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60 Cards in this Set

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The equation for an electron donating 1/2 reaction
A--> e- + B

(H2-->2e- +2H)
The equation for an electron accepting 1/2 reaction
A + e- --> B

(1/2 O2 + 2e- --> O2-)
What is a reduction potential
a measure of how easily it will give up or receive electrons in a reaction
Electron Tower ges from ________ to _______
glucose and CO2 to O2 and H2O
The units used to measure energy
Electron donors are _____ energy sources
As electrons are given up by an electron donor, they fall down the electron tower and are caught by these
electron acceptors
(equation) the amount of energy used to do work is
# of electrons multiplied by the distance they fall
fermentation and respiration both start with this
glucose oxidation
how many electrons are carried down the electron tower?
24 (in steps)
what do electron carriers do?
capture energy
example of an electron carrier that is soluble (in cytoplasm)
electron carriers are found in 2 forms
membrane bound and membrane soluble forms
Definition of Fermentation
Oxidation of an organic compound to yield energy (trapped as ATP) where the electrons generated are accepted by an internal electron acceptor (pyruvate in the case of glycolysis)
Definition of Respiration
Oxidation of an organic or inorganic energy source in which electrons pass down an electron transport chain and are accepted by an external electron acceptor (ex: Oxygen, Nitrate, Sulfate, etc.)
What is substrate level phosphorlation?
enzymes rearrange compound, focus energy on one bond to break it, and produces ATP (this is not efficient)
Fermintation uses this process to form energy
The 3 stages of Fermintation are:
1. preparatory reactions (rearrangement)
2. Oxidation (O2 given up)
3. Reduction (makes fermintation products)
what is glycolysis?
a 1/2 reaction (oxidation)
the difference between glycolysis in Fermintation and respiration is this
what the pyruvate does (in fermintation it dumps electrons and in respiration it turns into acetyl CoA, then goes into Citric Acid Cycle)
pyruvate in fermintation does this
pyruvate dumps electrons
pyruvate in respiration does this
turns into Acetyl CoA, then goes into citric acid cycle
what is an Internal electron acceptor
something the bug makes by itself (pyruvate)
what is an External electron acceptor
something the bug uses that it doesn't make, from environment (likie O2)
5 things to know about fermintation
1. Yields Energy
2. Uses ORGANIC compounds
3. Only uses SLP to get energy
4. Uses an internal Electron acceptor (something bug makes on its own)
5. Is wasteful with energy
In respiration, oxygen is preferred... why?
creates more energy
Proton Motor Force in respiration can convert to this
In respiration, SLP gives this
extra energy
how does glucose get completely oxidized to CO2?
24 steps, slowly so as not to lose energy all at once
to spot a SLP in citric acid cycle, you are looking for this
To spot an oxidation in citric acid cycle, you are looking for this:
What is oxidative phosphorlation?
only in respiration
is the oxidation of nutrients to produce ATP
In respiration, movement down ETC is used to do this
pump portons out of the cell
glycolysis produces this in both resp and ferm
if you put electrons on O2, you get this
lots of energy
Chemo-org and Chemo-lith electrons are:
not put on O2
where is energy produced in respiration?
cell membrane
where is energy produced in fermintation?
ATPase does this
converts PMF to ATP
Glucose uses this transporter in the cell
group translocation
glycolysis does this
converts glucose to pyruvate (produces small amount of ATP)
redox means
reduction/oxidation reaction
How much oxidation occurs in fermintation?
not much
How much oxidation occurs in respiration?
what is done with electrons in fermintation?
what is done with electrons in respiration?
go to ETC to produce energy
what are the products formed in fermintation?
fermentation products = lots
what are the products formed in respiration?
H2O and CO2
how is energy produced in fermintation?
how is energy produced in respiration?
Oxidative phosphorlation and a little bit of SLP
what is gibbs free energy?
the evergy availible to do work
oxidation describes
the loss of electrons
reduction describes
the gain of electrons
Oxidation Equation looks like this:
Reduction Equation looks like this:
Oxidizing agent is an
electron acceptor
Reducing Agent is an
electron donor
Key points to know in Fermentation...
Uses only SLP
Internal Electron Acceptor
Partial Oxidation means wasteful with energy
Only Organic Compounds are used
Key Points to know in Respiration...
Uses ETC and SLP
PMF is used
External Electron Acceptor
Not wasteful with energy, goes though complete oxidation, glucose goes to CO2
Uses Organic and Inorganic compounds
electrons are given up by ____________ as they fall down the electron tower and are caught by ____________
electron donor
electron acceptor