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Micro 61
CNS Infections
infection of brain parencyhma
encephalitis or brain abscess
infection of meningitis
infection of spinal cord tissue
postinfectious encephalitis (ADEM)
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis occurs weeks after viral infection may result from cross reaction from immune factors against components of normal brain
abnormally folded proteins that cause chronic progressive uniformaly fatal disease
bacteria that classically cause meningitis
S. pneumonia, H. influenzae, N. meningitidis
bacteria that classicly cause brain abscesses
S. aureus ; Anaerobic streptococci
viruses that cause encephalitis
mostly HSV
virus that more commonly causes meningitis
K1 antigen
found in capsule of E Coli that invade CNS , rich in sialic acid
sialic acid in capsule facilitates CNS infection how
adherence, antiphagocytic, inhibits complement
3 routes for CNS infection
hematogenous, neural pathway, direct innoculation (trauma/congental defect)
path of pathogen to CNS in hematogenous spread
blood, choroid plexus, ventricular CSF, epenymal cells, periventricular tissue
compliment in the CSF
very low, so complement dependent lysis in brain does not readily occur
intrinsic immunologic surveillance mechanism of brain
virchow robin spaces
perivascular sheeths surrounding blood vessels as they enter brain. Contain lymphocytes and macrophages
progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy is caused by reactivation of JC virus, seen in those with acquired immunodeficiency
most common bacterial meningitis of neonates
GBS , E Coli (in that order)
listeria monocytogenes bacterial meningitis seen in
neonates and elderly
most common bacterial meningitis 3-60mo
S. pneumonia, N. Meningitidis, HIB
Most common bacterial meningitis after cranial surgery
S. aureus
Most common bacterial meningitis of immunosupressed
L. monocytogenes, Gram negative organisms
arborvirus peaks in what months
enteroviral infections peak when
late summer early fall
most common cause of sporadic viral encephalitis in adults
characteristic inflammatory response of CNS
infiltration of microglia ; proliferation of astrocytes
causes of neurologic symptoms in CNS infections
focal tissue destruction, cerebral edema/herniation
why is prevalence of HIB meningitis decreasing
vaccination against HIB
acute meningitis are caused by
bacteria and viruses
subacute and chronic meningitis is most ofton caused by
fungi and mycobacteria
emperic treatment of bacterial meningitis (meningiococcal) is to include
vancomycin and ceftriaxone
prophylactic treatment of those in contact with meningiococcal meninigitis patients is
rifampin , ceftriaxone or cipro
why does bacterial meningitis warrant aggressive treatment
high morbidity and mortality
CSF findings in Bacterial and Viral meningitis
viral associated with brief window of elevated PMNs but usually <300 ; with a shift to lymphocytes after 24 hours, glucose is normal in viral meningitis as well as protein. In bacterial meninigitis PMNs are through the roof, glucose is low and protein is high
how are pneumococcal and meningococcal meningitis acquired
respiratory route
deficiency in _____________ is associated with susceptibility to neisseria
late compliment (C5-9 MAC)
associated with thick accumulations of pus that can block CSF flow raising ICP
Enterobacteriacae and Pneumococci
ICP in meningococcal meningitis
only mildly elevated
common sequellae of HIB meningitis
class frequently used to treat bacterial meningitis
Beta Lactam
b lactam antibiotics that are particularly good at fighting CNS infections due to better BBB penetration
cefotaxime and ceftriaxone
why do we use vancomycin in emperic therapy against bacterial meningitis
infection is so dangerous we must use the high efficacy drug until we rule out cephlosporin resistance
useful drug to combat cerebral edema from bacterial meningitis
meningiococci that we don’t have a vaccine for
type B
most common cause of aseptic meningitis
differences b/w viral and bacterial meningitis
viral is lymphocyte rich, milder disease, self limiting
treatment for tuberculosis meningitis
4 drug therapy (at least 3 INH, rifampin, pyrazinamide, streptomycin ; steroids to reduce inflammation
CSF differences in tuberculosis and acute bacterial meningitis
TB has more lymphocytes and monocytes
acute onset of febrile illness accompanied by headache and altered mental status
halmark of encephalitis
most frequent etiology of sporadic encephaltiis
distinguishes meningitis from encephalitis
