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12 Cards in this Set

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Leonardo da Vinci
1- He studied anatomy to paint humans and was able to get the city to let him dissect bodies of executed criminals.

2- He painted "Madonna of the ROcks" and "The Last Supper" and "mona lisa" which shows triangular arrangment other perspective elements like foreshortening and chiaroscuro.
used to smooth the outlines of elements in the painting to heighten their three-dimensionality and to give them a sensuous softness.
Michelangelo Buonarroti
1- At 15, he lived and worked in the home of Florence's civil leader, Lorenzo de Medici, where he was treated like a son

2- He sculpted the "pieta", a statue of mary holding the body of her dead son, jesus. He signed his name across the sash on mary's chest (after someone took credit for his work)

3- Other workds- "david" "Moses" "Last Judgement"
1- He painted the fresco "The School of Athens" when commissioned by the pope Julius 2 (Shows realism, perspective, geometric arrangement, chiaroscuro, and a classical setting)

2- He painted the vaitcan staterooms at the same time michelangelo was working onthe sistine chapel.
1- He was the foremoist of the artists in the benetian school and painted "Bacchus and Ariadne"

Guillaume Dufay
1- was the most important composer of the 1400s who wrote both religious and secular music

2- He introduced the secularization of the motet- he wrote motets for coronations, noble marriages, and the signings of peace treaties.
Giovanni Palestrina
1- He was the most important Renaissance composer who wrote very conservative masses.

2- His most famous work is the mass in honor of pope Marcellus, which used polyphony.
Principal characteristics of Reaissance art:
Diverse subject matter
Simple and clean lines and designs
Persepctive (to give three-dimensionality)
Geometric arrangement of figures
Chiaroscuro (light and dark shading)
Sfumato (multiple payers of paint to soften edges to make them appear natural)


paying to diminish time in purgaotry through forgiveness of sins

selling of church positions

selling of papal exceptions to normal church rules such as ending a marriage
John Wycliffe
1- He is considered the most important of the early reformers who disagreed with transubstatitino.

2- A trial was held against him, but his supporters protested so virorsouly that the trial ended without a verdict. (supporters called Lollards)

3- He translated the bible into english. After he died, his bones were exhumed
Jan Hus of Bohemia
1- lived a generation after Wycliffe and was a supporter of the reforms suggested by wycliffe, and he publishded tracts indication this support.

2- Hus went to trial and was found gulity and sentenced to death. Sigismund refused to honor his promise of safety, and so Hus was burned at the stake.
Martin Luther-
1- Was caught in a terrible rainstorm and prayted for God's protection and promised that if God would spare him, he would dedicate his life to God. He then jouned the Order of Austin

2- He posted a list of 95 these on the door of the chapel of wittenburg university

3- The diet of worms convened to admonish Luther to stop criticiing the pope. His friend, Frederick "kidnapped" luther and placed him in the wartburg castle