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41 Cards in this Set

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Staphylococcus Aureus
- beta hemolytic
- catalase and coagulase positive

Virulence Factors:
- protein A: binds to Fc portion of IgG -> prevents opsonization and phagocytosis (cannot expose C1 binding domain)
1) inflammatory dz: skin infxns, organ abscesses, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, acute bacterial endocarditis
2) toxin-mediated dz: rapid-onset food poisoning (enterotoxin), staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome (exfoliatin), toxic shock syndrome (TSST-1)
- TSST-1 = superAg binding to MHC II and T cell receptor -> polyclonal T cell activation and release of IFNg and IL2
3) MRSA: nosocomial and CA; resistant to b-lactams due to altered PCN-binding protein
Staphylococcus Epidermidis
- catalase positive
- coagulase negative
- sensitive to novobiocin
- component of nl skin flora
- infects prosthetic devices and IV catheters by producing adherent biofilms
- contaminates blood cultures
Staphylococcus Saprophyticus
- catalase positive
- coagulase negative
- resistant to novobiocin
Streptococcus Pneumonia
- lancet shaped
- a hemolytic (partial, green)
- catalase negative
- sensitive to optochin
- bile soluble

Virulence Factos:
- capsule (positive quellung) = antiphagocytic
- IgA protease -> cleaves IgA to colonize resp mucosa
- can undergo transformation
- "rusty" sputum
- pneumonia
- meningitis
- otitis media
- sinusitis
- sepsis in pts with sickle cell or s/p splenectomy
Streptococcus Viridans
- a hemolytic (partial green)
- resistant to optochin
- normal flora of oropharynx
- S. mutans: dental caries
- S. sanguis: subacute bacterial endocarditis
Streptococcus Pyogenes

Group A
- b hemolytic (complete, clear)
- bacitracin sensitive

Virulence Factors:
- M protein - helps prevent phagocytosis
- Ab against M protein may cross react -> rheumatic fever
- ASO titer to detect recent S. pyogenes infxn
1) Pyogenic: pharyngitis, cellulitis, impetigo
2) Toxigenic: scarlet fever, toxic shock-like syndrome (erythrogenic toxin)
3) Immunologic: acute glomerulonephritis, rheumatic fever (subcutaneous plaques, polyarthritis, erythema marginatum, chorea, carditis)
Streptococcus Agalactiae

Group B
- b hemolytic (complete, clear)
- bacitracin resistant
- produces CAMP factor -> enlarges area of hemolysis formed by S. aureus

- colonizes vagina
- pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis mainly in babies

-> screen pregnant women at 35-37weeks of gestation
-> if positive give PCN prophylaxis

Group D streptococci
- variable hemolysis, g hemolytic (no hemolysis)
- grow in 6.5% NaCl and bile
- normal colonic flora

- Lancefield grouping includes enterococci and nonenterococcal group D strep (same C carbohydrate on bacterial cell wall)
- resistant to PCN G
- UTI and subacute endocarditis
- can be vanc resistant
Streptococcus bovis
- colonizes gut
- bacteremia and subacute endocarditis in colon cancer
Corynebacterium diphteria
- club shaped
- gram positive with METACHROMATIC GRANULES (blue and red)
- grows on tellurite agar

Toxin A:
- encoded by b-prophage
- ADP ribosylation of EF-2 -> inhibits protein synthesis
- pseudomembraneous pharyngitis (gray-white) with LAD
- toxoid vaccine to prevent diphtheria
Bacterial Spores
Found in soil:
- C. tetani, C. perfringens, B. anthracis

- B. cereus, C. botulinum
- form when nutrients limited (late stationary phase)
- spores highly resistant to destruction by heat and chemicals
- contains dipicolinic acid in their core
- no metabolic activity
- autoclave at 121˚C for 15min to destroy them
Clostridium tetani
- gram positive
- spore former
- obligate anaerobe bacillus

- tetanospasmin
- inhibits release of GABA and glycine from Renshaw cells in spinal cord
- spastic paralysis
- trismus, risus sardonicus, ophisthotonic posturing
Clostridium botulinum
- gram positive
- spore former
- obligate anaerobe

- preformed, heat-labile (usually canned food, spores in honey)
- inhibits release of ACh at NMJ
- no vaccine, treat with antitoxin
- flaccid paralysis
- diplopia, dysphagia, dysphonia w/in 12-24hrs of toxin consumption

- Adults: caused by ingestion of preformed toxin
- Babies: ingestion of bacterial spores (eg from honey) can cause dz
Clostridium perfringens
- gram positive bacillus
- obligate anaerobe

- alpha toxi (lecithinase) acts as phospholipase -> causes myonecrosis and hemolysis
- loss of membrane integrity
- gas gangrene
- late-onset food poisoning with watery diarrhea

- debridement of necrotic tissue and IV Abx
Clostridium difficile
- gram positive bacillus
- obligate anaerobe

- toxin A = enterotoxin, binds to brush border and acts as PMN attractant
- toxin B = cytotoxin, destroys cytoskeletal structure of enterocytes
- diarrhea
- pseudomembraneous colitis usually after Abx tx (ampicillin, clindamycin)

