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20 Cards in this Set

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1. Executive Summary:
a very short only a page or 2 in length. It is the first section a reader encounters in the document and the only part of the document many readers will read.
a. Must concisely describe the clients needs and sell the proposed solution to those needs
b. Good summary balances “efficient delivery of key information w/ a persuasive well- substantiated pitch
c. Must demonstrate a clear understanding of potential clients needs
d. Include: The problem, Program goal, Target audience, Audience objectives, Major strategy, Recommended budget, and Evaluation plans
Situation Analysis:
. defines the PR problem of the client and the reason why the client seeks the services of PR professionals.
a. Make clear of the situation as it exists today
b. Classify needs
i. Remedial- is a response to save damage to image and reputation that requires remedy
ii. One time needs- EX: anniversary’s, new product launches, new facility
iii. On going needs- Maintain relationships with various publics and the media to achieve objectives
Situation Analysis:
SWOT Analysis:
Strengths- Things that are good now, maintain them, build on them and use leverage
Weaknesses- Things that are bad now, remedy, change or stop them
Opportunities- Things that are good for the future, prioritize them, capture them, build them, and optimize
Threats- Things that are bad for the future, put in plans to manage them or counter them.
. Objectives:
Informational- create awareness, to expand understanding, and to inform and educate audiences
Motivational- seeks to persuade people to do something, to engage in behavior and take action
Writing objectives:
- A measurable component- what researchers will measure. It is an outcome that they can quantify in some way.
- Deadline- Should be a date when researchers measure results and judge success or failure
: PR plans specify targeted audiences. It is inefficient to target the “general public”
-Targeting smaller groups in a population is called segmenting or segmentation
Demographic Segmentation- age, gender, race, ethnicity, language, nationality, social class, Income, Religion
Psychographic Segmentation- Personality, lifestyle, values, attitudes, interests
Behavioral Segmentation- Benefits, usage rate, brand loyalty, user status
Primary publics- those most crucial to reach. Those that PR must reach
Secondary publics- secondary status b/c of limited resources
Non-specific long-term view of what needs doing. How to achieve an objective
6. Tactics-
specific activities and materials that execute a strategy
a. Goal is to use a mix of tactics that will achieve the greatest impact
1. Be received (exposure)
2. Get attention (attention)
3. Be understood (perception)
4. Be believed (creditability)
5. Be remembered (retention & recall)
6. Be acted upon (action)
. Calendar/ Timetable-
It is important to plan the scheduling of tactics carefully. Advertising and PR plans typically go over a period of 3-12 months. The timetable for a plan must take into account when each activity will happen relative to everything else. The timetable should take into account the planning and execution of each individual tactic.
All PR plans have a limited number of money to spend. The budget contains not only the total cost of a plan, but also the itemized cost of each major expense associated with the plan.
- Copying costs
- Photography
- Graphics
- Envelopes
is the part of a PR plan that explains when and how measurements of the results will take place.
2 types of evaluations:
1. Formative- PR professionals use formative evaluations during a plan’s execution as a form of feedback that enables them to make changes in strategy and tactics while they can still affect the end result of a plan
2. Summative- is a measure of the final outcome of something. EX- a final grade in a class is a form of summative evaluation.
If a PR group uses images or such they may use footnotes, a sidebar in the text, or a page of citations and references at the end of the plans book. Somewhere, however, they should make it clear if there is something in the book that the team did not create
Primary Research
: is new or original research undertaken to answer specific questions
EX: to gain insights about various publics feel about a client
Secondary Research:
searches through existing information. Typically publications that already exist.
The process begins with a review of an organizations own records, commonly called “archival info”
- Some refer to this as “mining” preexisting information
Consistency of results
is concerned with whether the research measures what its supposed to measure
EX: a clock is not valid b/c it incorrectly measures time, however it is reliable b/c it does what it does consistently
Qualitive Research
: involves unstructured open- ended questions using non- random samples. Objective is to explore a topic broadly, looking for clues to what’s going on and why.
Quantitive Research:
seeks statistically reliable hard data. It is numbers oriented. Objective is to produce insights that use a random sample of respondents to produce results that people can project onto a wider public.
Ex: often uses samples
Persuasive writing benefits from the following elements:
- Appealing to emotions (pathos)
- Writing with impact (pathos)
- Researching and understanding subjects thoroughly (logos)
- Offering facts and opinions from authoritative sources (ethos, logos)
is a series of observations, measurements, statistics, and facts. Data becomes information when we analyze, describe, and understand the data. When we make meaning of data, we have information.
placement of elements to execute a design- visuals, headlines, subheads, body copy, logo, ect