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107 Cards in this Set

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Treatment for Serratia marcescens
Aminoglycoside + piperacillin
HcG should do what in a normal, healthy pregnancy
double! Ectopic= <66% incr
Anything that can scar the tubes can cause an ectopic pregnancy such as?
endometriosis, PID, previous ectopic preg, & surgery
Use injectable form of indomethacin to do what?
Close a PDA
SE of Zodivudine?
impair DNA synthesis = BM supression, anemia
Asperigillus tx.
amp B or voriconazole
Drugs causing pulmonary fibrosis
bleomycin, busulftan, methotrextae, nitrosureas
-tadine H2 inhibitors also cause 2 people kind of SE
gynecomastia= male
hirsutism= fm
ruptures follicle giving off blood and follicular enlargment= peritoneal irritation, can mimic appendicitis
hirsutism, hot flashes, atrophy of vagina, osteopersosis, CAD

CAD: bc estrogen incr HDL:LDL
partial nAchR agonist (stops smoking) same agonist as nicotine= same feeling
55yo postmenopausal woman with re bleeding whats the first step?
endometrial biopsy- EC is it till proven otherwise :(
Meigs syndrome
ovarian fibroma, ascits, and right side pleural effusion (take the ovary out it goes away)
Choriocarcinoma loves going to the ...
What is the malignant tissue of choriocarcinoma?
ONLY ctrophoblastic NO chorionic villi present
What is sacralization?
When transverse processes L5 ar elong and articulate with the sacrum, can alter structure-function with lumbosacral junction= early disc degeneration
I like sex, are the spinal erector muscles (iliocostalis, Spinalis, Longissmus)
pelvic side shift to contralat side , a + thomas test, and SD in the upper lumbar indicates what dysfunction
facet trophism
asymmetry of facet joint angles, normally ther in sagittal plane in this their more coronal plane--> most common anomaly in lumbar--> early degenrative changes
failure of fusion of S1 w other sacral segments, much less common than sacralization
thoracic you think
lumbar motion
most of the herniations occu btwn which vertebraese
L4 and L5 / L5 & S1, nerve effected on the one below (L3 and L4 hurts L4)
gold standard for herniated nucleus pulposus
psoas syndrom
precipipated from prolonged position that shorten the psoas, maybe through viscero-somatic or somato-somatic reflexes
organic causes of psoas syndrome
appendicits, sigmoid colon dysfunction, ureteral calculi, ureter dysfunction, metastatic carcinoma of the prostate, salpingits
spinal stenosis causes
hypertrophy of facet joints, calcium deposits within the ligamentum flavum and posterior longtudinal ligamenet, loss of intervertebral disc height
incr pain with extension based activites, tight hamstrings bilaterally, stiff-leg short stride, waddling type gait= no neuro defects
worsened w extension as when standing, walking or lying supine
spinal stenosis
collar neck of the scotty dog, oblique show fracture of the pars..without anterior displacement
Spondylosis shows what
radiographical term for degenerative changes within intervertebral disc and ankylosing of adjacent vertebral bodies
Lateral x-ray show
oblique x-ray show
loss of bladder and bladder control, saddle anesthesia, decr DTR, decr rectal sphincter
cauda equina syndrome
Curve sidebent to the left has scoliosis to the
RIGHT (dextroscoliosis)
curve sidebent to the right
Left scoliosis (levoscoliosis)
whats the cobb method
draw horizontal lines fromvertebral bodies of extereme ends of curve, perpendicular line from horizontal= cobb
what is a moderate severity of scoliosis
severe scoliosis?
> 50
respiratory fx i compromised if thoracic is
>50 degrees
CV function is compromised if thoracic curve
short leg syndrome can have 3 tihngs happen
1. sacral base unleveling
2. vertebral SB and rotation
3. innominate rotation
anterior innominate happens on the side
of short leg
posterior innominate rotation on side of
long leg
lumbar spine sidebened away and rotate toward side of
short leg
fragile pts getting heel lift start with
1/16--> incr 1/16 every 2 weeks
flexible pt gets how much heel lift
1/8--> 1/8 ever 2 weeks
max heel lift
1/2 inch , max of 1/4 in the shoe
partial agonist at androgen receptors, used for endometriosis and hereditary angioedema--> can cause wt gain, edema, acne, hirsutism, masculinization, decr HDL, hepatotoxicity

