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120 Cards in this Set

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Antigens important for Enterobacteriaceae Serotyping:
1) Cell Wall - O Antigen

2) Flagella - H Antigen

3) Capsule - K Antigen
General Characteristics of ALL Enterobacteriaceae:
1) Gram Neg Rods

2) Facultative Anaerobes

3) Grow on SIMPLE Media

4) ALL Ferment Glucose

5) Motile with Peritrichous Flagella (EXCEPT Shigella and Klebsiella)

6) Oxidase NEGATIVE
Lactose Fermenting (in addition to Glucose) Enterics (Enterobacteriaceae)

1) Escherichia coli
2) Klebsiella

Used as Indicator for FECAL Contaminants
Which strains of E. coli are found in the SMALL Intestines?

LARGE Intestines?

Small Intestines = ATP

Large Intestines = HI
***PERSISTENT WATERY DIARRHEA****, Vomiting, Dehydration, Low-Grade Fever, NO Fecal Leukocytes. Associated w/ Chronic Diarrhea and Poor Growth.

AUTOAGGLUTINATE forming ***"STACKED BRICK"*** Appearance
EAEC - EnteroAggregative E. coli

Location = Sm-Int
TRAVELER'S DIARRHEA: Watery Diarrhea WITHOUT Blood, Mucus, or Fecal Leukocytes. Vomiting, cramps, nausea, no or low-grade fever, infection is mild to severe.
ETEC - EnteroToxigenic E. coli

Two Toxins: Heat Stable and Heat Labile. Stimulate HYPERSECRETION of Fluids/Electrolytes

Location = Sm-Int
INFANT DIARRHEA: Watery Diarrhea and Vomiting WITHOUT Fecal Lymphocytes, perhaps fever.

Common outbreak in Nurseries.
EPEC - EnteroPathogenic E. coli

Attaches to Epithelial Cells/Effacement (shortening or thinning) of Microvillus

Location = Sm-Int
Watery then GROSSLY BLOODY DIARRHEA (Hemorrhagic Colitis), Vomiting, Cramps, NO FEVER usually, NO Fecal Leukocytes usually.
EHEC - EnteroHemoragic E. coli AKA the "Hamburger" Strain AKA O157:H7

Shiga Toxin (Stx1 & Stx2)

May become HEMOLYTIC UREMIC SYNDROME (HUS). Antimicrobials might PROVOKE this!

Location = Lg-Int
***FEVER***, Vomiting, Painful Cramping, Watery Diarrhea. May develop into ***DYSENTERY with SCANT, BLOODY STOOLS & FECAL LEUKOCYTES***
EIEC - EnteroInvasive E. coli

Invades and Destroys Colonic Epithelium. Invades and Replicates in Cell Cytoplasm. Thus, it is "SHIGELLA-LIKE" in terms of INVASIVENESS.



Location = Lg-Int
Low-Grade Fever, Dysuria, Increased Frequency and Urgency to Urinate.

May include Chills, Sudden fever, back pain, and tender/swollen/hot prostate.

Urine may be cloudy, pyuria (pus in urine)

Common in Females
Extraintestinal E. coli Infection of Urethra (can spread)

UTI (could also be symptoms of Klebsiella pneumonia) causing Cystitis, Bladder Infection, Prostatitis.

Certain Strains are MORE pathogenic and are more difficult to flush out due to:
Fever, Listlessness (No NRG), Irritability, Lethargy, Vomiting, NECK RIGIDITY, SEIZURES, Abnormal NEUROLOGIC Findings

Facultative Anaerobic Gram Neg Rod
Extraintestinal E. coli Infection causing MENINGITIS

Leading cause of Meningitis in Infants < 1 Month Old

**Caused by strain with K1 Antigen!** --> Common in GI of Pregnant Women/Newborns
Fever, Pain, Chills, SEPTIC SHOCK
Extraintestinal E. coli Infection causing SEPTICEMIA

Caused by Intestinal Perforation leading to Intra-abdominal Infection occurring either via:
1) Trauma
2) Advanced UTI/GI Tract Infections
Fever, Shortness of Breath, Increased Secretions and Increased Respiratory Rates
Extraintestinal E. coli infection causing PNEUMONIA (rare, but can occur)

Caused by E. coli being aspirated into the lungs.
What strains of Salmonella are STRICTLY Human Pathogens(reservoir is HUMANS ONLY)
S. typhi and S. paratyphi!

Thus, transferred from Person --> Person ONLY (via food, fomites, etc)
Shigella Characteristics
Four Species, ALL are Pathogenic!

