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76 Cards in this Set

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in epidemiology, descriptive study
occurs after disease outbreak to determine the characteristics of people such as age sex personal habits location etc.
substances that are toxic to white blood cells
refers to normal flora that are only present for short periods of time, now and then
Bacteremia septicemia
the presence of bacteria in the blood
the World Health Organization determines
which diseases are possible to eradicate from the face of the earth: it provides guidance funding and education
focal infection
it's a local infection that spread examples include rabies hepatitis a and tetanus
a continual source of infectious agents , soil water food diseased animals and other humans are all examples
latent disease
is one that can be inactive for long periods of time examples include viral diseases such as shingles and cold sores
propagated epidemic
is one where the number of cases continues to rise as infected people continue to infect others
what does the capsule do
it helped the pathogen escape phagocytosis unless opsonization has occurred
respiratory droplet
is produced by sneezing coughing and talking can easily spread respiratory diseases over distance is less than 1 meter
common source epidemic
occurs due to a single exposure of a group of people
our projections of microbes that match host receptors at the correct portal of entry
diseases are not spread from one person to another such as botulism or tetanus
during pathogenesis and occurs as the microorganisms multiply to establish themselves on or within the host
refers to normal flora virtually always present
National Center for Disease Control and Prevention
located in Atlanta Georgia publishes the MMWR: 50 + diseases are continuously monitor to detect any trends early
the total number of existing cases (old & new) of a disease in a given population usually expressed as a percentage: a snapshot to help access the overall impact of a disease
infectious dose
refers to the number of microorganisms necessary to establish an infection; a few to several million, depending on factors such as the virulence of the infectious agent and the host defenses
morbidity rate
is calculated as the number of cases in a given time divided by the population at risk:
contagious diseases such as influenza typically have a high rate because each infected individual transmitted disease to several others; it is also the first M in MMWR
its postulates where experimental steps to establish the microbe that causes the disease
refers to the identification disease; sign symptoms and lab results
following transmission to a new host during pathogenesis there must be blank to the target host tissue in order for colonization to occur, pili and complimentary surface molecules may help
the presence of a blank is common in pathogenic bacteria
capsule because it inhibits phagocytosis because it's slippery and slimy so the phagocytes can't get a good grip
subjective !!!
changes in the body during a disease that include pain and Malaise (a feeling a general discomfort)
subclinical infection
is asymptomatic and may go unnoticed specially in children
is an exoenzyme that breaks down fibrin clots allowing bacteria to spread
the illness period of a disease
occurs when the disease is most acute and death this most likely: marked by fever chills enlarged lymph nodes elevated white blood cell count etc.
the first step for Pathogenesis to occur
transmission to susceptible host this may occur from the environment soil water from human or other animals by direct or indirect means
a chronic disease
develops slowly and symptoms persist for long duration mononucleosis TB leprosy and syphilis are all examples
the carrier
I host with a pathogen that does not cause disease in the host but can be transmitted to others were could cause disease
communicable diseases
can be transmitted from one person to another;
measles colds and influenza
our objective;
measurable changes in the body during the disease include fever edema lesions rash pus and inflammation
refers to the process of disease development steps include transmission, adherence, invasion colonization, damage to host, exit from host and survival long enough for transmission to the next host
an exoenzyme that breaks down h2o2 produced by phagocytes into water and oxygen preventing digestion of the engulfed bacterium
vertical spread of the disease
direct form of transmission that only occurs across the placenta( syphillus or rebulla) or from mother to newborn (herpes)
prevalence refers to the total number of existing cases old and new) of a disease in a given population usually expressed as a blank
local infection
microorganisms are restricted to a small area example warts or boils
general feeling of being unwell
refers to a form of symbiosis; partners benefit from the relationship; E. coli of normal flora of human provides vitamin K some of the B vitamins and make helpful bacteriocins( chemicals to fight off) harmful species
