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122 Cards in this Set

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Postiive PAS stain
Whipples dx
Dog/cat bite
currant jelly sputum
sepsis/meningitis in newborn
group b strep
fungal in diabetic
mucor or rhizopus
neutropenic pts
bilateral bell's palsy
borrelia burgdorferi
chronic granulomatous dx bugs
catalse positive
s aureus, nocardia, serratia, pseudomonas, aspergillus
NOT strep
asplenic pts
howell jowel bodies +
encapsulated microbes SHiN
s. pneumo, H influenzae, N meningitis
pediatric infection including epiglottitis
h influenzae
traumatic open wound
clostridium perfringens
branching rods in oral infection; sulfur granules
actinomyces israelli
pneumo in CF or burn victim
p. aueriginosa
cherry red epiglottisits; dysphagia, drooling, difficulty breathing
h influenzae type B (so infects even vaccinated)
gray exudate; pseudomembrane; pharyngitis
corneybacterium diptheriae
rubeola; paramyxovirus
measles, koplik spots then rash beginning head and going downward
rubella (TORCH)
rash beginning head and down with postauricular lymphanopathy
TB like disease in HIV
myco avium CD4 <50
pneumo in HIV
pneumocystitis jiroveci
intranuclear and cytoplasmic inclusiion bodies
ring enhancing lesion abscesses
toxo gondii
India ink
cryptococcus (cause encephalitis)
narow based budding
yeasts within macrophages
histoplasma capsulatm
fishy smell + whiff test
clue cells
garnerella vaginalis
bacterial vaginosis NOT STD
Fitz Hugh Curtis
PID infection that --> liver capsule and violin string adhesions of parietal peritoneum to liver
strawberry colored cervix
rancid smell
protozoa; Truchomonas (corkscrew with tumbling motiltiy)
ulcers lymphadenopathy; rectal strictures
stain for chlamydia
stain for herpes
tzankc shows multinucleated giant cells
dark field microscopy
waterhouse friederickson
thayer martin
gonorrhea; diplococci
name the gram + cocci
staph and strep
staph = catalase +
name the gram + rods
Listen (to) my corny Bach Closing act:
listeria; mycobacterium; corynebactreium; clostridum; bacilus; actinomyces
gram - cocci
diploccoci = gonorrhea/meningitis
Gram = coccibacillus
h influenzae
silver stain
legionella; fungi (ie pneumocystitis)
charcoal yeast
PAS stain
stains GLYCOGEN (pass the sugar); mucopolysacharides; dz whipple
ADP ribosylation that stimulates adenyl cyclase
inc pumping of cl into gut and dec Na absorption -> rice water diarhea VIBRIO
stimulates adenulate cyclase (heat labile); heat stable stimulates guanylate
e coli
both cause watery diarrhea
TSST is a superantigen that binds to MHC II and T cell receptor resulting in polyclonal T cell activation
scaleded skin syndrome
MCC meningitis; otitis media; pnemo; sinusitis
Strep pneumo; rusty sputum, sepsis in sickle cell and splenectomy
Group A Strep
No "rheum" for SPECCulation
Strep pyogens;
PHarynigtis can result in PHever; glomerulonePHritis;
subQ nodules; polyarthritis; erythema marginatum; chorea carditis
strep bovis
subacute endocarditis in colon cancer
tumbling motility
only gram + with endotoxin
unpasteruized milk -> meningitis + spontaneous abortion
listeria monocytogenes
TB granulomas (Ghon focus) with lobar and perihilar lymph node involvesment
primary infection usually lower lobes
fibrocaceous cavitary lesions in upper lobes
secondary TB
Coccibaccilus all 4
H influenzae
Bordetella pertusis
chocolate agar and fxns
h influenzae * does not cause the flu; but EMOP; epiglottis; meningitis; otitis media; pneumonia
how you get pseudomonas aeuriginosa
hot tubs; UTI; drug use; diabets; osteomyelitis; pneumo in CF; wound and burn victims
4As of Klebsiella
Aspiration Pneumonia
Absecess in lungs
Salmonella typhi
rose spots on abdomen remains in gb in latency
mycoplasma pneumo
atypical walking pneumo (non productive couh; diffuse intersitial infiltrate) HIGH titer of cold agglutinins; Eaton's agar
Mississipi and Ohio river?