1-4 Day Onset

Shiga Toxin (Phage Encoded Gene in Chromosome)



Associated w/ Bacillary Dysentery
Sudden onset of Severe Abdominal Cramping, Large Volume of Watery Diarrhea, High Fever, Vomiting (Emesis)

Develops Into:
***ACUTE BLOODY DIARRHEA WITH MUCUS*** (***BACILLARY DYSENTERY***) Straining (Tenesmus), Abdominal Pain, Fecal Incontinence, Urgency, Possible Dehydration

Invades M Cells (Peyer's Patches) and Replicates in Host Cell Cytoplasm. Does NOT PROGRESS BEYOND EPITHELIUM. Thus, does NOT GO INTO BLOOD STREAM.
Pathophysiology of Salmonella
Attach to M Cells (Peyer's Patches) and replicated in Epithelial Cells and Lymphoid Tissues.

TYPHOIDAL STRAINS spread ACROSS epithelial layer to other ORGANS and into the BLOOD STREAM
0-2 Day onset of Nausea, headache, vomiting, profuse NON-Bloody diarrhea w/ few leukocytes in Stool, Transient low grade fever.

Spontaneously resolves in 2-7 days.
Enterocolitis caused by Non-Typhoidal Salmonella (S. typhimurium, S. enteritidis)

Most common Salmonella infection

High Infectious Dose Required

Self-Limiting. Treatment may PROLONG illness! ONLY TREAT AT RISK PATIENT!
Rapid onset of high fever, increased heart rate and respiratory rate, may be transient or persistent.

Usually NO Gastroenteritis Symptoms

Possible Focal Lesion in Any Organ
Bacteremia/Septicemia (with Focal Lesions) caused by S. choleraesuis, S. typhi, S. paratyphi

10-14 Day Incubation Period (Fairly SLOW), followed by:

Low-grade fever increases to High-grade fever in step wise fashion. Malaise (discomfort), Frontal Headache, Dry Cough. Constipation (initially) or ***SPLIT PEA SOUP*** Diarrhea develops after approx 1 week of symptoms. Abdominal tenderness and pain.

***"ROSE SPOTS"*** may appear on ABDOMEN, BACK, or ARMS.
Typhoid/Enteric Fever caused by S. typhi (most sever), S. paratyphi

When (if possible) can the following cultures be taken to Diagnose SALMONELLA as the Cause for A) Enterocolitis, B) Septicemia, and C) Typhoid/Enteric Fever?

1) Stool Culture

2) Blood Culture

3) Urine Culture
1) Stool Culture:
A) Enterocollitis - Soon After Onset of Symptoms
B) Septicemia - X
C) Typhoid/Enteric Fever - After 1st Week

2) Blood Culture:
A) Enterocollitis - X
B) Septicemia - During High Fever
C) Typhoid/Enteric Fever - 1st through 2nd Week of Disease

3) Urine Culture
A) Enterocolitis - X
B) Septicemia - X
C) Typhoid/Enteric Fever - Sometimes
Widal Test
Serology Test for Salmonella typhi O & H Antigens!
Acute onset of high fever, chills, flu-like symptomsm productive cough, ***THICK, STICKY, BLOOD TINGED SPUTUM (CURRENT JELLY)***

UNI-lateral chest signs, predominantly UPPER lobe

Community-Acquired Pneumonia caused by KLEBSIELLA PNEUMONIA
What do Fever & Chills from a UTI indicate?
System Infection from Pyelonephritis or Prostatitis
Most common in Older Men

INCREASED Urine pH (more alkaline)

Proteus mirabilis, a member of the Enterobacteriaceae Family

Produces Urease, which forms Ammonia --> INCREASE Urine pH
What is one notable predisposing factor (there are many) for ANAEROBIC Bacterial Infections?
Bacteria Associated w/ Abscess (Indolent aka Painless Localized Infection) or Fascitis (Progressive and Lethal Infection) Formation. Can be rapid and distressing in onset, but are Slowly progressive.

Gram Negative

***Safety Pin Appearance***

Growth stimulated on ***BILE***!

***Resistant to Penicilin G!!!!***
Bacteroides fragilis

MOST Common and Important Anaerobic Pathogen!

Habitat = COLON

Indolent (Painless) Pneumonia, Foul Breath

In Lab Dx, BLACK COLONIES due to pigment

REQUIRES Vitamin K and Hemin to grow

Gram Neg Coccobacillary in appearance
Prevotella melaninogenica

Habitat = Oral Cavity (thus, common in homeless people)
Most commonly causes lung abscesses, involved in pleuro-pulmonary infections.

Fusobacterium nucleatum

Habitat: Oral Cavity
Most common cause of Gas gangrene (endogenous infection). Seen on microscopy.

