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21 Cards in this Set

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S/S: sore throat, runny nose, congestion, cough.. "i have a cold"

EPI: seasonal, children, direct contact spread

DX: swab, ELISA (rapid)
PV: isolation and handwashing
C: LRI, otitis, sinusitis, asthma/COPD exacerbation
(RSV, h.metapneumovirus, influenza, adenovirus, paravirus (croup), h.bocavirus
S/S: fever, sore throat, dysphagia, pharyngeal eryhema, EXUDATE, LAD, N/V
Dx: conjuctivitis
6-12y/o Strep
12-24y/o mono

TX: strep: PCN 10d
C: mono-Burkitts, nasopharyngeal CA, splenic rupture; Strep --> Scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis
conjuctivitis (pink eye) adenovrius
mono (EBV) 12-24 y/o
rapid strep (GAS) 6-12 y/o
S/S: otalgia (ear ache), drainage, < hearing, fever, TM bulging/lose landmarks/red, blebs TM (virus)
DX: tympanocentesis, myringotomy, OTITIS MEDIA
TX: amoxicillin, cephalospporin, TMP-SMX
C: perforation, hearing loss, Learning disability, mastoiditis, meningitis
sterile (1/3)
sterp pneumonia (1/3)
h.influenza (1/6)
S/S: sinus pain, HA, fever, rhinorrhea, otitis media
DX: sinusitis, no transillumination opaque
TX: abx
C: chronic sinusitis, osteomyelitis, meningitis
sterile (1/3)
strep pneumonia (1/3)
h.influenza (1/6)
other (1/6)

chronic: staphylococus & anaerobes
S/S: preceding URI, sore throat, barking cough, STRIDOR choking sensation, drool
chills, fever, toxic swollen epiglottis and neck (sit up and lean forward)
DX: blood culture (bacteremia); lateral X-ray (thumb sign), throat culture
NO gag reflex due to swollen epig
DX: epiglotitis
TX: vaccine (h.influenza)
PV: establish airway (antibiotic)
C: airway obstruction
h.influenza type B
Strep pneumoniae
S/s: catarrhal (rhinorrhea)
proxysmal (cough/whoop 3-5wks)
convalescent (get better)
MICRO: eXotoxin
EPI: non-immunized adults w/waning immunity
DX: whooping cough, clinical, culture, fluorescent Ab stain, PCR
TX: supportive, erythromycin
PV: vaccine DPT (baby) DTap (adult)
C: respiration compromise
Bordetella pertussis (exotoxin)
Ss: pharyngitis, LAD, fever, malaise
gray pseudomembrane (throat) -->> myocarditis (heart) -->> myelin degeneration (nerves)
MICRO: toxin attaches to EF2
EPI: non-immunized aduts; investigate close contacts
DX: clinical, culture
TX: antitoxin, PCN, supportive
PV: DPT (baby) DTap (adults)
C: myocarditis (heart failure, arrythmias) --> myelin degeneration (nerve palsy/paralysis)
Corynebacterium diptheria
Ss: less explosive (acute onset, chest pain, fever) compared to strep pneumoniae, if invasive spreads; non-invasive respiratory tract
MICRO Gram (-) rod, capsule, pilli, IgA protease [GF's V: NAD for lysed RBC and X: hematin]
DX: sputum, GS, CXR, blood cx
TX: ceftriaxone
PV: vaccine type b (ribositol capsule)
C: otitis media, meningitis (<4y/o), epiglotitis (2-7y/o), PLEURAL effusion
Haemophilus influenza type B
Ss: rusty sputum, acute onset, chest pain, fever, URI (?)
4 STAGES: congestion, red/white hepatization, resolution
MICRO: Gram (+) diplococci, bile soluble, qellung (+) 'swells'; optochin sensitive, capsule
DX: sptum "rusty", GS, CXR:loobar/consolidation, blood cx, UA, antigen sputum
TX: PCN, cephalosporin, erythromycin
PV: vaccine
C: spesis, meningitis, DEATH
Sterptococcus pneumoniae
Ss: PONTIAC fever, "flu", Legionnaires cough (painful), N/V, fever, decrease HR
MICRO: Gram (-) rod, INTRAcellular, NOcapsule, charcoal yeast rq'
MOMP surface protein (inhibit phagosome)
MIP inhibit phago/lyso fusion (macrophage 1st infected)
DX: sputum, GS, CXR
EPI: h2O, h2O, h2O (lakes, rivers, cooling) via aspiration
TX: erythromycin
Legionella pneumophilia
Ss: fever, myalgia, cough, SOB, rales
MICRO:SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)
DX: rales, CXR infiltrates, droplet spread sputum
TX: ventilator, ribavirin, steroids
Ss: 'not sick looking', URI, pharyngitis, tracheobronchitis, persistant COUGH, fever (3-4d)
MICRO: G (-) INTRAcellular + inclusions; lower midlung & "patchy"
DX: CXR worse than expected, droplet spread sputum
TX: tetracyclins, erythromycin (10-14d)
Chlamydia pneumoniae (atypical bacteria)
Ss: "not sick looking", URI, pharyngitis, thraceobronchitis, persistant COUGH, fever (3-4d)
MICRO: G(-) "NO cell wall" surface adhesion --> EPI cell --> destruction >> cold agglutinins
Dx: CXR worst than expected, droplet spread sputum (lower mid lung patchy)
TX: tetracyclin & erythromycin
C: erythema multiforme, hemolytic anemia, myocardiitis, pericaridits
atypical pneumonia (interstital dx)
Mycoplasma pneumonia (atypical bacteria)
Ss:asymptomatic; ICP's: pneumonia, cough, chest pain, malaise, wt loss, dissemination
MICRO: monomorphic - yeast like, encapsulated
EPI: pigeon poop
DX; antigen detection, sputum cx, stain: INDIAN ink (capsular halos)
Cryptococcus neoformans (fungus)

