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18 Cards in this Set

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production possibilities
frontier (ppf)
The production possibilities frontier (PPF)
graphically represents the possible
production combinations of two goods an
economy can produce over a given time
period given a state of technology, no
unemployed resources, and efficient
straight-line ppf
Constant opportunity
costs with a straight-line
resources (inputs)
the body of skills &
knowledge concerning the use of
factors of production.
law of increasing cost
as an
economy produces more of a good, the
opportunity costs of producing that good
bowed outward ppf
The law of increasing opportunity costs causes
the PPF to be bowed outward.
productive efficiency
the maximum output is
produced given the level of resources &
gains are impossible in
one area, without losses in another.
economic growth
Economic growth occurs when the PPF shifts
What causes economic growth:
1) Increase in resources
2) Technological advances
economic decline
Economic decline causes the PPF to shift inward.
What causes economic decline:
1) A decrease in resources
2) Technological decline
specialized growth
economic systems
determines the
way in which a society decides on
what goods to produce, how to
produce them, and for whom they
will be produced.
mixed capitalism
private ownership of the
factors of production, market allocation of
resources, & decentralized decision making.
Most economic activities take place in the private
three key economic
1. What?
What goods & services will be produced?
2. How?
How goods & services will be produced?
3. For Whom?
Who will consume the goods &
services which are produced?
property rights
the laws, regulations, and
social customs that define what people can
and cannot do in society.
The process where things (money, products,
etc.) are traded or exchanged.
transactions cost
Transaction costs are the costs associated
with trade.
Costs of searching out, negotiating, &
completing an exchange.
comparative advantage
occurs when
someone can produce a good at a lower
opportunity cost than someone else.
Individuals & countries should produce goods
for which they have a comparative advantage
Absolute Advantage
occurs when someone
can produce a good with fewer resources
than someone else.