DOUBLE ZONE of Hemolysis on Blood Agar

Common cause of short lived food poisoning (exogenous intoxication)

Associated most often with Wound Infections!

Gram Stain ***"BOX CAR APPEARANCE"***
Clostridium perfringens!

Habitat: Soil and Intestinal Tract of Man!
Diarrhea with or without the presence of pseudomembranes and fecal leukocytes

Common in those with prolonged, high use of Antibiotics (but NOT necessary)

Dx via Stool assessment of Toxin presence: Toxin A (Enterotoxin) and Toxin B (Cytotoxin)
Clostridium difficile

Produces both Toxins A and B!

Habitat: Colon

NORMAL FLORA OF HUMANS, thus Toxins in STOOL are assessed for disease! ELISA test is used clinically.
FLACCID MUSCULAR PARALYSIS causing both Autonomic and Voluntary Nervous System Effects
Clostridium botulinum

Habitat: Ubiquitous in Environment

Produces 7 Heat-Labile Neurotoxins (A-G): A, B, or E cause MOST HUMAN disease.

Toxin INHIBIT the release of ACh at the NMJ

Food Borne Botulism (intoxication), Wound Botulism (rarest form), Infant Botulism (giving babies Honey)
Hyperflexia and Muscle Spasms, Associated with "LOCK-JAW" aka Trismus
Clostridium tetani

Habitat: Ubiquitous in Environment, Especially Soil (NOT IN THE RUST ON NAILS)

Produces Extremely Potent Neurotoxic Exotoxin, TETANOSPASMIN, which spreads along mostly MOTOR nerves, blocking release of INHIBITORY NTs, preventing their Post-Synaptic Inhibition.

Toxin, Tetanospasmin, is treated w/ Tetanus Immune Globulin (TIG)
Main factors contributing to reactivation of Asymptomatic TB Infection:

***HIV*** <-- most important!
What is the ONLY definitive Dx of TB?
Grow it on Lowenstein-Jensen Media!

Takes a LONG time (4-8 Weeks)
When is a Tuberculin Skin Test (Intradermal Mantoux Test) POSITIVE under the following conditions:

A) 5 mm or Greater

B) 10 mm or Greater

C) 15 mm or Greater

D) Induration Size Changes over Time (Conversion from Neg --> Pos)
A) 5 mm or Greater:
1) Close contact to patients with TB
2) Person w/ HIV
3) Person w/ Fibrotic Lesions on Chest X-Ray
4) Person w/ Organ Transplants or Immunosuppressed

B) 10 mm or Greater
1) Recent immigrant (5 years) from High Prevalence Countries
2) Injection Drug Users
3) High risk crowded facilities (jails, nursing homes, homeless shelters)
4) Mycobacteriology Lab Personnel
5) Persons w/ Medical Risk Factors which increase risk of TB once infected
6) Children younger than 4 or infants/children/adolescents exposed to adults at high risk

C) 15 mm or Greater = ALWAYS POSITIVE

D) Induration increases 10 mm or Greater within 2 Years

*Positive = Infection, Could be Active OR Inactive!*
Bacteria associated with ***DISSEMINATED DISEASE***

Major Problem in people with ***AIDS***
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare
Bacteria found in tissue cooler than 37 degrees Celsius such as skin, ***PERIPHERAL NERVES***, Anterior portion of eye, respiratory passage above larynx, hands, feet.

First signs are usually hypo or hyper pigmented skin lesions that are often anesthetic or paresthetic. Then develops into more advanced forms with various cutaneous lesions.

Common carrier = Armadillos.

CANNOT be cultured on synthetic media.

Acid-Fast Bacilli
Mycobacterium leprae aka Hansen's Disease

Treated by those with SPECIAL EXPERTISE!
Forms of Leprosy:

1) Lepromatous

2) Tuberculoid

3) Borderline or Dimorphous

1) Lepromatous - Lack of Cellular Immunity, Extensive DIFFUSE tissue involvement. DIFFUSE INFLAMATION DISSEMINATED reaction with large Macrophages filled with organisms.

2) Tuberculoid - Few Skin Lesions which are SHARPLY DEMARCATED. Pronounced neurologic involvement. Lymphocytes, epithelioid cells with some giant cells. Bacilli are FEW.

3) Borderline or Dimorphous - Mixture of the Two above!
Chronic destructive abscess formation often with sinus tracts, presence of ***SULFA GRANULES***

Multiple forms including:
1) Cervicofacial - ***"LUMPY JAW"***
2) Thoracic
3) Abdominal
4) Miscellaneous - Brain Abscess, Endocarditis, Other Abscesses

NOT Acid Fast!