smaller than RBC
Histo HIdes in macrophages -> pnemonia bird/bat droppings
east coast fungi that can disseminate to skin and bone
same size as RBC
broad based buds
southwest US;cali
pneumo, meningitis
larger than RBC
coccidomycosis; increases after earth quake; spheryle filled with endospores
tinea versicolor bug
malasezzi furfur
spaghetti and meatball
soap bubble lesons
heavily encapsulated yeast
pigeon droppings
found in soil
rose gardner's dz
sporothrix scheckii
local pustule or ulcer
silver stain this bug after seeing diffuse bilateral CXR appearance
pneumocystis jiroveci
fatty stools from this protozoa
giadria lamblia
from cysts in water
flash shaped ulcer
bloody diarrhea
liver absecess
colon rupture
entamoeba histolytica
triad for toxo
intracranial calcifications
amoeba causes fatal meningoencephalitis
neagleria fowleri
ascents cribiform plate from freshwater ** think Nalgene
chagas dz
trypanosma cruzi
dilated cardiomyopathy
"kissing bug"
maltese cross
babesia RBC; fever and hemolytic anemia
trematodes =
flukes (as in for heminths)
schistosoma haematobium
squamous cell carcinoma of bladder; hematuria
clonorchis sinensis
undercooked fish _> inflammation of biliary tract -> pigmented gallstones -> cholangiosarcoma
b 12 deficiency parasite
diphylooobothrium latum
brain cysts and seizure
parasite = tanenia solium (cysticercosis)
liver cysts parasite
echinococcus granulosus
which is worse antigenic drift or shift
SHIFT (shit!) sudden shift (reassortment of viral genome) is more deadly than gradual drift (epidemic from random mutation) whereas shift = pandemic
rubeola 3cs
cough coryza conjunctivits
koplik spots
hepatitis from transfusion
also IVDU and carcinoma!
what HIV test determines immune status
CD4 T cell count --> when to administer treatment
what HIV test determines disease progression
HIV viral load
p24 peaks?
2 distinct
HIV screen and confirmation
screen ELISA rule out!
Western blot confirm rule in!
CD4 <200 or infection with p, jirovecii
proteus mirabilis
produce urease; sturvite stones
+ leukocyte esterase test
bacterial UTI
+ nitrite test
gram - bacterial UTI
metallic sheen
e coli
parvo b19
cause aplastic anemia
slapped cheek rash
hydrops fetalis in pregnant woman
rash on hands and soles
coxsackie A
rocky mt
sandpaper rash
scarlet fever from strep pyogens w/ fever and sore throat
daycare bloody diarhhea
and other cause of bloody diarhhea
yersinia; c diff; entamoeaba histolytica; O157:H7; shigella; salmonella; campylobacter
transudate vs exudate
transudate ph > 7.4 (BASIC)
exudate (ACID)
hint: ACID X
MCC neonatal meningitis?
1 month-young adult
neonate: Group B strep (Strep agalaactiae)
kid: n. meningitis
adult: strep pneumo
typical pneumonia
atypical pneumonia
strep pneumo
mycoplasma in kid it's RSV
Loffler's Syndrome
pulmonary lesion with thickened alveolar sepatae and eosinophil infiltrate
**inspiratory striders
basophilic intranuclear inclusions surrounded by a halo?
fungis ball and narrow angles; allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis type 1 and 3 HS
Duffy Ag against which bug
P. vivax
sterile pyruria; but + leukocyte esterase
UTI with chlamydia
bug for osteomyelitis in SS
bug for aplastic crisis in SS
salmonella paratyphia
parvo b19
MCC Diarrhea in AIDS ; acid fast oocytes
Cryptosporiudium Parvus
foamy exudates in HIV
p carinni
human transmsson; bradycardia; neutropenia; splenomegaly
salmonella typhi
ammonia smells
alkaline pH
Staghorn calculus
Pipe stem cirrhosis which heminth>
Schistomiasis: adult worms in portal vein
ate at street vendor -> bloody diarrhea
entamoeba histolytica
honey crusted on face
group A strep
Infective endocarditis: strep viridans MC; staph MC in IVDU
IE prosthetic valve = staph epidermis (coag negative)
IE ulcerative bowel dz; strep bovis
watery diarrhea
Ecoli, Vibrio, C Perf. (Protozoa: giardia, cryptosporidium); Virus (Rota, adeno, Norwalk)
Diarrhea w/ decrease in villus;crypt ratio: c jejuni
Afatoxins produces from aspergillus cause what?
hepatocellular carcinoma
--< septae body with fruiting body; extrinsic asthma VESSEL INVADER
nasopharyngeal carcinoma; mc risk factor for burkitt’s lymphoma and CNS lymphoma in AIDS
cellulitis bug
strep pyogenes (hyaliuduranase)
Chediak Higashi
signs and sx
neutropenia; albinism; neuropathy; repeated strep and staph ** detect microtubules; giant lysosomes
Chediak Higashi
membrane protein defect in transferring lyososmal enzymes to phagocytic vacuoles; AR;
I Cell disease:
cytosolic inclusions of undigested substrates
psychomotor retardation
early death
I Cell disease:
a defect in the post-translational modification of lysosomal enzymes (due to a deficiency in Phopsphotransferase)
Opsonization defect
(XR decreased IgG) * pre B cannot develop into mature B: S pnemoniae
DIgeorge sx and moa
t cell deficiency (no thymus)
candida; pnemocystisi HYPOcalcermia
Wiskott Aldrich: XR
progressive depletion of combined b and T :
eczema; thrombocytopenia, SP infections
*whisk away everything
dec IgM inc IgA IgE
MOA of rheumatic fever
There is cross-reactivity of the immune response to streptococcal M proteins, with the heart mainly affected.
dz taht causes leukocyte rxn
b pertussis