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12 Cards in this Set

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What is the bacteria with high lipid content and mycolic acid?
MYCOBACTERIA (MTB- s&s- night sweats, fevers, wt loss, hemoptisis)
Bacteria without cell wall. What does it contain instead?
Sterols. MycoPLASMA (vs Mycobacteria)
If bacteria has high lipid content, what kind of stain does it require?
Acid-fast stain. All Mycobacteria are acid fast bacteria.. M.avium- causes disseminated dz in AIDS)
What is a Ghon complex?
A TB granuloma. It reflects 1' exposure or infection, i.e. in non-immune host (child, other immunocompromised)
How do you know that you are looking at a Ghon complex (1' exposure or infection)?
You find it in perihilar lymph nodes or lower lobes. Ghon complex can 1.heal by fibrosis and later cause immunity and hypersensitivity-TUBERCULINE positive rxn on testing.
2.Progress and kill and immunocompromised host
3.Cause severe bacteremia, then MILIARY TB and death
4.via lymphatic or hematogenous dissemination spread throughout to several organs and go dormant.
How do you know that you are looking at a 2' TB? (i.e. after primary exposure as a child you had it spread and go dormant until reactivation upon secondary encounter happened)
It is in the upper lobes as a fibrocaseous cavitary lesion.
TB can go into any system. If it is on pt's vertebral body what do we call it?
POTT'S disease
Explain PPD
+ if current infection, prior exposure (dormant) or BCG vaccinated.
- if no infection or ANERGIC (immunocompromised, malnurished, on steroids, or with SARCOIDOSIS)
This condition has elevated ACE levels and has a negative PPD test. Epithelium contains granulomas so do lymph nodes.
BILATERAL hilar lymphadenopathy in a black female who has a RESTRICTIVE lung disease and erythema NODOSUM. Sarcoidosis.
Explain hypercalcemia in Sarcoidosis. Can it be treated with steroids?
vitamin D is converted to its active form by epithelioid macrophages. Macrophages (histiocytes) define granuloma. They wall off stuff. When granulomas heal they can scar/fibrose lung->restrictive lung dz
ACE is increased in Sarcoidosis pt. How does it affect the pt?
ACE is present everywhere, yet most of it is in the LUNGS. Ace cleaves Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II. The latter increases TPR by stimulating arteriolar sm muscle constriction. But most importantly it stimulates Aldosterone release from adrenal cortex!
Noncaseating granuloma. What does it mean and where is it found?
Granuloma-immune cells trying to wall off something. Noncaseating means the tissue in the middle has not died!