Anaerobic or Microaerophilic
Actinomyces (Actinomyces israelii, Actinomyces bovis)

Pulmonary, Disseminated Nocardiosis, Wound Infection Related

Soil Inhabitants

Orange to White, Smooth or Rough colonies on Agar with Hyphae

Gram Positive Branching Rods

Acid Fast to Partial Acid Fast
Nocardia (Nocardia asteroides, Nocardia brasiliensis)
Pathogenic Treponema:

1) Treponema pallidum subspecies pallidum

2) Treponema pallidum subspecies pertenue

3) Treponema pallidum subspecies endemicum

4) Treponema carateum
1) pallidum - Causes SYPHILIS

2) pertenue - Causes YAWS

3) endemicum - Causes ENDEMIC SYPHILIS

4) carateum - Causes PINTA
Gummatous Syphilis
1 of 3 Forms of Tertiary Syphilis

Granulomatous lesions consisting of accumulations of lymphocytes and macrophages reacting to presence of Treponema pallidum.

Immune response can cause marked Tissue Destruction and Pathology.

Can occur anywhere in body.
1 of 3 Forms of Tertiary Syphilis

Long-term infection of CNS

Causes 1) PARESIS (infection of brain w/psychological effects) and 2) TABES DORSALIS (infection of lower spinal column with loss of sensory and motor function in the lower extremities)
Cardiovascular Syphilis
1 of 3 Forms of Tertiary Syphilis

Infection of CV system, in particular the Aorta.

Symptoms arising in early teens, consisting of:
1) Bone and Tooth Deformities
2) WRINKLED SKIN (Rhagades)
3) Interstitial Keratitis
4) Deafness
5) Mental Impairment
What is the ONLY DEFINITIVE Dx of Syphilis?
Detection of Treponema pallidum via DARKFIELD MICROSCOPY!
Nontreponemal vs Treponemal Tests
Nontreponemal Tests:
-Detect Ab for Cardiolipin!
-Ex: VDRL, RPR Tests

Treponemal Tests:
-Detect Ab against Treponema pallidum!
Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction (Fever and Chills)
Can be caused by Penicillin treatment of a Fulminant Syphilis Infection (e.g. Secondary Syphilis)
Non-destructive skin lesions and, after a period of latency, DISFIGURING BONE DEFORMITIES

Common in Tropical Areas of Africa and Asia (common in Borneo)
YAWS - Treponema pallidum Subspecies pertenue
Chronic, Depigmented Skin Lesions on Distal extremities WITHOUT lesions in other organs.

Present in Primitive areas of Latin America
PINTA (latin for "spot") - Treponema carateum
Inflammation, retraction of Gums, Exposure of Tooth Root

Severe Forms (Acute Necrotizing Gingivitis or TRENCH MOUTH) - Bone Resorbtion and Tooth Loss

Caused by accumulation of Normal Flora, including Oral Spirochetes (Treponema vincentii, Treponema denticola) and Fusiform Anaerobic Bacteria in the Gingival Crevices around teeth

Most people get it at some point in their life!
Louseborne Relapsing Fever
Borrelia recurrentis - Spread from HUMAN to Human by LICE

More Severe than Tickborne and has More Relapses
Tickborne Relapsing Fever
Borrelia hermsii - Spread from RODENTS to Humans by TICKS
Rigors, High Fever, Headache, Nausea, Muscle and Joint Pain, Conjunctivitis, Macular and/or Petechial Rash

Patient improves after 3-5 days, then RELAPSES

CYCLE can repeat 2-5 Times!
Borrelia Infection!

Cyclic Disease w/Relapses due to Antigenic Variation of Variable Major Protein (VMP) - each bacteria contains up to 30 diff VMPs!
Red Rash with Expanding Margins - ERYTHEMA MIGRANS (Stage 1 of Infection)

Neurologic symptoms including Neuritis, Bell's Palsy, Mild Encephalitis, Cardiac Arrhythmias, Multiple Skin Lesions (Stage 2 of Infection)

Arthritis, Chronic Neuro Problems, Raised Skin Lesions (Stage 3 of Infection)

Common in Northeastern US and Great Lake States

Infection transmitted to Humans via hard bodied ticks of the Ixodes Genus which use Deer as a required host
Borellia burgdorferi - Lyme Disease
Southern-Tick-Associated Rash Illness (STARI)
Transmission via Amblyomma americanum (lone star) ticks and may involve Borrelia lonestari

Seen in Patients w/ Erythema migrans-like lesions in Southern States
7-14 days after contact, there is an abrupt onset of High Fever, headache, chills, severe myalgias of legs and back, confusion, conjunctival suffusion, skin rash may occur

