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51 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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What level is the heart of the FFA organization?
What Vote is required to limit or extend debate on a motion?
2. 2/3 Vote
Who is the National FFA Advisor?
3. Steve Brown
How many FFA regions are there in California?
4. Six
Which chapter officer coordinates all the committee work?
5. The Vice President
When is the National FFA week?
6. February 18-25
Which following order of business should first be conducted?
7.Reading/Approval of minutes
What officer is stationed at the rising sun?
8.The President
In what year was the blue corduroy FFA jacket adopted as official dress?
What does CDE stand for?
10.Career Development Event
Who was the first national NFA President?
11.David Simmons
How many FFA chapters are there in the United Sates?
12.More than 7,400
California was the _____ state to be chartered.
What city was the last state FFA leadership conference held?
What ceremony recognizes individuals who have made an effort to benefit the FFA is called?
15.Honorary Member Ceremony
What is not stated in the FFA mission and strategies?
16.Communication Skills
The pin worn by green hands is made of bronze because of it's what?
17.Hardness and endurance
Which of the following is not an SAE catagory?
Entrepreneurship,Placement,Research and experimentation,Exploratory
18.All are Correct
Which of the following is NOT official FFA dress for male members?
Black Slacks,White Shirt,White Socks,Official FFA tie,or All are correct.
19.White Socks
Who is the national executive FFA treasurer?
20.Marion Fletcher
What degree is awarded at a local level?
21.Discovery,Greenhand,Chapter Degree
In order to receive your American FFA degree,you must have been a active member for a minimum of how long?
22. 36 Months
Where is the California State FFA center located?
23. Galt,CA
What charter number is Virginia?
24. 1
Where are the National FFA organizations historical records housed?
25.Indiana/Purdue University Indianapolis Library
Where are the headquarters and principle office of the national FFA located?
26.Washington D.C.
The statement,"I believe in my own ability to work efficiently and think clearly,with such knowledge and skill as I can secure" is from what paragraph in the FFA Creed?
27.3rd Paragraph
Which officer is responsible for special features and refreshments?
28. The Sentinel
What written goals are prepared each year by the chapter?
29. Program of Activities
Where is the national FFA center located?
30. Indianapolis,Indiana
The National FFA Executive Secretary is...
31.Charles A. Browne
How many FFA chapters are there in California?
How many FFA members does California have?
33.More Than 70,501
What is the most important part of the FFA?
34.The Members
What degree must you hold to be a state officer?
35. State Degree
Where can you look to find out how to conduct yourself at an FFA function?
36.FFA Code Of Ethics
What state is not a top five membership state?
What degree is the highest award presented to an organization,agency,business,or industry at the national level?
38.Honorary American FFA Degree
Who is the current National FFA President?
Who is the current National FFA Western V.P.?
40.Sett Pratt
Who is the Current National Central V.P.?
41.Alicia Hodnik
Who is the current National FFA Southern V.P.?
42.Cain Thurmond
Who is the current national FFA Eastern V.P.?
43.Kenneth Quick
Who is the national FFA Secretary currently?
44.Jason Troendle
Who is the current California State president?
45.Nicole Billington
Who is the current California state V.P.?
46.Kenna Lewis
Who is the current California state secretary?
47.Mary Steves
Who is the Current California state Treasurer?
48.Jacob Vasquez
Who is the current California state reporter?
49.Clay Kruse
Who is the current California state Sentinel?
50.Cris Hudson
Who are the California State Officers as of 2011-2012?
President:Nicole Billington
Vice President:Kena Kewis
Secretary:Mary Steves
Treasurer:Jacob Vasquez
Sentinel:Cris Hudson
Reporter:Clay Kruse