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66 Cards in this Set

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What are the 3 unenveloped RNA viruses?
Which are infectious? Why?
Picorna and Calici - both are +ssRNA; Reo is dsRNA
What are the 6 +ssRNA viruses?
What is the capsid symmetry of all the +ssRNA viruses?
Icosahedral - except one
What +ssRNA virus is Helical?
What is the capsid symmetry of all the -ssRNA viruses?
What are the 3 -ssRNA viruses with circular RNA?
And what is the dsRNA virus?
Reo repeatovirus
What are the 5 viruses of medical importance in the Picornavirus family?
-Heparna - Hep A
What does Poliovirus cause?
and it's the basis of the Salk/Sabin vaccines
What does Echovirus cause?
Aseptic meningitis
What does Rhinovirus cause?
The common cold
What are 5 infections that Coxsackie virus can cause?
-Febrile pharyngitis
-Aseptic meningitis
-Hand/foot/mouth disease
What does HAV cause?
Hepatitis A - acute viral hepatitis
What can all of the Picornaviruses cause? Except for which?
All can cause ASeptic meningitis except Rhino and Hep A
What is the important point to remember re: Picornavirus replication?
Their RNA is translated as one large polyprotein that then gets cleaved by proteases into functional viral proteins.
Why does Rhinovirus cause the common cold?
Because there are >100 serotypes
What are the 2 notable pathogens in the Calicivirus family?
-Norwalk virus
-Hepatitis E
What does Norwalk virus cause?
Gastroenteritis - on cruises
What are the 2 notable pathogens in the Reovirus family?
What does Reovirus cause?
Colorado tick fever
What does Rotavirus cause?
Infantile gastroenteritis! Most important and #1 cause of fetale death due to diarrhea!
What is important to remember about the genome structure of Rotavirus?
10 segments of dsRNA - it undergoes redistribution like influenza and can cause pandemics
How does Rotavirus cause such destructive diarrhea?
Causes VILLOUS DESTRUCTION and ATROPHY - decreases Na/H2O reabsorption
What is the unique point about reoviruses structure in addition to it being dsRNA and segmented?
It has a double capsid and looks like a wheel
What are the 5 major pathogens in the Flavivirus family?
-Hep C
-Dengue fever virus
-Yellow fever virus
-St. louis encephalitis virus
-West Nile virus
What are the flaviviruses grouped together with? Into what group?
Flavivirus + Togavirus + Bunyavirus -> Arboviruses
What does ARBO mean?
Arthropod Borne
How can you remember the 3 arboviruses?
Fever Transmitted by Bites
What are the classic examples of Flaviviruses transmitted by bites?
Dengue fever and Yellow fever
What is Dengue fever aka?
Break-bone fever
What is the variant of Dengue fever in Southeast Asia?
Hemorrhagic shock syndrome
What is Yellow fever caused by?
What is the flavivirus transmitted by? What is their reservoir?
Aedes mosquitos - reservoir is in monkeys/humans
What are the 3 hallmark signs of Flavivirus infection and Yellow fever?
-Black vomit
-JAUNDICE (yellow skin)
-High fever
What can be seen in a liver specimen from yellow fever?
Councilman bodies!
What other important virus is a Flavivirus? What does its infection resemble?
Hep C - resembles Hep B
What are the 4 things C's of hepatitis C?
-Chronic hepatitis
-Carcinoma (hepatocellular)
What are the 3 diseases caused by the Togavirus?
-Eastern equine encephalitis
-Western equine encephalitis
What is the genome of the Togavirus?
What is the genome of the Retrovirus family?
What are the 2 main pathogens in the Retrovirus family? What does each cause?
HTLV - Tcell lymphoma
How is the Coronovirus' genome different from all the previous viruses so far?
but HELICAL, not icosahedral
What does the Coronavirus cause?
The common cold and SARS!
What is the pathogen in the Orthomyxovirus family?
Genome structure of Influenza?
-ssRNA SEGMENTED in 8 pieces
What does the segmentation of Influenza's genome allow for?
Reassortment and antigenic shifts and drifts
What are the 4 segmented viruses? what type of viruses are they all?
BOAR - all RNA viruses:
-Reo (rota)
How many segments are in
-Influenza virus
Reo = 10
Influenza = 8
What are the 4 major pathogens in the Paramyxovirus family?
What does Parainfluenza cause?
How many serotypes of this?
Croup in children
-4 serotypes
What does RSV cause?
How many serotypes of this?
Bronchiolitis in babies
-2 serotypes
What is RSV treated with?
How many serotypes of Measles and mumps? What does this allow for?
Only 1! Can give a vaccine
What are the 3 major findings in Mumps?
Parotids/testes as big as POMS
What can Mumps lead to especially if the infection occurs after puberty?
What is the HALLMARK sign of Measles?
Koplik spots - white, bluish-gray spots on the back of the throat
Why are Koplik spots a highly important finding to take note of?
They are diagnostic!
What are 3 possible sequelae of Measles?
Giant cell Pneumonia
Where will the rash be seen in Measles?
Head to toe!
3 C's of Measles:
and of course Koplik's spots
What is coryza?
head cold
What is SSPE?
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis caused by immune resistant measles!
What is SSPE an example of?
SLOW virus infection
What are the 2 CONVENTIONAL viruses that can exhibit these slow virus infections?
-Measles - as SSPE
-JC virus - as PML in AIDs patients
What is an UNconventional cause of slow infection?
Prions - Creutzfeldt jacob and kuru