progestin like effects, break the endometrium
beta-2 agonist, reduces preamture uterine contractions
MIfepristone + misoprostol
PgE and competitive inhibition of progestins at PR, terminate pregnancy--> heavy bleeding or Gi, abdominal pain SE
Cryptococcus neoformans tx.
amp B + flucytosine (meningitis)
vulvovaginal candidiasis tx?
2 common causes of sterile pyuria?
chlymdia and Tb
MCC of exudative tonsilitis
Viruses #1= EBV
Acute sinusitis
viruses, strep pneumoniae
Otitis media
strep pneumoniae, H. influenzae, moraxella cataralis
Malignant otitis externa
Psuedomonar aeruiginosa, staph epi, staph areus
Acute bronchitis
Nosocomial pneumonia
staphlococcus, e. coli
Nursing home pneumoniae
Kleb pneumoniae
ICU pneumoniae
Pseudomona aeruginosa
Atypical pneumonia
Mycoplasma pneumonia
strep pneumoniae
Infection of burn
psuedomona aeruiginosa
Bacterial meningiits neonate
e.coli, strep agalactiae (grp B0, listeria monocytogenes
Child & young adult meningitidis
neisseria meningitidis
Adult meningitis
strep pneumoniae, nneisseria meningitidis, h. influenzae type B, enteroviruses
immunocompromised meningitis
strep pneumonia
Aseptic meningitis summer
enterovirus (echo)
aseptic meningitis winter/srping
mumps virus
Diarrhea acute Adult
norwalk virus
diarhea acute kids
diarrhea bloody acute
C. jejuni, salmonella, shigella, EHEC, EIEC, yersinia entercolitica, entamoeba histolytica
Diarrhea parasitic acute
e. histolytica (US)
chronic diarrhea
giardia lamblia
chronis + WBC
C. jejuni
Chronic - WBC
salmonella enteritidis (in US)
MC mesenteric adenititis:
yersinia entercolitics- mimics appendicitis
watery diarrhea
Adults #1= norwalk, but e.coli, v. cholera, c. dificili, c. perfingens, giardia, cyrposporidium in IC
MC protozoan diarrhea
giardia, cyrptosporidium
neonate pneumonia
Group B strep, e.coli
children pneumonia
RSV, mycoplasma chlaymdia trachomatis, c. pneumoniae, strep pneumonia
Adults pneumonia (18-40)
mycoplasma, c. pneumoniae, s. pneumoniae
Adults: 40-65
s. pneumonia, h. influenzae, anaerobes, viruses mycoplasma
Elderly pneumonia
S. pneumonia, influenza, anaerobes, h. influenzae, gram- rods
Immunocompromised pneumonia
staph, enteric gram - , fungi, viruses, PCP (HIV)
alcoholic/IV user pneumonia
s. pneumonia, kleb, staph
Cystic fibrosis pneum
psuedomonas, s. areus, s. pnuemonia
Post viral pneum
staph, h. influenzae, s. pneumonia
60 yr + meningitis
s. pneumonia, gram - rods, listeria
tx for meningitis:
ceftriaxone and vancomycin add ampicillin if listeris is suspected
in HIV meningitis
cryptococcus, CMV, toxoplasmosis, JC virus
MC cause of achalasia
chagas dz.
ascending cholangitis
e.coli > kleb> enterococcus faecalis
osteomylitisi in SC
salmonella> staph areus > e. coli
vertebral disease (osteomylitis)
M. tuberculosis
Osteomylitis in sexually active
aspetic arthritis- more common
n. gonorrhea rare
Diabetics and IV drug users osteomylitis
pseuodomonas and serratia
prosthetic replacement osteomylitis
s. aurea and s. epidermis
cat and dog bits osteomylitis
pasteurella multicodia
+ leukocyte esterase test for UTI=
bacterial UTI
+ nitrite test for UTI =
gram - UTI