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56 Cards in this Set

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Erythrocytes (SEM) No nucleus

Note: Normal, biconcave RBCs (Left)

Irregularly shaped RBCs of spherocytosis (Right)

Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of RBCs

Note: Echinocytes - Transformed RBCs (Right)

Top Left: Neutrophil (N), Monocyte (M), Lymphocyte (L)

Top Right: Eosinophil (E), Neutrophil (N)

Bottom Left: Lymphocyte (L), Neutrophil (N)

Bottom Right: Eosinophil (E)

Function of Eosinophils: Parasitic infections - they have enzymes to fight infection - Peroxidases and oxidase enzymes fight infections

Function of Neutrophils: Phagocytosis

Primary function of Macrophages: Phagocytosis

Lymphocyte (L), Monocyte (M), Basophil (B)

(Found in blood)

Basophil function: Similar to mast cells, release histamine in response to allergic or parasitic reactions. Mast cells seen in connective tissue throughout body


Platelets, process of platelet formation, blepping

Platelet (SEM)

Note: Granules in the region called "granulomere"

Platelet (SEM)

Note: Granule free peripheral region called "Hyalomere" (H)

Hemopoiesis - Bone marrow (Andria note: Hamopoiesis is the growth/development of blood cells)

Function: Red, platelet, WBC, etc.

Erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis, hemopoiesis

Note: Megakaryocyte function - platelet production

Fat cells int he stroma (arrow)
(Andria note: Erythropoiesis is the growth/development of RBCs. Leukpoiesis is the growth/development of WBCs)

Hemopoiesis in the liver

Note: Hepatocytes (Vesicular nuclei), Central Vein (V), Hemopoietic elements (arrows), meakaryocyte (M)


Note: Multilobulated nucleus and granular appearing cytoplasm

Mature megakaryocyte

Platelet formation (SEM)

Note: Blebbing of the hyalomere (H)
Platelet (P)

Demarcation vesicles (D)

Lymphocyte (Peripheral blood)

Lymphocyte in the epithelium and lamina propria of SI Villus (arrow)

Note: Lymphocytes (arrows)

Central lacteal (lymphatic capillary)

Endocytes (E)


Lymphatic tissue in loose connective tissue

Note: Fibroblasts (F)

Lymphocytes (arrow)

Peyer's patches in ileum. Function: immune function

Note: Nodular aggregates of lymphocytes (N)

Germinal center (arrow)

Nodular Aggregates of lymphocytes

Note: Cells in mitosis


Note: Abundant lymphocyte concentration (L)

Large intestine showing a lymphatic nodule (collection of lymph nodes)

Note: Germinal center (G)

Palatine tonsil - Partially encapsulated lymphoid organ

Note: Stratified squamous epithelium (arrows)

Crypts - Epithelial invaginations (C)

Connective tissue of capsule (CA)

Lymphoid (whole)

Note: Cortex (Co), Paracortex (Pc), Medulla (M), Hilum (H), Capsule (arrows), Medullary cords of lymphocytes (Mc)

Lymph node - Cortex

Note: Subcapsular sinus (Ss), Capsule (C), Connective tissue trabecula (T), Germinal centers of secretive nodules of cortex (G), Trabecula sinus (Ts)

Lymph node

Note: Medullary sinuses (Ms), Blood vessels (V), Medullar cords of lymphocytes (arrow)

Spleen function: immune function and a minor reservoir for blood storage. Bacterial clearance occurs here

Note: Lymphatic nodules of red and white pulp (N), Germinal center (G), Central artery (arrow)


Note: Hassall's corpuscle (arrow)

Absence of nodules in - Cortex (C) and Medulla (M)

Spinal Cord and nerve fibers of dorsal roots (F) and ventral roots (V)

Note: White matter (W), Dorsal gray matter (DG), Ventral gray matter (VG), Dorsal root ganglion (D), Central canal (C), Inter vertebral disc (ID)

Spinal cord - Transverse section

Note: White matter (Peripheral), gray matter (Central H-form), Anterior horn (A), Posterior horn (P), Anterior median fissure (F), Posterior median septum (arrow)

