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65 Cards in this Set

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What is matter

All material that occupy space and have mass

is coposed of atoms

What is a atom

simplest form of matter not divisible into simpler substance


Neutron- neutral


What is a element

pure substances with a characteristic number of proton, neutron, and electrons and predictable chemical behavior

What is atomic number

number of proton

What is mass numbers

number of proton and neutrons

What is a isotopes

variant forms of the same element that differ in number of neutrons

What is a Atomic weight

average mass number of all isotopic forms

What is the electron orbital?

volume of space surrounding the atomic nucleus where electrons are likely to be found

What is energy?

the ability to do work

What is the octet rule

2,8,8 what each shell can hold

What is a valence shell

refer to the outpost electron shell which is occupied by electron

What is a Ion

are atoms in which the number of electron does not equal that of protons

What are isotopes

atoms with the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons

What is radioactive decay

The nucleus of an unstable isotope breaks down into particles with lower number

What are radioactive isotopes used in


Tracers are taken up and used by the body

emissions are detected using special lab equipment

Dating fossils

rate of decay

date fossils

What are molecules

a chemical substance that result from the combination of two or more atoms

What are compounds

molecules that are combination of two or more different elements

What is formula/mass weight

sum of all of the atomic masses of the atoms a molecule contains

What is a chemical bond

when 2 or more atoms share, donate, or accepts electrons to form molecules and compounds

E.g convalent, ionic, and hydrogen

What is a convalent bond

electron are shared amongst atoms


unpolar-equal sharing

What is a iconic bond

electrons are transferred to one atom forming a cation or a anions

What is a hydrogen bond

Weak bond between hydrogen and other atoms

What is a van der waals forces

weak attraction due asymmentrical distribution of electrons between atoms and molecules

What is oxidation and reduction reaction?

Energy exchange in cells is a result of the movement of electrons from one molecule to another

What is oxidation

the loss of electron

What is reduction

the gaining of electron

What is a redox reaction

essential to biochemical processes

What is a reactant

molecules starting a reaction

What is a product

Substances left by a reaction

WHat is a synthesis reaction

the reactant bond togetherin a manner that produces an entirely new molecule

What is a solution

one or more substancesin a misxture

what is a solute

the substances that are combined

What is a solvent

what the the solute is placed into to form a solution

What is hydrophobic, hydrophillic, and amphipathic

Hydrophillic-disolve in water

hydrophobic-repel water

Amphipathic has both phillicand phobic

What is the pH formula


What is organic and inorganic compounds

organic-contains carbon and hydrogen

inorganic-compunds does not contain carbon except co2 and Co

What is autotroph

Autotroph:Organisms uses inorganiccompound as their food source. Eg. Plants, algae, cyanobacteria

What is heterotroph

organism uses organic compound as their food sources

What are bulk elements

elements required in large amount

C, O, H, and N

make up 96%of living matter

P, S, Ca, and K 4%

What are trace elements

those required in small amounts

Fe, I

What are functional groups

Accessory molecules that bind to organic compounds

Confer unique reactive properties on the whole molecules

What are MAcromolecules

large compunds assembled from smaller subunit

Monomer:a repeating subunit

Polymer: chain of monomers

What are the macromolecules




Nucleic acid

WHat are CArbohydrates

sugar and polyshaccharides


aldehyde and ketones

Carbs are brought together by what?

glycosidic bonds

dehydration synthesis:loss of water in a polymerization

What are the function of carbs

energy and structural support

What are lipids

long chains of open carbon

triglycerides,phospolipids, steriods

What are the function of lipids

Triglycerides: energy storage

Phospholipids: major cell membrane component

Steriods: cell membrane component/sex hormones

What is structure of triglycerides

Three carbon tail with a glycerol head

What are the different types of triglycerides

saturated, unsaturated, omega 3, omega 6

What is the structure of the phospholipids

1 phosphate head with 2 carbon tails

What is structure of steriods

four interconnected rings with carton tail

What are proteins and its function

Predominant molecues in cells

Function: support,enzymes,transport,defense, movement, hormones, signaling

What is the the order of protien

monomer-amino acid-peptide

Polymer-peptide, polypeptide, protien

What are the 4 parts of the sequences for amino acids

Primary, secondary, tertiary, quarternary

What is the primary structure

the specific amino acids sequences of a protien

What is the secondary structure

The intial folding of the amino acid chain by hydrogen bonding E.g a-helix and B-pleated sheets

What is the tertiary structure

The final 3d dimensional shape of protien

-most dominant form in our system

What is the Quaternary structure

The spatial arrangement of polypeptides in a multi component protien

What is a Nucleic Acid


What is DNA


Deoxyribonucleic acid

A,T,C,G-nitrogen bases

double helix

-hereditary material

What is RNA

ribonucleic acid

A,U,C,G-nitrogen bases

organized protien synthesis

What are nucleotides

long polymers of repeating subunits

What is a nucleotide composed of

5 carbon sugar

nitrogen-containing base


What is the double helix of DNA

DNA is formed by 2 very long polynucleotide strands linked along thei length by hydrogen bonds