Dx and Tx:
- detection of toxin(s) in stool
- metronidazole
Bacillus Anthracis
- gram positive rod
- spore former
- POLYPEPTIDE capsule consisting of D-glutamate

- anthrax toxin: edema and lethal factor

"woolsorter's dz" - inhalation of spores from contaminated wool
- black eschar (necrosis) surrounded by edematous ring, painless
- can progress to bacteremia and death

- inhalation of spores
- flu-like sx
- rapidly progress to fever, pulmonary hemorrhage, mediastinitis, shock
Listeria Monocytogenes
- gram positive rod
- facultative intracellular

- ingested from unpasteurized milk/cheese and deli meats
- vaginal transmission during birth

- form "actin rockets" to move from cell to cell and escape from immune attack
- amnionitis, septicemia, spontaneous abortion in pregnant women
- granulomatosis infantisepticua
- neonatal meningitis, meningitis in immunocompromised
- mild gastroenteritis in healthy
Actinomyces israelii
- gram positive
- filamentous branching
- ANaerobe

- normal oral flora
- oral/facial abscesses that may drain through sinus tracts in skin
- sulfur granules that contain filaments in pus

Nocardia asteroides
- gram positive, mildly acid fast
- filamentous branching
- aerobe found in soil -> respiratory route of infxn
- pulmonary infection in immunocompromised

Tx: sulfa drugs
Hansen's dz
Mycobacterium leprae:
- AFB with predilection for cool temps -> infects skin and superficial nerves
- cannot be grown in vitro
- reservoir: armadillos in US

- transmission via respiratory route
1) Tuberculoid - intact T-cell response -> limited with few hypoesthetic skin nodules
2) Lepromatous - weak TH1 response
- diffuse skin involvement, communicable
- leonine facies: loss of eyebrows, nasal collapse, lumpy earlobe
- diffuse skin thickening with hypopigmentation
- paresis, regional anesthesia of motor and sensory nerves
- testicular destruction
- blindness

- longterm dapsone -> may cause methemoglobinemia and hemolysis
- alternatively, rifampin and combo of clofazimine and dapsone
Neisseria Meningitidis
- gram negative cocci
- ferments glucose and MALTOSE
- IgA protease
- polysaccheride capsule (vaccine NOT against type B)
- LOS (similar to LPS) interacts with TLR-4 -> up TNFa, IL1b, IL6+8 -> septic shock, ARDS

- found in respiratory and oral secretions
- meningococcemia
- meningitis
- Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome

- spread from pharynx -> blood -> choroid plexus -> meninges

- rifampin prophylaxis in close contacts
Neisseria Gonorrheae
- gram negative cocci
- ferments glucose but NOT maltose
- IgA protease
- no polysaccheride capsule

- NO vaccine due to rapid antigenic variation of pilus proteins

- sexually transmitted
- gonorrhea
- septic arthritis
- neonatal conjunctivitis
- PID and Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome (PID with inflammation/scarring of Glisson's capsule (violin strings) = perihepatitis)
Haemophilus influenzae
- small gram negative coccobacillary rod
- grown in chocolate agar with factor V (NAD) and X (hematin), or w/ S. aureus (makes V)
- makes IgA protease

- most invasive dz caused by type B (vaccine conjugated to diphteria toxoid)
- spread: aerosol transmission, pharynx -> lymphatics -> meninges
- epiglossitis ("cherry red" in kids)
- meningitis
- otitis media
- pneumonia

- meningitis w/ ceftriaxone
- rifampin prophylaxis for close contacts
- vaccine btwn 2-18mo of age
- Ab against polyribosyl ribose phosphate -> complement-dependent phagocytosis
Legionella pneumophila
- gram negative rod
- use silver stain to visualize
- grow in charcoal yeast extract culture with iron and cysteine

- aerosol transmission from water source habitat (AC, etc)
- no person to person transmission
- Legionnaire's dz: severe pneumonia and fever
- Pontiac fever: mild flu-like syndrome
- also AIN, with low renin, low aldosterone, HYPONATREMIA

Dx: presence of Ag in URINE

Tx: erythromycin
- gram negative rod
- oxidase positive, non-lactose fermenting
- aerobic in WATER source
- makes pyocyanin -> blue-green, grape-like odor

- endotoxin: fever, shock
- exotoxin A: inactivates EF-2
- esp burn and wound infxns
- pneumonia (esp CF)
- septicemia (black skin lesions)
- external otitis (swimmer's ear)
- drug use and diabetic osteomyelitis
- hot tub folliculitis
- endocarditis

Tx: aminoglycoside plus extended-spectrum PCN (piperacillin, ticarcillin)

treponema pallidum (spirochete)
- spirochete (spiral shaped with axial filaments)
- detect with dark field microscopy

- many treponemes present in chancres (1˚) and condyloma latum (2˚)