Prodromal period of disease
host defenses have been overcome and disease has developed this. Follows incubation in some diseases; it is marked by early mild symptoms/ signs aches and malaise
an exo enzyme that activates prothrombin in blood plasma. prothrombin then combines with fibrinogen forming a fibrin clot for the pathogen to hide this helps prevent phagocytosis
toxic soluble protein secreted by some bacteria examples are the cause of botulism and tetanus
the decline period of the disease
1 to a few days in duration occurs when signs and symptoms subside this is also when the patient is most susceptible to secondary opportunistic infections
Typhoid Mary
an Irish immigrant cook in New York in the early 1900 s
she infected over thousand people became perhaps the best known carrier of all time
systemic infection
one that spreads throughout the body via the blood and lymphatic system measles tooth abscess appendicitis chickenpox and syphilis
the incubation period
what host defenses have been overcome and diseases developing thisperiod occurs before the first signs and symptoms appear. it may be short (10 to 14 days with typhoid fever) or long (10 years with AIDS)
an opportunistic organism
is usually nonpathogenic that it can become pathogenic under certain circumstances such as when host health is compromised when there's a reduction of normal flora or if it gets into a different part of the body
refers to a group of signs and symptoms that typically occurs with particular disease often helpful for diagnosis
refers to the form of symbiosis where one partner benefits at the expense of the other called the host causing harm and possibly even death
biological vector
part of the pathogen life cycle
an endemic disease
is constantly present in a population the common cold as an example
an epidemic
occurs when a lot of people get a disease in a short period Of time
all types of stress emotional nutritional physical increase production of
immunosuppressive corticosteroids
the study the frequency and distribution of disease in order to identify risk factors and set guidelines for the prevention and control of certain diseases
horizontal spread of a disease
a direct form of transmission from person to person
poisonous cell components that are released when the microbe dies breaks apart includes various lipopolysaccharides LPS and gram negative cell walls
convalescent period
during disease recovery this period Follows the decline period This is the period Of time that sorry to fully regain strength
symbiosis where one panther benefits while the others neither help nor harmed Staphylococcus epidermidis lives off skin secretions and slouched cells
indirect disease transmission
involves transfer of pathogens fomites food water or air
mortality rate
the percentage of people who died from the disease AIDS Ebola and plague have high rates it is also the second M in MMWR
worldwide epidemic;
influenza and AIDS are examples
septic shock
a potentially fatal condition that can occur when endotoxins are released from gram-negative bacteria as they break apart
normal flora
refers to microorganisms that normally live in or on the body without producing harm they may be resident (always there) or transient (only present for a short time)
and exoenzyme also nickname spreading factor it breaks down the glue of connective tissue enhancing spread throughout the body
during pathogenesis adherence to the target tissue least two successful Blank, the higher the number of microbes present the more likely this will occur
analytical study
and epidemiolog, once the occurence of an outbreak has been fully described, this study is done to identify specific risk factors that result in high frequencies of disease involves a comparative approach with people with this disease compared to similar people without the disease
cockroaches and house flies are not involved in the parasites life cycle but are merely carriers they are referred to as
mechanical disease vectors
the presence of toxins in the blood
contagious disease
is a communicable disease that is easily spread like chicken pox and measles
refers to disease cases in a specific time period Compared with a general healthy population; regardless of the population size of this is expressed as number of cases per 100,000 people for easier comparison and indicates both the rate and the risk of infection
exotoxins that lyse red blood cells
a disease primarily of other animals that can affect humans
swine flu rabies RMSF anthrax and bubonic plague
direct disease transmission
involves transfer pathogens from one person to another this is typical of fragile package is that cannot survive its during periods of time in the environment Treponema pallidim Neisseria gonorrhoeae
inanimate objects and act as an indirect transmitter of pathogens used tissues unsanitized eating utensils toys and contaminated needles are examples
acute disease
develop faster for short duration influenza