Ss: ICP's: pneumonia, thrush, retinal disseminates
MICRO: POLYmorphic (hyphae/pseudohyphae or yeast)
mannoprotein (adhesion) --> glycoprotein fibronectin
EPI: everywhere (normal flora) "given out like candy"
DX; thrush, blood cx
Candida albicans (fungus)
Ss:ICP's: pneumonia, dissemination
MICRO: FuNGAL ball rapid growing
EPI: everywhere
DX;saphrophyte (mycelial phase); post TB and CA
Aspergillosis (fungus)
Ss: asymptomatic; dry cough --> productive (PYOgranulomatous dx); pleuric pain, fever (DISSEMINATES --> skin, GU, bone)
MICRO: DImorphic (mycelia/mold (out) or yeast/budding (in)
BROAD BASED BUDDInG (thick double contoured wall)
EPI: Miss/OHio RivER valley SEUSA --> h2o blue
DX;consolidation, sputum cx, stain: KOH, silver, PAS
Blastomyces dermatitidis (fungus)
Ss: asymptomatic; Valley fever = pneumonia (URI w/cough, pain, sweat; Desert bumps = disseminated erythema multiforme
MICRO:DImorphic mycelia/mold (out) or yeast spherule (ENDOSPORE)
EPI: SW USA, Mexico, CA
"cock your pistols in the southwest"
DX; eggshell calcifications
Coccidiodes immitis/posadsii (fungus)
Ss: asymptomatic; flu-like (fever, chill, myalgia), erythema nodosum; ICP's dissemination
MICRO: DImorphic (mycelia/mod or yeast/budding) INTRACELLULAR (macrophage) NO capsule
EPI:central US; Birds & Bats
DX; BUckSHOT calcifications, cx, stain in macrophage
Histoplasma capsulatum (fungus)
Ss: rales, consolidatin, chest asymmertry, adenopathy organomegaly; <weight, fatigue, night sweats, chills, myalgias, productive cough, chest pain, hemoptysis
DX; ACID FAST, INTRAcellular, aerobic, culture (LowensteinJohnson medium), lung BIOPSY, montour tes, CXR: granulomas--> fibrosis
C: Pott's dx (spine infection)
reactive --> liquefaction, dissemination, milliary TB
Mycobacterium tuberculosis (aerobic bacteria)
Ss: V/lethargy/change MS, irritability, nuchal rigidity, macular rash >> fever w/out response to anti-pyretic
MICRO: G (-) diplococci INTRAcellular, chocolate agar (Thayer martin) CAPSULaTED, pilus, Blebs (eNdotoxin)
DX; Kering's sign; Brudzinskis sign
TX: steroids, abx
C: meningiococcemia (systemic dissemination), seizures, CN palsies, learning deficits, MR, deafness, Shock, organ dysfunction, Purpura
Neisseria meningitis G(-) diplococci