Secondary or Immune phase may follow with recurrence of fever, meningismus, and CSF pleocytosis

Caused by contact with ***URINE*** or WATER (contaminated w/ Urine) of Infected Animals (***Rats***, ***Dogs*** common)

Associated w/ Abbatoirs (Slaughter House Workers), Veterinarians, Dairy Workers, Sewer Workers
Leptospira Infection
Weil's Syndrome
Leptospira interrogans serovar icterohaemorrhagiae can cause this

Severe illness with hemorrhage, azotemia (high levels of Nitrogen containing compounds), jaundice
Nausea, Vomiting, Abdominal Cramps, Profuse and Watery Diarrhea containing ***FLAKES OF MUCUS aka "RICE-WATER STOOLS"***, but no blood or inflammatory cells, No Fever (Afebrile)

Progresses to Dehydration (Isotonic Fluid Loss), Hypokalemia, Hypovolemic Shock (Potassium Loss), Metabolic Acidosis (Bicarbonate Loss), with Cardiac Arrhythmia and Renal Failure

Common in ***FRESH WATER SYSTEMS*** (low salt content) and associated with ***SHELLFISH***

Endemic to Southern Asia
Cholera caused by Vibrio cholerae O1 and/or O139

Non-Invasive and Colonizes Small Intestines

Produces Heat-Labile Enterotoxin = Choleragen (Encoded on Lysogenic Bacteriophage)
Hallmark Treatment for Cholera
Rapid Fluid/Electrolyte Replacement!

Associated w/consumption of Raw or Uncooked Seafood
Vibrio cholerae non-O1 and non-O139

Generally do NOT produce Choleragen, but do produce related enterotoxins.
Gastroenteritis, explosive watery diarrhea (similar, but less severe than Cholera) with No blood or mucus, fever, chills, headache

Associated with consumption of Raw Seafood

Cause of Wound infections associated w/exposure to contaminated Water

Halophilic (salt loving)
Vibrio parahaemolyticus

Produce Thermostable Direct Hemolysin (TDH)
INVASIVE through GI Tract to cause a ***FULMINATING SEPTICEMIA***, usually in Immunosuppressed or Compromised Hosts (especially Hepatic Cirrhosis)

ALso cause Rapidly progressing Wound Infections ALMOST ALWAYS associated w/ Seawater - initial swelling, erythema, pain followed by development of VESICLES or BULLAE and eventually leads to Tissue Necrosis
Vibrio vulnificus
Cause of Wound Infection associated with Marine Water


Normal Flora member of Marine Life!

Collagenase is a Virulence Factor!
Vibrio alginolyticus
Cause of Wound Infection associated with Marine Water

Always found in ***UPPER TEXAS GULF COAST***

Cytolysin mediated and can be rapidly fatal!
Vibrio damsela
Acute Gastroenteritis - Acute diarrhea w/BLOOD and NEUTROPHILS. Can have 10 or more bowel movements/day. Stools may be BLOODY. Malaise, fever, and abdominal pain common. Destruction of mucosal surfaces of the jejunum, ileum and colon are common.

Associated with consumption of CONTAMINATED WATER or FOODS - especially MILK, POULTRY, MEAT PRODUCTS

Thermophilic (Optimal Temp = 42 Degrees Celsius)

Reservoir = Birds, Mammals

Associated w/ Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Campylobacter jejuni

FLAGELLA implicated in pathogenesis (one of few organisms to have this trait)!

Guillain-Barre Syndrome
Associated w/ Campylobacter jejuni

Immune Disorder of the PNS!
Initial Gastroenteritis followed by Bacteremia w/ Dissemination to Multiple Organs (septic thrombophlebitis, arthritis, septic abortion and meningitis)

Debilitated and immunocompromised individuals most susceptible!

Reservoir = Cattle and Sheep

Optimal Growth = 37 Degrees Celsius

Often FATAL!
Campylobacter fetus

Capsular like S Protein = Evades Immune Response
***TYPE B GASTRITIS*** -Persistent inflammation. Chronic Gastritis and ***PEPTIC ULCER*** Disease. Nausea, anorexia, vomiting, epigastric pain, belching.

Some develop Atrophic Gastritis (risk factor for Gastric Adenocarcinoma and Gastric MALT B-Cell Lymphoma).
Helicobacter pylori

Lives in Mucus Layer of Stomach, get there via 5-6 Polar Flagella!

Most infected persons suffer NO clinical manifestations!

