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51 Cards in this Set

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What is the IMViC Test and why is it important?
Its a series of test to identify the the difference between enteric bacteria. The reason of separation is to control intestinal infections by preventing contamination of food and water supplies.
What tests consist of the IMViC Test?
It's a series of tests that include the following: indole, methyl red, Voges-Proskauer, and citrate.
Name the pathogenic enteric bacteria
Salmonella & Shigella
Name the characteristics of the family Enterobacteriaceae.
Short, gram (-), non-sporing bacilli found in intestinal tract.
Name the occasional pathogenic enteric bacteria.
Proteus & Klebsiella
Name the normal intestinal flora.
Escherichia, Enterobacter
Name the bacteria found under the family Enterobacteriaceae (hint 6).
Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus, Klebsiella, Escherichia, Enterobacter
Of the 6 Enterobacteriaceae, there is 2 other bacteria (aside from that family) that is considered to be an enteric bacteria. What are they?
Alcaligenes faecalis & Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Of the 8 enteric bacteria, which are lactose fermenting?
Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae
Of the 8 enteric bacteria, which are lactose non-fermenting?
Salmonella typhimurium, Shigella dysenteriae, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Alcaligenes faecalis
The short procedure is for...?
Enterobacteriaceae family
What is the purpose of the indole test?
To see which bacteria can degrade the amino acid tryptophan
What media is used for this test indole test?
SIM agar deep
Of the 4 tests within the IMViC, which one does not have a reagent?
Name all the reagents used in the IMViC test and pair it with each test.
Kovac's reagent - Indole; Methyl red indicator - Methyl red test; Barrit's reagent A and B - Voges Proskauer.
What enzyme does a bacteria need in order to hydrolyze tryptophan?
How many drops of Kovac's reagent is needed for the test?
10 drops
In the indole test, what color shows a positive reaction?
Cherry red
In the indole test, what color shows a negative reaction?
Which bacteria showed a positive reaction in the indole test?
Escherichia coli & Proteus vulgaris
What is the purpose of the methyl red test?
To determine which bacteria can stabilize a high concentration of acid end products.
According to the MR and VP test, what does E. aerogenes do in later stages when the acid end products are produced?
E. aerogenes starts breakdown the acidic end products to non acidic end products resulting in an elevated pH
What is the media used for the MR test?
MR-VP broths
According to the MR and VP test, what are the non acid end products produced from the organic acid end products resulting from glucose metabolism?
Butanediol & acetoin
In the MR test, what reagent is used to distinguish the pH levels?
Methyl red indicator
How many drops of reagent is used in the MR test?
What color and pH range is a positive reaction in the MR test?
Red - 4
What color and pH range is a negative reaction in the MR test?
Yellow - 6
The methyl red test indicates what?
pH levels of bacterial end products
Which bacteria exhibited a positive reaction in the methyl red test?
Escherichia coli, Proteus vulgaris, Lactococcus lactis, Staphylococcus carnosus
What is the purpose of the Voges-Proskauer Test?
It is to determine if a bacteria produced a non-acidic or neutral end product from the acid end product of glucose fermentation.
What compound is needed to show detection in the VP test?
What reagent is used in the VP test?
Barrit's reagent A & B
What is the end product of the VP Test?
What media is used in the VP Test?
MR-VP broth
In the VP Test, what is used to combine with acetylmethylcarbinol to produce diacetyl compound?
Barrit's reagent A
In the VP test, what is combined with diacetyl compound to show a positive or negative result in the broth media?
Barrit's reagent B
In the VP test, what color is exhibited when the results are positive? and negative?
Positive = Red
Negative = Yellow
How many drops of reagent is used for the VP Test?
10 of each
In the VP test, which showed a positive result?
E. aerogenes, E. faecalis, B. subtilis, C. xerosis
What is the purpose of the Citrate Test?
To determine if a bacteria can utilize citrate as their sole energy source with the absence of glucose.
What enzyme is used to breakdown citrate?
If a bacteria is capable of utilizing citrate as an energy source, what is used to transport citrate into the cell?
Citrate permease
What is citrate broken down to?
Oxaloacetic acid & acetate
What reagent is used in the citrate test?
There is no reagent
What is oxaloacetic acid & acetate broken down to in the citrate test?
pyruvate, CO2, and sodium
What indicator is used in the Simmons citrate agar slant?
Bromthymol blue indicator
What pH environment (acidic, basic, or neutral) is needed to show a positive result in the citrate test?
In the citrate test, what compound is formed to show a positive/alkaline result and what is it made of?
Sodium carbonate - CO2, water, Sodium
What color is the control/negative media in the citrate test?
In the citrate test, which bacteria showed a positive reaction?
E. aerogenes, P. vulgaris, P. aeruginosa