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23 Cards in this Set

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What is three dimensional thinking?

Thinking from the past, understanding thinking in the present, and considering the future`

What is emotinal contagion?

the process which emotions are transferred from one person to another

What is the golden mean?

Moderation of ones passions and behaviors

What different conflict orientations are there?

Win win, Win lose, and lose lose.

It's not enough to just KNOW information

You must speak first!

What does the hidden sector of the Johari Window contain?

Information known to self, while unknown to others

What constitutes an effective I statement?

Describing the situation, expressing emotions, expressing needs, and your feelings.

What dose emotional intelligence theory state?

EQ is about understanding emotions, self-monitoring, and relationshop management.

When does connecting dots occur?

When problem solvers simply and deeply consider the consequences of an event

When do we lie the most?

In our closest relationships

What is tactile thinking?

Problem solving is enhanced cause you can touch the problem

What is a benevolent lie?

unmalicious and possibly helpful, acn still cause consequences.

What do patterns do?

Help solve problems and cause irrational thinking

What are the principle means of delivering group presentations?

Symposion, panel, and forum.

What is the benefit of three dimensional thinking?

Aid, discovering/solving problems, and without supervision.

What is the platinum rule?

Understand how others think and what they want before we can act ethically.

What is a fallacy?

Irrational thoughts that lead to illogical conclusions.

There's been research on cheating!

Cheat once cheat twice, unfairness in competition, and more competition forces them to cheat.

What is the interactive aspect of new media?

a platform for the expression of self to other.

How is trust built in a relationship?

Self disclosure and feedback where the open area of the Johari Window is far more open than closed.

What is the relationship between our performance aspects and our identity online?

We become what we type.

Why do people tend to self disclose more on the internet than IRL?

More aware of self, less aware of others

What is real time?

Actions / reactions take place instantly.