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58 Cards in this Set

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Schizophrenia is the most
Severe Disorder
Men between what age range are predisposed to Schizo
18 to 25
Women are more often predisposed for Schizo at what age
25- 35
Nicotine will decrease which Antipsychotic meds by 50%
List Schizo Comorbidities
Substance abuse , Nicotine dependence, Depression (Suicide), Anxiety Disorders, Psychosis-induced polydipisa.
What is Psychosis induced polydipsia
PT needs water lots of water, water, water, water!!!!
Why is the Catatonic Subtype of Schizo not seen that much anymore
What is a False Fixed Belief that cannot be corrected by reasoning
Sensory deficit perception experience without a Etiology
Disorganized Speech give Example
Go Shopping, Pick Up back pack, Car wont Start!
A Vegetative State
Disorganized Catatonic
This is the most common type of Hallucination
Auditory, Most Reported, 75% of PT experience.
Are the Negative or Positive Symptoms easier to treat
Eugen Bleuler is responsible for what
4 A’s of Schizo, Affect, Associative Looseness, Autism, Ambivalence
Affect relates to
What we the nurse see, an outward manifestation, S/S of Schizo, Flat effect, Rapid Eye movement (EB 4 A’s of Schizo.)
Word Salad is a type of which A
Associative looseness, illogical & hapharzard, (EB 4 A’s of Schizo.)
Pt is in their own world, which A might they be experiencing
Autism (EB 4 A’s of Schizo.)
Opposing Position, Can’t make own decision, unrealistic
List Subtypes of Schizo
Paranoid, Catatonic, Disorganized, Undifferentiated, Residual
Which is the most common subtype
With this subtype of Schizo the PT gets increasingly worse with each episode
S/S if Schizo
Positive, Negative, Cognitive , Mood
Give an Example of Positive Symptoms
Hallucinations, Delusions
Give Example of Negative Symptoms
Poor Hyigene, Lack of motivation,
Give Example of Cognitive Symptoms
Poor problem solving, Poor decision making, Illogical thinking, Impaired Judgment
A Hallucination is what type of symptom
Poverty Thought or Speech is which type of symptom
A Flat or Blunt effect is which type of symptom
True or False Early DX & TX provided the PT with the Best Outcome
Name three phases in Course of Schizo
Acute, Maintenance , Stabilization
Positive & Negative S/S Sx are part of which phase
Acute Phase
When Acute S/S SX are less severe the PT is in this phase
Maintenance Phase
Remission of Symptoms allows the PT to be in which category phase
Stabilization Phase
List Prepsychotic S/S
Withdrawn from others, Depressed, Anzious, Phobia, Obession and compulsion, difficulty concentrating, Preoccupation with God & Self.
no energy
no pleasure
no motivation
abnormal depression and discontent
Which symptom is directly related to dysphoria
Mood Symptoms
Suicidal ideation is a _________ Symptom
Schizophrenia: A group of disorders includes what four categories
Neurobiochemical, Neuroanatomical, Genetic, Nongenetic risk factors.
a made up word
automated vocalization made repeatedly by another person
Clang association
Ex: Green Eggs and Ham, Sam I am!
Having No personal boundaries is what type of symptoms
What are some things a Schizo should avoid
Drugs & ETOH
What is the #1 Goal for a PT with Schizo
Saftey of Client and others.
Nursing DX for Schizo
Risk for self-directed or other directed violence, Disturbed sensory perception, Disturbed thought processes, Impaired verbal communication, Ineffective coping, compromised or disabled family coping.
Role as NSG for PT with Schizo
Reorient to reality, Keep PT Safe, Decrease Stress, Provide Distraction
True or False A Pt that has been Dx with Schizo is required to take his meds, regardless if is at the MH facility on a voluntary or involuntary bases.
False, The PT has the right to refuse his meds at any time.
Acute dystonia
Acute often painful sustained contraction of muscles, usually of the head and neck, which typically occur from 2 to 5 days after the introduction of antipsychotic medications.
Regular rhythmic movements, usually of the lower limbs constant packing may also be seen, often noticed in people taking antipsychotic medications
A phenomenon whereby a person experiences a sense of unreality of or estrangement from self. Ex: seeing self or events from a distance.
Idea of reference
That false impression that outside events have special meaning for oneself. TV people know who you are.
Reality testing
a process by which a person is objectively able to evaluate the external world and adequately distinguish it from the internal world (the self).
Recovery Model
a Conceptual model of psychiatric illness that stresses hope, living a full and productive life, and eventually recovery.
A serious and irreversible side effect of phenothiazines and related drugs
conists of involuntary tonic muscle spasms typically involving the tongue, fingers, toes, neck, trunk & pelvis
Waxy Flexibility
Excessive maintenance of posture for example after the arms or legs are placed in a certain position the individual holds that same position for hours.