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54 Cards in this Set

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Where is Mesopotamia?

Modern day turkey Iraq. Between Tigris and Euphrates rivers

When was Mesopotamia settled

In 7000 bce and summerian in 5000 bce

Who all controlled Mesopotamia

Sumerians 5000, akkadians 2334, Babylonians 1990, Assyrians 750, Persians 550 BCE

What did Mesopotamia achieve?

Wheel. Tools. Weapons. Irrigation. Boats. Astronomy. Number system. Engineering

What was Mesopotamia famous for

Writing and taxes

What rivers surrounded Mesopotamia

Tigris and Euphrates

How dod agriculture affect Mesopotamia

Let people pursue other careers

Who kept the gods happy

The priest, they believed gods controlled natural events

What was the name of writing in Mesopotamia?

Cuneiform. It was for the elites

Whi created law in Mesopotamia


What are some examples of Hammurabi law

Innocent until proven guilty, eye for an eye

Who took control over Mesopotamia in 750 and what was there worldview

Assyrians. They had a big army and believed as long as the kept conquering the world would not end

How did the rivers affect Mesopotamia

Water for drinking and irrigation

Hiw did little rain affect Mesopotamia

Hard to get food

How did lack if resources affect Mesopotamia

Limited building supplies, had to trade more

How did floods affect Mesopotamia

Good fertile crop land,

How did open plain affect Mesopotamia

Easier to trade;but attack

Fertile crops

Made farming easier. Let people pursue other opportunities

How did big cities affect Mesopotamia

Had to create government

When did ancient Egypt exists

3000-332 bce

What are some benefits of the nile

Flooded at the right time. Good for crops. Easy to navigate and trade. Irrigation and resources

How did irrigation affect Egypt

Crops are good. Focus on building pyramids

Characteristics of old kingdom

Pyramids and hieroglyphics. Ended in drought

Characteristics of middle kingdom

Conquered by other groups but regained control

New kingdom characteristics

Female pharaoh. Started to conquer other lands

Define archeology

The study of prehistoric peoples and cultures

How does archeology help us learn about the past

By analyzing and interpreting evidence we can learn thigs about the past that do nit have fully accurate record of history

Primary versus secondary sources

Primary is written at the time of the event whereas secondary is written after the event occured

How is archeology effective

Can find information without written form

How is archeology challenging

Artifacts a can be destroyed and since we dknt know their origin we dont know if the info is fully accurate

Hiw did egypts natural environment affect technology

It created a need ir provided a resource ex nile foolded so they created irrigation and nileometer. Lots of sun created clock. Has alot of papyrus, made paper.

How did Egypts natural environment affect daily lives

Made them easier. Change the jobs people had. Clocks;easier to keep time. Had papyrus;could keep record of events on paper

Three reason Egypt's society was affected by location

Hard to attack,waterfalls; forcus more on government and peace, easy farming and not alot of enemies; traded for resources, medditeranian sea

Three ways the nile affected Egyptian society

Flooded which created farming and changed jobs and the creation of math. Caused consequences such as villages destroyed or infestation.

Define theocracy

A government where they rule in the name of God or a god.

Farmers role...

Didn't own land. Most of population. Peasants

Artisans role...

Worked in government shops.

Scribes role...

Read and write. Father had to be one. Learned math law hieroglyphics...

District governors role...

Run the day to day of one of 42 nomes

Royal over Seerers role

Unique jobs like Army commander or royal architect

High priest and vizeirs role

Usually princes. Obey and enforce pharohs wishes.

Pharaohs role

Thought to be god. Controlled and owned everything usually former pharohs son.

Hiw did pharaoh affect Egyptian worldview

Controlled religion. People would be loyal to hom prevent people from having other religions

Define role

A job someone most do or fulfill including the responsibilities of it.

Define responsibility

Something you have to do

Deifne rights

Something you are entitled to that cannot be taken away.

Married women's role

Took care of home and children;same rights as men by law

Wealthy mens role

Made family desicions and airmen in business; own property, divorce, legal process, citizen

Poor men and womens role

Serve the rich; legal process citizens

Childrens role

Go to school if wealthy, learn respective gender of parents job

Farmers role.

Give pick to the "gods" and pharaoh; citizens

Two ways Egypt got resouces

Trade or raised it

Why fid egypt trade

To fulfill religious beliefs, wealth, luxury, improve quality of life.

Hiw does trade benefit egypy

Improve overall quality of life and a sense of pride for their country