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10 Cards in this Set

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What does the word "metaphysical" mean?
metaphysical is the branch of philosophy that deals with the governing principles of human beings
Metaphysical and Cavalier poems fall under the category of _____________poetry, which means the poems express a speakers personal thoughts and feelings
Cavalier poets were supporters of the _________________. During a turbulent time of civil war and strife in the mid-____ century, it is no wonder tht the theme of their poems usually centers on the latin phrase_____________
the monarchy, 17th, seize the day
Name two devices that often characterize metaphysical poetry? Define and explain each.
1. pairing together of two dissimilar images, also known as a conciet, a metaphor where two concepts are compared that to the ordinary eye would share nothing in common
2. elaborate imagery
on what occasion was "a valediction: forbidding mourning" written?
wher Donne was leaving his wife (temporairily) for a risky journey to France
Sir John Suckling's poem "Song" has a message about the pursuit of a relationship. What is his message and how does it connect with the theme of carpe diem?
It describes a young man attempting to court a woman who rejects his love. The young man becomes discouraed and then is told by the author to cheer up and move on, and that you must seize the day instead of pursuing a woman who isn't intersted
When Donne was a young man his poems were
distributed only to his close friends
Cavalier and Metaphysical petry, the mistress is
a woman who may be spoken to in a forthright fashion
According to Donne, for whom does the bell toll?
According to Donne, the bell tolls for all humanity, not just one person, nor members of one church, nor members of one religion, but everyone that sees the sun rise
What does Donne mean by "No man is an island etnire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent"
Donne is saying that no man is alone, everyman is connected to all other beings in the universe