1) Primary: painless chancre (localized)
2) Secondary: condyloma lata, maculopapular rash on palms and soles, constitutional sx (systemic)
3) Tertiary: gumma (chronic granulomas), neurosyphilis, aortitis (destruction of vasa vasorum), Argyll-Robertson pupil
- broad-based ataxia, positive Romberg, Charcot joint, stroke without HTN
4) Congenital: saddle nose, saber shins, mulberry molars, Hutchinson's teeths, CN VIII deafness
- VDRL detects non-specific Ab that reacts with beef cardiolipin
- used for syphilis screening
- confirm positive with FTA-Ab
False VDRL:
- Viral (mono, hepatitis)
- Drugs
- Rheumatic fever
- Lupus, leprosy
Leptospira Interrogans
- question mark-shaped spirochete
- found in water contaminated with animal urine
- common among surfers and in the tropics
- flulike sx, fever, HA
- abdominal pain, jaundice
- photophobia with conjunctivitis

Weil's dz:
- icterohemorrhagic leptospirosis
- severe form with jaundice and azotemia (from liver and kidney dysfunction)
- fever, hemorrhage, anemia
Lyme Dz

Borrelia burgdorferi
- spirochete big enough to be visualized with aniline dyes (Wright's, Giemsa)

- Ixodes tick (also vector for Babesia)
- mice are impt reservoirs, deer required for tick life cycle
1) erythema chronicum migrans ("bull's eye"), flulike sx
2) neurologic (Bell's palsy), cardiac (AV block, third degree)
3) chronic monoarthritis, migratory polyarthritis

Tx: doxycycline, ceftriaxone
Helicobacter Pylori
- gram negative rod
- urease positive -> urease breath test
- creates alkaline environment
- gastritis, 90% of duodenal ulcers
- increases risk for PUD, gastric adenocarcinoma, lymphoma

Tx: triple therapy
- metronidazole, bismuth, amoxicillin/tetracycline
- metronidazole, omeprazole, clarithromycin
Yersinia enterocolitica
- gram negative
- transmission from pet feces, contaminated milk, pork
- outbreaks of diarrhea in daycare centers
- mesenteric adenitis -> may mimic appendicitis or Crohn's
Vibrio cholerae
- gram negative, comma-shaped
- oxidase positive
- grows in alkaline media

- ADP ribosylation of G protein -> stimulates adenylyl cyclase -> cAMP up
- increased Cl- secretion, decreased Na reabsorption
- water moves out into gut -> watery diarrhea
- profuse, rice-water diarrhea
- prompt rehydration necessary
Campylobacter jejuni
- gram negative, comma-shaped
- oxidase positive
- grows at 42˚C
- major cause of BLOODY diarrhea, esp in kids
- common antecedent of Guillain-Barré syndrome

- fecal-oral through foods such as poultry, meat, unpasteurized milk
- gram negative rod
- non-lactose fermenter
- grows on TSI -> H2S

- invades intestinal mucosa
- flagella and can disseminate hematogenously
- animal reservoir (except S. typhi = only in humans)

- food, feces, fingers, flies
- bloody diarrhea
- sx may be prolonged with Abx use, monocytic response

S. typhi:
- typhoid fever: fever, diarrhea, HA, rose spots on abdomen
- can remain in gallbladder chronically
- gram negative
- fast lactose fermenter
- intestinal flora
- pneumonia (often aspiration), mucoid, red currant sputum
- lung abscess (esp w/ pneumonia in alcoholics, diabetics)
- also nosocomial UTI and enteric bacteremia
- gram negative rod
- non-lactose fermenter
- NO H2S on TSI agar

- lower infectious dose compared to salmonella (10 vs 10^5)

- shiga toxin inhibits 60S ribosome and protein synthesis
- mucosal invasion is main virulence factor

Transmission: food, feces, fingers, flies
- bloody diarrhea

- invade intestinal mucosa via M cells of Peyer's patches
- shigella lyses vacuole -> gets into cytoplasm
- induces apoptosis and spreads via ACTIN polymerization
- host response = PMNs
Escherichia coli
- gram negative rod
- fast lactose fermenter

Virulence factors:
- fimbriae -> cystitis and pyelonephritis
- K capsule -> neonatal meningitis
- LPS endotoxin -> septic shock
Toxin and MOA:
- produces shiga-like toxin
- microbe invades intestinal mucosa
- toxin causes necrosis and inflammation
- invasive
- dysentery
Toxin and MOA:
- labile toxin (up cAMP) and stable toxin (up cGMP)
- no inflammation or necrosis
- traveler's diarrhea
- watery
- NO toxin
- adheres to apical surface
- villous blunting and malabsorption
- diarrhea, usually in children

O157:H7 most common serotype
- does not ferment sorbitol!, glucuronidase negative
- distinguishes EHEC from other E. coli

Toxin and MOA:
- shiga-like toxin inactivates 60S ribosome
- necrosis and inflammation

- from poorly cooked hamburgers
- bloody diarrhea, dysentery

Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome:
- microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- thrombocytopenia
- AKI (uremia)
-> endothelium swells and narrows lumen -> mechanical hemolysis and decreased blood flow to kidney
- damaged endothelium consumes platelets