Reservoir = Humans!
Helicobacter pylori Strains:
Type 1: Express 1) Vacuolating Cytotoxin (VacA) and 2) Cytotoxin-Associated Gene A (CagA) --> Duodenal Ulcers

Type 2: Do NOT express VacA NOR CagA --> Still cause persistent Inflammation
Convulsive coughing and a characteristic "whooping" sound as infected individuals try to breathe

Increased percentage of lymphocytes!

Spread by airborne droplet nuclei!
Bordetella pertussis

Reservoir = Humans

5 Toxins: Pertussis Toxin, Adenylate Cyclase/Hemolysin, Tracheal Cytotoxin, Dermonecrotic Toxin, Endotoxin (LPS)
Three Stages of Whooping Cough Infection (Bordetella pertussis)
1) CATARRHAL - Resembles common cold, profuse and mucoid rhinorrhea for 1-2 weeks, malaise, fever, sneezing, anorexia. MOST Infectious Stage.

2) PAROXYSMAL - Episodes of convulsive coughing for 2-4 weeks. "Whooping" heard after coughing, often followed by vomiting. Absolute lymphocytes reaches Peak! Ciliated epithelial cells are extruded and clearance of mucus is impaired --> airway restriction and characteristic cough

3) CONVALESCENT - Gradual decrease in coughing and other symptoms. Secondary complications can occur, such as pneumonia, seizures, and encephalopathy
Regan-Lowe Media
Hallmark Special Chocolate agar media for Bordetella pertussis

Contains charcoal, horse blood, and cephalosporin
Responsible for Respiratory disease in Dogs, Swine, Laboratory Animals, Occassionally Pertussis-like symptoms in Humans
Bordetella bronchiseptica
Causes Legionnaire's Disease and Pontiac Fever, which are Lower Respiratory Tract Infections --> High fever, cough, chills, headache, myalgia, chest pain, confusion

Common in Late Summer to Early Fall

Found in Natural Aquatic Bodies, Polluted Water, Moist Soil, ***HOT WATER TANKS (grow in Amoebae and Ciliated Protozoa)***, ***AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEMS***, ***CRUISE SHIPS***, ***HOT TUBS***, Water Pipes (Grows in Biofilms)

Spread by Aerosolization!
High fever, cough, chills, headache, myalgia, chest pain, confusion

***SEVERE PNEUMONIA*** - Pneumonia w/ Multilobar Consolidation and Inflammation and Microabscesses in the Lung Tissue

***INTRA-ALVEOLAR EXUDATE of 1) PMNs and 2) Macrophages***

Multiorgan Disease involving GI Tract, CNS, Liver, Kidneys

Can also cause diarrhea, mild renal disease or renal failure!

1 of 2 Clinical Manifestations of Legionella Infection
High fever, cough, chills, headache, myalgia, chest pain, confusion

***INFLUENZA-LIKE ILLNESS*** - Markedly debilitating for 2-5 days, then recover.

***NORMAL Chest X Rays***

1 of 2 Clinical Manifestations of Legionella Infection

What virulence factors of Neisseria gonorrhoeae undergo Antigenic/Phase Variation?

1) Lipooligosaccharide (LOS)
2) Opa
3) Pilus
In Men, ***ACUTE URETHRITIS***, Urethral Discharge and Dysuria. Initially Mucoid, then within 1-2 days becomes Overtly Purulent.
Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Invasion via Epididymitis
In Women, ***URETHRITIS and/or CERVITICIS***, Increased Vaginal Discharge, Intermenstrual Bleeding.

Can lead to Infertility, Ectopic Pregnancy, Scarring of Fallopian Tubes
Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Invasion via Pelvic Inflammatory Disorder (PID)

Spread along Fallopian Tubes and into Pelvic Cavity to produce Peritonitis.
Fitz-Hugh-Curtis Syndrome
Caused by Invasion of Blood Stream by Neisseria gonorrhoeae

Almost exclusively in WOMEN

Development of Perihepatitis is associated w/ PID
Ophthalmia Neonatorum
Infection of Newborns during Vaginal Delivery with Neisseria gonorrhoeae (goes into blood stream)
Thayer-Martin Medium
Classic Medium for Neisseria gonorrhoeae!

Selective medium!
Inflammatory disease of CNS caused by growth of bacteria in and adjacent to the Leptomeninges.

Dissemination throughout the leptomeninges, brain, spinal cord may be extremely rapid

Predominantly a Pediatric Illness!

Normal Flora!
Neisseria meningitidis

B serotype is MOST common in the USA - NO Vaccine available for this Serotype!

Pathogenic IF it can colonize the Nasopharynx!

