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34 Cards in this Set

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Repression Protien
A regulatory protien that binds to specific sites on the DNA and blocks transcription; as well involved in - feedbck.
Inducer Protien
Oppisite of Repessor Protien. Inhibits repressor.
Operator Site
Stop/Go site for transcription.
One or more genes transcribed into a singlel RNA and under the control of a single regulatory site.
Promotor Site (region)
RNA polymerase starts transcription and opening the helix making an mRNA. Two short DNA sections.
Information that codes for all the charateristics that an organisms has. Dominant and Recessive.
describes what actual physical properteis of that individual.
Base Substitution
A single base replaced with a different base.
Base triplet codes for 1 AA. Changes in the 1st and 2nd base lead to change in polypeptide.
Sequence determines code, 64 combinations, most likely come out the same. If not than we get a MISSENSE MUTATION.
Nonsense Codons (stop codons)
There are three stop codons, UAA, UAG and UGA. These terminat translation of the mRNA encoding a specific protien. Intruption of a growing polypeptide.
Frameshift Mutation
Messes things up, any deletion or insertion of a base pair results in a reading frameshift. Replication error of insertion or deletion of polypepetide (AA).
Spontaneous Mutation
Can occur as a result of exposure to natural radiation (cosmic rays) that alter the stucture of bases in the DNA. Chemically or natural bound change to base.
Mutations can be...
Spontaneous or Induced.
Chemicals, both natural and artificial that we are exposed to causing cancer to both animals and humans.
Nucleotide Analog
Mimics nucleotide, cancer causing mutations. Chemically or structurally similar to a normal N base.
Potent mutagens. Penatration of the cells and nucleus.
Electrons can get popped loose by x-rays off normal cells causing....
Free radicals, and combining with bases in DNA causing breakdown in the DNA structure.
UV light
Filterd by ozone, Creates harmful covalant bonds which will prevent transcription causing death of cells.
Our body can do Nucleotide repair.
True or False
Cuts out damaged section and inserts new strand.
Genetic Recombination
Exchange of genes between two DNA molecules. Occurs during sexual cycle, formation of sexual cells contains recombinate DNA. New combination.
Vertical Gene Transfer
Like a family tree, transfers through offspring throughout generations.
Bacterian also uses?
Horizontal Gene transfer. Passed through you to another person and vice versa. Two bacterias get together and make a different YOU.
Horizontal Gene Transfers
Genes and cells are passed within the same generation. Tradding of DNA.
Three types of Horizontal Gene Transfers
Transformation, Conjugation and Transduction.
Horizontal Gene Transformation is?
Bacteria enter the body, WBC comes into phagocytosis, picks up exploded DNA and transformation begins. This does not require cell to cell contact.
Horizontal Gene Conjugation is?
Mediated by plasmid. It divides Independently, requires cell to cell contact. Bacteria must be opposite mating type. Donor has plasmid, recipeint doesnt
Horizontal Gene Transduction is?
Bacterial DNA is transfered by donor inside a donor cell. Virus enters bacteria operating DNA to make more viruses.
Ex. Bacteriophage- a virus gets in and manipulated the DNA.
Use of microrgansims to make a product.
Gentic Engineering
Using microorgansims, plants and humans. Produces chemicals that the organism doesnt make. Gene of interest and inserts it into a vector DNA, vector must be self replicating.
Serve for reproducing desired DNA sequences. We use bacteria or viruses. Can be valuable technology if controlled.
Restriction Enzymes
Cuts out a particular sequence in human DNA to get human growth. These enzymes cut out the section needed.
Contraversies with Gentic Engineering
Used in food as herbacides resistants, cheap and easy to maintain. Allergies for many people, body does not recognize the molecules and does not know how to break them down. Creation of biological weapons.
Mutagens are?
Chemically, physically or biological agents that that increase the mutation rate.