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30 Cards in this Set

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what are the 2 types of discrimination
diparate impact and disparate treatment
Define disparate treatment
intention to treat people differently based on group membership
define disparate impact
facially neutral employment practices adversly affects diffrent groups
what is the primacy/recency theory
we recall the things we see/hear first or last
what is the halo/horns theory
if we observe good/bad behavior we think that all behavior will be good/bad
what is the attribution bias
tendancy to oversetimate the role of the person and underestimate the role of the situation
what is stereotyping
assigning characteristics of a group to every individual to that group
waht is the social identity theory
we put ourselves and others into catagories (ingroups and outgroups)
what are the 2 types of sexual harrassment
quid pro quo and hostile work environment
define quid pro quo sexual harassment
a benefit or punishment is contingent upon performing sexual acts
what did the civil right act of 1991 do
allowed for ppl to sue for compensatory damages and punitive damages but only when discrimination was intentional
what does an employer have to show to not be sued
business necessity
what are the exceptions for men and women to be paid differently
differences in seniority, merit and quality/quantity of production
what act prohibits discrimination to those over the age of 40
age disctimination employment act (adea)
what is the definition of a disability
a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of lifes activities, record of having such an impairment, or being regarded as such
what type of job functions must employers define
esential - fundamental duties of the position that must be performed by all job holders
marginal - less important that not all job holders must perform
when can an employer refuse employment to a disabled individual
when a person cannot perform esential job functions and resonable accomadations cannot be made for that person
toyota vs williams
disability must hinder activities centrally important to daily life to be covered (obesity does not count)
bragdon vs. abbot
hiv pos individuals and aids are protected
sutton vs. united airlines
correctable impairments not covered
how was affirmative action introduces
executive order #11246 by John F Kennedy
cognitive ability tests ask what
what an aplicant can do
what is the correlation btw cognative ability and performance
what is the most popular cognitive ability test and what areas does it mesure
the wonderlic test, verbal, quantitative, resoning, spatial
what do personality tests measure
waht a person will do
what are the big 5 personality traits,
concientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, openness to experience, and emotional stability
what are projective personality measures
rorschach inkblot, subject to interviewers opinion
what is the best type of interview
what qualities must selection measures have
reliability, validity, generalizability and legality
waht is reliability
the degree to which a measure is free from random error