Reservoir = Humans!
Stages of Neisseria meningitidis infection after entering blood stream (Meningococcemia)

2) CHRONIC MENINGOCOCCEMIA - Transient episodes of Bactermia, arthritis, pustular dermatitis, low-grade fever, petechial skin lesions

3) ACUTE MENINGOCOCCEMIA - Invasion of Meninges and Other Organs - Several days of Upper Respiratory symptoms followed by Abrupt onset of fever, unprecedented headache, stiff neck, stupor, coma, vomiting, petechial skin lesions, meningitis, pericarditis, arthritis, conjunctivitis

4) FULMINANT MENINGOCOCCEMIA (Waterhouse-Friderichsen) - Intravascular Coagulation, Circulatory Collapse, and Death within a few hours
Flea bite, most likely due to a rodent. Rapid rise in temperature, primary sore at bite site and regional enlarged lymph node surrounded by edema with intense inflammatory changes followed by necrosis and suppuration (usually at groin). Can progress to bacteremia and septic shock and die within hours or days of symptoms.

Gram Neg Rods
Bubonic Plague caused by Yersinia pestis
Papule at inoculation site that becomes pustular and then ulcerates. Regional lymph nodes become enlarged and tender.

Acute onset of headache, fever, and toxicity.

Pneumonia frequently occurs

Small, Faintly Staining Gram Neg Coccobacillus which requires Sulfhydryls for growth (cysteine)
Ulceroglandular tularemia caused by Francisella tularensis

Most Common Manifestation of F. tularensis!

Low mortality if untreated
Follows ingestion of an organism, perhaps with presence of a cutaneous lesion

Mucosal ulcerative lesions may occur including buccal, pharyngeal, and intestinal.

May present as gastroenteritis or typhoid fever.

Severely il with fever, toxicity, stupor, delirium, coma

Small, Faintly Staining Gram Neg Coccobacillus which requires Sulfhydryls for growth (cysteine)
Enteric form of Tularemia aka Typhoidal Tularemia caused by Francisella tularensis

Fatal if left untreated
Headache, fever, malaise, nonproductive cough, substernal discomfort

X-ray shows pulmonary infiltrate and HILAR ADENOPATHY

Small, Faintly Staining Gram Neg Coccobacillus which requires Sulfhydryls for growth (cysteine)
Pulmonary Tularemia caused by Francisella tularensis

Fatal if left untreated
What Zoonotic bacteria is associated with Deer Flies (in addition to ticks)?
Francisella tularensis
Common in people who work in ***MEAT PROCESSING INDUSTRIES***

Brucellosis caused by infection by Brucella!
Yersinia pestis (plague) Virulence Factors:
Yop Proteins - Eukaryotic-Like Proteins

1) YopH = Cytotoxicity by disrupting Actin Filaments

2) YopE = Contact-Dependent Cytotoxicity by Depolymerizing the Actin Microfilament Network

3) YopM = Prevents Platelet Aggregation by interacting w/ Thrombin
Affect Immunocomprimised Patients, except in ***SWIMMERS EAR*** and ***HOT-TUB FOLLICULITIS***

Also associated with Otitis, Eye Infections, Osteomyelitis, UTIs, Burns, Pneumonia, Bacteremia



Gram Neg Rod w/ Polar FLagella
Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Presence of Cytochrome Oxidase differentiates it from Enterobacteriaceae!
Meningitis (children 2 months - 3 years) or ***EPIGLOTITIS***(2-5 years old)
Encapsulated Hib Serotype of Haemophilus influenzae
Nonencapsulated Haemophilus requiring Hematin (X) and/or NAD (V) and CO2 for growth

Associated with Bacteremia, Endocarditis, Opportunistic Infections
Haemophilus parainfluenzae
STD resulting in a "Chancroid" - Genital Ulcers

Cyclical problem in US and Europe. More of a problem in Africa and Asia
Haemophilus ducreyi

Nonencapsulated, requires Hematin (X) and/or NAD (V) and CO2 for growth
Strain 19 Disease
An avirulent variant of Brucella abortus used to vaccinate calves and workers in the cattle industry CAN cause infection!
Chlamydia Life Cycle: EB and RB
Elementary Body (EB):
-Metabolically INACTIVE
-CANNOT Proliferate

Reticulate Body (RB):
-Metabolically ACTIVE
-Divides by Binary Fission
Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis Infection of Serotypes A, B, C


Most important cause of preventable blindness worldwide!
LGV (Lymphogranuloma Venereum)
Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis Infection of Serotypes L1, L2, L3


Mostly correlated with Man-Man Sex (correlated with HIV Positive Men)

Most frequent Symptom = Proctitis (Inflammation of Rectum)
STD Related Urogenital Infections
Caused by Chlamydia trachomatis Infection of Serotypes D-K


Both Sexes = Urethra, Conjunctiva, Systemic

Women = Bartholin's Gland, Cervix, Fallopian Tube, Liver Capsule

Men = Epididymus, Rectum, ***REITER'S SYNDROME***
Reiter's Syndrome

Caused by nonviable Chlamydia trachomatis in Joints, leading to Reactive Arthritis
Transmitted from infected BIRDS worldwide, can cause Pneumonia.

