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42 Cards in this Set

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Three factors in the control disease is

1) eliminate the source of the disease

2) preventing the transmission of disease

3)Providing a method for the host to resist the disease

What is an example of eliminating the source of the disease?

disinfecting and sterilizing

What is an example of preventing the transmission of disease?

prevention aerosol of agents respiratory discharge

What is an example of Providing a method for the host to resist the disease?


What are two physical methods of microbial control

Washing and drying removes alot of microbial load

change out of and washing dirty cloths immediately

What should be used for incineration?

soiled disposable items such as laundry mops basins trays and food bowels

How does Incineration work?

with moist heat sterilization

What is the process of incinerating

water is heated to 60c

most effective if use detergent and agitation

Boiling water is not good for killing?

spore forming bacteria and heat resistant viruses

What should be added to boiling water to help aid the process?


What temp must be reached when boiling for it to be effective?


How long should items be boiled for them sterilized?

Must boil for 30 minutes

In Chemical control it is important to follow...

instructions for the use of the various agents

In chemical control; words ending in -cidal indicate?

death of the organism

In chemical control; words ending in -static indicate?

indicate inhibition of growth of organisms

What is the relationship between an antiseptic and a disinfectant?

antiseptics may be a dilute form of a disinfectant

What is used in cold sterilization?

objects are soaked in disinfectant

Concentrations above 50% in the use of alcohols are considered ..


Why should alcohols not be used in cold trays?

Alcohols evaporate to quickly

Where should alcohols not be used?

on traumatized skin

What is an example of an Aldehyde?


What is formaldehyde (aldehyde) used for?

tissue preservation

What environment should a aldehyde be used in and why

One with good ventilation because it is a carcinogen

What is an example of a Glutaraldehyde?


What are glutaraldehydes used for

Kills most organisms

How long should objects be left to soak in cidex for it to kill most organisms?

kills most organisms in 10 minutes

How long should objects be left to soak in cidex for it to be considered sporacidal

It is sporacidal if objects are left to soak for several hours

What are some examples of oxidizing agents?

chlorine, iodine and hydrogen peroxide

How do oxidizing agents work?

By disrupting the cell process

What dilution of household bleach is effective against many bacteria and viruses ?

1:5 dilution bleach:water

How does iodine work?

Iodine reacts with cells to inhibit enzyme activity

At what concentration does iodine begin to burn living tissue?

3.5% or higher

What chemicals should never be combined?

and why?

ammonia and chlorine it forms toxic chlorine gas

What are surfactants?


Why are surfactants used?

surfactants are used to lower surface tension of a liquid and allow dislike substances (water and oil) to mix more easily

What are the three groups of surfactants?

1. Anionic

2. nonionic

3. cationic

What are some examples of anionic's?

soap, mostly cleaning agents

What are cationic's good for

bacterial compounds

What are some phenolic derivatives?

Lysol, pine-sol

When are phenolic's not as effective ?

by excessive organic material

What is a heavy metal that was once used, but was removed from the market?


What Heavy metal is available as an antiseptic?

Zinc compounds