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25 Cards in this Set

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believed in the theory of miasma

ignaz semmelweis

childbed fever

john sniw

father of epidemiology

louis pasteur

father of microbiology

louis pasteur

applied pronciple of attenuation to anthrax

louis pasteur and charles chamberland

weakened the bacterial cells of chicken cholera

louis pasteur and emile roux

began testing rabies vaccine against dogs

joseph meister

first to have vaccine against rabies

alexander yersin and emile roux

identifiee diptheria toxin

elie metchnikoff

discovered phagocytosis

robert koch

identified mycobacterium tuberculosis

robert koch

discovered bacillus anthracis

robert koch

isolated vibrio cholerae

friedrich loeffler

isolated corynebacterium diphtheria

george gaffky

cultivated typhoid bacillus

paul ehrlich

some dyes might control bacterial infections

shibasaburo kitasato

isolated clostridium tetani

emil von behring

developed diphtheria antitoxin

gerhard hansen

observed bacterial cells in leprosy patients

albert neisser

discovered neisseria gonirrhoeae

charles laveran

discovered malaria is caused by a protozoan

theodore escherich

discovered the bacterium responsible for infant diarrhea

richard pfieffer

identified causatie agent of bacterial meningitid (haemophilys influenzae)

shibasaburo kitasato and alexander yersin

discovered yersinia pestis

jules bordet and octave gengou

cultivated bordetella perstusis