Motor Neuron

Note: Nucleolus (NI), Nissl Bodies (NB), Axon hillock (AH), Axon (A), Dendrites (D), Blood vessels (V)

Ventral gray matter and motor neurons

Note: Nerve fibers (F), Nucleus (N), Nucleolus (NU), Lipofuscin (L)

Neuronal cells (N) and Neuroglial cells (G) - Morphology


Note: Molecular layer (M), Granular layer (G), Purkinje layer (P), White layer (W)


Note: A typical Purkinje cells (S), highly branched cell process (P)

Protoplasmic astrocytes (Gray matter of spinal cord) / Mossy cells. Provide nutritional and structural support

Note: Cell body (soma) (S), Cell processes (P)

Cerebral cortex (C) (B-layers)

Note: White matter (W), Blood vessel (V), Corpus callosum (CC), fornix (F)

Anterior Horn (Motor) of spinal cord

Note: Oligodendrocytes (function - synthesize myelon, seen in CNS - in PNS, joan cells synthesize myelon) (CHECK IT), Multipolar neuron

Pseudounipolar Neuron

Note: The single process leaving the perikaryon (arrow)

Ependymal cells lining the ventricle of the brain and spinal canal (fxn directional flow of CSF) (arrow)

Note: Simple cuboidal epithelium with apical cilia in capillaries (V)

Nuclei of astrocytes


Epdnymal lining the central canal (C) of the spinal cord

Simplecolumnar epithelium with cilia (arrow) and microvilli

Dorsal root ganglion in PNS (sensory)

Note: Connective tissue capsule (C)

Ganglion (G)

Nerve fibers (F)

Dorsal root ganglion (sensory)

Note: Large ganglion cells

Nucleus (N)

Nucleolus (Nu)

Satellite cells (S)

Lipofuscin (L)

Synpathetic ganglion aka autonomic ganglion supporting cells of sympth ganglion

Note: Ganglion cell

Satellite cells (arrow) fxn nutritional support

Periphereal nerve bundle

Note: Epineurium (E), perineurium (P), Nerve fascicle (N), Artery (A), Vein (V)

Myelinated nerve fibers

Note: Perineurium (P), Myelin sheath, Schwan cells (S), Endoneural nuclei

Solitary nerve fascicle

Note: Perineurium (P)

Endoneurium of the nerve fiber (E)

Myelinated nerve fiber with the node of Ranvier (fxn: saltitory, faster conduction) (N)

Note: Myelin sheath, Axon (A), Endoneurium of the node (E)

Skeletal muscle fibers, striated. It's a true synsechium (formed by fusion of multiple myoblasts) - Looks like one unit and functions as one unit

Note: Nuclei (N), Dark bands (A), Light bands (I), Central "H" bands (Light)

Musculo tendinous junction

Note: Connective tissue of endomysium

Collagen bundles

Nuclei of fibroblasts (Tenocytes) (N)

Electron Micrograph of myofibrils

Note: Dark bands (anisotropic) (A)

Light 'H' bands with 'M' line (dark)

Iosotropic light bands (I) with dark 'Z' lines (Sarcomere Z to Z) or Discs

Skeletal muscle fascicle

Note: Perimysium (P), Endomysium (E)

Sacrospinalis (Transverse section)

Note: Red (R) and White (W) fibers

Intermediate fibers (I)

Myoneural Junction

Function: Conduct signal, releases acetylcholine to nicotinic receptor (Motor end plate)

Note: Motor ed plate (MEP), nerve fibers, skeletal muscle fibers

Neuromuscular Muscle spindle (S)

Function: Proprioception

Note: Intrafusal fibers (I), Extrafusal fibers (E), Artery (A)

Electron micrograph of a muscle spindle

Note: Intrafusal muscle fibers (MF), Connective tissue capsule (C), Satellite cells of muscle fibers (SC), Myelinated axon (MA)

Cardiac muscle

Note: Central nuclei, intercalated disc

Intestinal smooth muscle (cross section)

Note: Inner circular layer (IC), outer longitudinal layer (OL), Connective tissue (C)