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65 Cards in this Set

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What is the water cycle?
How water is recycled through earth
How much of earth is covered with water?
What is evaporation?
PArt of the water cycle where water is heated by the sun and changes into gas
What is condensation?
Water is changed from gas back to a liquid
What is precipitation?
Where water is transfered from the atmosphere to earth in the form of snow, rain, ect.
WHat is collection
where rain or snow gathers back.
What is the dew point?
The temperature at which vapor condenses intt liquid
What happens to dew point when relitative humidity is high?
it will be higher
What is transipration?
transfer of water from plant's leaves and stems to the atmosphere
Where does all water run off to?
downhill and eventually ends up in the oceans
Study the map symbol
study the map symbol
How are clouds defined?
by their appearance and level in the atmosphere
What do the prefix nimbo and suffix nimbus mean?
cloud is producing rain
What is a cirrus cloud?
high wispy clouds made of ice
WHat is a stratus cloud?
low cloud layers that stretch out, have a uniform base, and blot out the sun
What is a nimbostratus cloud?
stratus clouds that bring rain
What is a cumulus cloud?
larg puffy clouds
What is a cumulonimbus cloud?
a cumulus cloud that brings rain
What is a cold front?
cold denser air behind a front
In the winter brings frigid air
In the summer brings cooler air
triggers thumderstorms
What is a warm front?
brings in less dense warmer tropical air and is forced over cooler polar air
The amount of time a planet takes to revolve around the sun is
considered a year
What is the tilt of earth
In the summer in the northern hemisphere what happens to earth's tilt?
it is tilted toward the sun, light falls directly on earth and causes a warmer season
In the winter in the northern hemisphere, what happens to earth's tilt?
it is tilted away from the sun and sunlight falls indirectly on earth and causes a cooler season
What is astronomy?
the study of the universe, one of the oldest sciences
What is an orbit?
a curved path of one body around another
What is rotation?
movement of a body about an imaginary line called an axis
What does the planets rate of rotation determine?
its length of day
What is a revolution?
movement of a body about an external body
What does a plantes rate of revolutio about the sun determine?
the length of its year
What is axial tilt?
angle between an object's rotational axis and a line perpendicular to its orbital plane - earth 23.5o
What is celestial equator?
a projection of earth's equator on the celestial sphere
What is an eliptic?
path of the sun across the celestial sphere
What is an equinox?
the point at which the ecliptic and celestial equator intersect. length of day and night are equal...happens once in the spring and once in the fall
What is the vernal equinox?
spring equinox
what is the autumnal equinox?
fall equinox
What is a solstice?
Points at which the tilt of earht's axis is most inclined toward or away from the sun. In winter, shortest day of the year. In summer, longest day of the year
What is inclination?
angle between the plane of the orbit of a planet and the eliptic
What is precession?
changes in the rotational axis of a body
What is aphelion
the point on the planet's orbit when it is furthest from the sun
What is perohelion?
the point on a planets orbit where it is closest to the sun
What is a light year?
the distance light travles in a year 186000miles/second
What is an astronomical unit
average distance from earth to sun
What causes the daily motion of the sun and stars?
earth's rotation on its axis
What causes annual changes in the sky?
the placement of earth at a certain time
What causes the seasons on earth?
the tilt of Earth's rotational axis
What is the universe?
total of all space, time, mater, and energy
What are the "parts" of a universe from largest to smallest?
universe, local group of galaxies, milky Way, solar system, earth
How big is the universe?
about 93million light ears
Is the universe finite or infinite?
we can't observe beyond the limitations of what we can see or where light is
How were early modles of the earth set up?
geocentric - earth as center
What did arostotle think about Earth?
that is was spherical around which moved 56 concentric spheres
What what the ptolemaic system?
earth was the center of the universe and the sun, moon, and all naked eye planets moved around it
What is retrograde motion?
Motion of a planet that appears to move east, then west, then back east. Has to do with the distance and speeds
What is parallax?
the apparent change in the position of an object due to the motion of earth/observer
Who was Tycho Brahe?
late 1500's, made observations for 20+ years and found that neither goecentric or heliocentric met his observations
Who was Kepler?
Improved on compernican model of the elliptical orbit and developed three laws of planetary motion that work for all things in the solar system
What is Kepler's first law?
The orbit of a planet around the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one focus
What is keplers second law?
planets move faster closer to the sun and slower away from the sun
What is kepler's third law?
the square of a plant year (orbital period) = the mean solar distance cubed (AU)
What theories led to the big bang theory?
Einsteins general relativity, Lemaitre's" hypothesis of the primeval atom", Hubble's discovery that the universe is expanding
What is the theory of general relativity?
More massive objects can warp space and affect the orbits of the surrounding palnets
What are the general ideas of the big bang theory?
universe at some point was dense and hot, it exploded scattering matter, over time, it cooled then expanded, then slightly denser areas grew more dense, forming stars, gas clouds and such
What is some support for the BBT?
hubbles law, cosmic microwave (a buz in the universe), galactic evolution
What is the steady-state or continuous creation theory?
agrees that the universe is expanding and that new matter is continusly being created, but the appearance of the universe is unchanging