Sometimes called the "Parrot Disease"
Chlamydia psittaci infection causing Psittacosis
Pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinusitis

Associated with ***ATHEROSCLEROSIS***
Chlamydia pneumoniae Infection

Only Chlamydia type that can efficiently invade Smooth Muscle cells and is associated with Atherosclerosis!
***ROCKY MOUNTAIN SPOTTED FEVER***: classic triad (persistant fever, headache, macular to petechial rash - (***CENTRIPETAL*** = Periphery --> Center) begins on wrists/ankles, spreads to trunk), No eschar (scab); myalgias; vascular lesions lead to complications (cardiac, neurologic, pulmonary, etc)

Western Hemisphere, Especially Mid-Atlantic to South Central states in the US
Rickettsia rickettsii

Reservoir = Rodent + Tick
***RICKETTSIAL POX***: biphasic (1) papule at bite site progresses to eschar w. systemic spread. (2) abrupt fluctuating high fever, severe headache, chills, sweats, myalgias, photophobia. Rash (papulovesicular) develops and crusts over.

USA (***NY***), Ukraine, Croatia, Korea
Rickettsia akari

Reservoir = Mouse + Mite
***EPIDEMIC TYPHUS*** aka Louse-Borne Typhus: abrupt onset of fever, severe headache, centrifugal rash (trunk to extremities) sparing face, palms/soles. maculoPaPular rash;

Rickettsia prowazekii

Humans + Louse (Flying Squirrels)
Brill-Zinsser Disease
Recurrent or recrudescent Epidemic Typhus, more mild.

Caused by Rickettsia prowazekii
***ENDEMIC (MURINE) TYPHUS***: mild form of epidemic, ~50% do not have rash. If rash is present, CENTRIFUGAL (Center --> Periphery).

Common in GUlf Coast states and California in warm months
Rickettsia typhi

Reservoir = Rodents + Flea
***Q FEVER***:
Acute; high fever, headache, myalgias, shaking chills, dry cough but usually no rash. self-limiting.

Chronic: endocarditis (pre-existing heart disease or other conditions)
Coxiella burnetii

Reservoir = Animals + Soil
***EHRLICHIOSIS***: High fever, headache, malaise, myalgieas. Nausea/vomiting common. Rash is rare, but if present it developes later.

Leukopenia & thrombocytopenia in most (may be mild to severe). ***DECREASED WBC & platelets***
Ehrlichia chaffeensis
***CAT SCRATCH DISEASE***: pustule, regional adenopathy (single node), fever; ***Parinaud's oculoglandular syndrome***
Bartonella henselae

Reservoir = Cat or Cat Flea
***TRENCH FEVER*** (5-day fever): fever, sever headache, weakness, pain in long bones (esp tibia); infect erythrocytes at 5 day intervals. Immunocompromised (HIV) recurrent fever +bacterimia
Bartonella quintana

Reservoir = Humans + Louse
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Pyelonephritis (Kidney Scarring), Postpartum Fever

Colonizes Respiratory Tract and Genitourinary Tract in MALES
Mycoplasma hominis
Non-Gonococcal Urethritis
Ureaplasma urealyticum
All Enterobacteriaceae are motile with peritrichous flagella EXCEPT for 3. Which are they?
(Your Stationary Kinds)

1) Yersinia


3) Klebsiella
Which Pathogenic E. coli strains should you NOT use the following with:

1) Antimicrobials

2) Antimotility Agents
1) Antimicrobials - EHEC, may cause Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome (HUS)

2) Antimotility Agents - EIEC
Indolent (Painless) Pneumonia, Foul Breath

ASACCHAROLYTIC (cannot break down sugars) - also found in Genitourinary Tract

In Lab Dx, BLACK COLONIES due to pigment

REQUIRES Vitamin K and Hemin to grow

Gram Neg Coccobacillary in appearance
Porphyromonas asaccharolytica and gingivalis

Just like Prevotella in every way EXCEPT that it is Asaccharolytic and also found in the GU Tract
Common characteristic of Aerobes and Facultative Anaerobes?
Typically Oxidase POSITIVE!

Exception: Enterobacteriaceae - a facultative anaerobe that is Oxidase NEGATIVE!