altered mental status
focal lesions of herpes encephalitis often seen where
frontal and temporal lobe
CSF of HSV encephalitis
mononuclear pleocytosis with RBCs and increased protein , normal glucose
additional methods for diagnosing HSV encephalitis
EEG abnormalities, MRI, PCR of CSF
treatment of HSV encephalitis
focal infection of brain parenchyma
brain abscess, causes include bacteria, fungi, parasites
subdural empyema
poorly localized subdural abscess ; can resolve on its own
epidural abscess
external to dura, may be complication of epidural anesthesia can spread to bone
contents of acute CNS abscesses
mixed bacterial flora, strict and facultative anaerobes
why should patients with acute CNS abscess receive emperic therapy for anaerobes
they are hard to culture so may come back as false negative
can be isolated from brain abscess in septic emboli
chronic brain abscesses are most commonly caused by
mycobacteria, cryptococcus, other fungi
LP in patient suspected to have a brain abscess
contraindicated because increased ICP could cause brainstem herniation with lumbar decompression, LP is also not usually diagnostic
Micro 66
progression of septic syndromes
generalized inflammation, systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis, severe sepsis, septic shock, multiorgan dysfunction syndrome
criteria for SIRS
fever, leukopenia or leukocytosis, tachycardia. Tachypnea
criteria for sepsis
SIRS plus confirmed infection
criteria for severe sepsis
sepsis with low BP corrected by fluids
criteria for septic shock
sepsis plus persistant hypotension nonresponsive to aggressive fluid recisitation , drugs to increase vascular tone requried
criteria for MODS
septic shock with evidence of coagulapathy, end organ dysfunction, accumulation of metabolic products that cannot be cleared (lactic acidosis)
first proinflammatory cytokines to be released at induction of injury/infection
TNF alpha, IL1 ; IL6 and 8 too
physioligic effects of TNFa
mimics sepsis syndrome, marginates neutrophils
physiologic effects IL1
fever, increased adhesiveness of endothelial cells and leukocytes, procoagulant activity
physiologic effects of IL2,6,8
hypotension and capillary leak, synthesis of acute phase proteins and leukocyte chemotaxis
physiologic effect of compliment cascade
neutrophil chemotaxis, aggregation, cap leak
endorphins cause s
hypotension and capillary leak, synthesis of acute phase proteins and leukocyte chemotaxis
leukotrienes and thromboxane cause
platelet aggregation, neutrophil adhesion, cap leak, decreased myocardial contractility
Pg E2/I2 cause
hypotension, neutrophil adhesion, fever, muscle ache, muscle proteolysis
bradykinin effects
hyoptension and capillary leak
serotonin effect
pulmonary HTN, capilalry leak
hitamine effect
hypotension, capillary leak
PAF effect
hypotension , cap leak, platelet aggregation, leukocyte activation, decreased myocardial contractility
endothelin 1 activity
kidney vasoconstriction
compensatory anti-inflammatory response includes
IL4,10,11, and TGF B (all anti-inflammatory cytokines)
most potent bacterial stimulator of cytokines
activate Pattern recognition receptors on immune cells (PRRs such as toll like receptors NOD-LRR_
effect of sepsis on vasculature
systemic vascular resistance decreases and there is venous pooling leading to extravasation of fluids, drop in BP and increase in cardiac work
effect of sepsis on heart
depressio of mitochondria and myocardial contractility, leading to a drop in stroke volume, meaning increase BP (tachycardia) is required to maintain BP
warm shock
in early sepsis low BP and high HR , called warm because skin is flushed and warm ,
cold shock
in late sepsis CO begins to drop and periphery constricts to shunt blood to try to give blood to vital organs, turn a blue purple color
effect of sepsis on lungs
fluid escapes into alveoli and neutrophils that are activated release free radicals this makes lungs damaged and edemous (Adult respiratory distress syndrome), must mechanically ventilate pt at this point
kidney effect of sepsis
hypotension + infection = acute tubular necrosis and renal failure…. Leads to buildup of dangerous metabolites
effect of sepsis on liver
leads to necorsis and jaundice, lowering of albuim, more edema…etc
endocrine and metabolic effects of sepsis
massive catabolic state due to stress hormones , sometimes adrenals cant keep up (relative adrenal insufficency ; lactic acidosis
treatment for sepsis
fluid resucitation , vasopressors, broad spectrum antibiotics (bacteriocidal)
look over table 66-2 for a bad time