Infective stage

- parasite that enter host and continue infection, become pathogenic

C. Method of infection

- how it got into the host

- portal of entry/portal of exit

D. How parasite affect host

- give off secretary that ia toxic

Parasite and how it affects the host body

1. Enzyme destroys tissue

2. Gets into the RBC it burst them amd destroys them

3. Attached to organs witb suckers and causes irritation

4. Travel to diff parts of the body

5. Cause perforation to intestine

6. Cause intestinal problems such as obsession

7. Need nutrients

How does the host affect the parasite

1. Good immune system- antibodies will be able to fight back

2. Ethnic differences will help thrive the parasite.