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24 Cards in this Set

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Skin manifestations of viral infection often arise due to a _________ infection.
this type of dz describes an infxn causes that causes an ill person to break out in a rash
Exanthematous diseases
a flat discolored area of the skin
a small raised bump
A small blister on the skin filled with fluid
7 y/o boy whose parents don’t believe in vaccinations develops reapiratory symptoms hyperplasia of lymphoid tissue, cough, keratoconjuctivitis, fever, and koplik spots. 3 days later he develops a rash that covers his entire body. Viral cx grows out a enveloped - ssRNA virus,paramyxovirus. The virus he is infected with attachs monocytes, T cells and B cells. What is the dx?
Measles (Rubeola)
Baby born to mother infected with an enveloped + ssRNA virus Togavirus has congenital defects. What is the dz.
Rubella (German measles)
Child presents with bright red cheeks. Viral cx grows out a tiny naked ssDNA virus
Wha is the dx?
What is the virus?
Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease, or slapped cheek syndrome)
Human parvovirus B-19
Infant has 4 days of a high fever followed by maculopapular rash. Viral cx grows out a large enveloped dsDNA virus.
What is the dx What is the virus? --
--Roseola infantum (exanthem subitum, or sixth disease)
Human Herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6)
Child presents with fever, and mailase that was followed by itchy red maculopapules on the face and trunk which procede to vesicles
He has a dz where a prodromal stage with fever and malaise is about 24 hours before rash, lesions pustulate, crust and heal slowly over a 3 week period. Viral cx shows enveloped linear ds DNA of the Herpesviridae family
varicella zoster (chickenpox)
Elderly pt under stress presents with a rash along a dermatomal spread. Viral cx shows enveloped linear ds DNA of the Herpesviridae family
varicella zoster (shingles)
pt presents with chickenpox like pustules except they are localized in a centrifugal distribution(extremities & face). What is the dx?
Variola (smallpox)
child in day care presents with malaise, sores in the mouth and blisters on the palms and backs of hands and heels and soles of the feet. Viral clture grows out Picornaviruses (e.g., Coxsackie A virus, most commonly A16 or Enterovirus 71)
Hand Foot and Mouth Disease
Causes herpes labialis and is transmitted by oral secretions.
causes genital herpes and is transmitted by genital secretions
Dx of Herpes
What kind of smear?
What kind of stain?
What does stain show?
Tzanck smear- cells scraped from base of a vesicle
stained by Giemsa or Wright’s stain show mutinucleated giant cells.
pt presents with coliflower like growth on bottom of foot caused by naked icosahedral dsDNA. What dx? What virus?
Warts (papilloma) - Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
pt presents with indurated white vesicles? What dx? What family of viruses?
Molluscum contagiosum -A Pox virus
pt presents with coliflower like growth on bottom of foot caused by naked icosahedral dsDNA. What dx? What virus?
Warts (papilloma) - Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Maculopapular rashes are often due to an immunologic reaction. Do they contain viruses in the rash.
Vesicular rashes are well-demarcated, circular, and raised with a clear fluid in the center. Do vesicular rashes contain viruses within them.
often yes
Do warts contain virus within the lesion.
what type of virus is measles (rubeola)?
How many antigenic type/s does measles (rubeola) have?
only 1
(important for developing an effective vaccine)