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74 Cards in this Set

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an antidote for benxodiazepine overdose or toxicity?
flumazenil (Romazicon)
Buspirone is different from other anitanxiety medications in that it
does not cause physical or psycological dependence
measures that may be used to manage bruxism caused by paroxetine (Paxil)
Concurrent administration of buspirone
Use of mouth guard
Changing to a different class of antianxiety medication
The benzodiazepam anxiolytics:
diazepam (Valium)
alprazolam (Xanax)
lorazepam (Ativan)
chlordiazepoxide (Librium)
oxazepam (Serax)
clonoazepam (Klonopin)
therapeutic uses for diazepam (valium)
Anxiety disorders
Seizure disorders
Muscle Spasm
Alcohol withdrawal (for prevention and treatment of acute symptoms)
Induction of anesthesia
Don't use diazepam (valium) with
Other classes of antianxiety medications include
Beta Blockers
Buspirone (Buspar) is a _______ and used for_______
Nonbarbiturate Anxiolytic
Long term management of anxiety disorders...treatment of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
paroxetine (Paxil) is a
Nonbarbiturate Anxiolytic- SSRI
now considered the first choice for depression
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
Names of SSRIs
fluoxetine (Prosac)
citalpram (Celexa)
escitalopram oxalate (Lexapro)
paroxetine (Paxil)
sertralin (Zoloft)
therapeutic uses for fluoxetine (Prozac)
Depressive disorder
Anxiety disorders
Bulimia Nervosa
oldest class of antidepressants but second line of choice
Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
names of TCAs
amitriptyline (Elavil)
imipramine (Tofranil)
doxepin (Sinequan)
nortriptyline (Parnate)
now considered 2nd or 3rd choice medications for depression due to their adverse affects with food
Monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
Names of MAOIs
phenelzine (Nardil)
isocarboxazid (Marplan)
tranylcypromine (Parnate)
Therapeutic uses for amitriptyline (Elavil)
Depressive disorders
Depressive episodes of bipolar disorder
clients have symptoms that appear to be appear to be a mixture of schizophrenia and mood disorders
schizoaffective disorder
schizoaffective disorder is most likely a distinct syndrome resulting from
high genetic liability to mood disorders and schizophrenia both
has an episode lasts at least one day but less than one month, after which the person returns to the premorbid level of functioning
brief psychotic disorder
last at least one month but less than 6 months
schizophreniform disorder
a person who is in a close relationship with another person who is delusional comes to share the delusional beliefs
shared psychotic disorder
Behavorial aspects with positive symptoms in schizophrenia
Bizarre behavior
Affect of positive symptoms in schizophrenia
inappropriate affect
overractive affect
Cognitive aspect of positive symptoms in schizoprenia
Disorganized thinking
loos associations
Social part of positive symptoms in schizophrenia
aloof and stilted interactions
Behavorial aspects with negative symptoms in schizophrenia
Decreased activity level
limited speech; conversation difficult
minimal self-care
affect of negative symptoms in schizophrenia
Blunted or flat affect
Perceptual in positive symptoms in schizophrenia
Sensory overload
Perceptual in negative symptoms in schizophrenia
Inability to understand sensory information
Cognitive part of negative symptoms in schizophrenia
Concrete thinking
Attention impairment
Memory deficits
Impaired problem solving
Lack of motivation
Social part of negative symptoms in schizophrenia
Social withdrawal, isolation
Poor rapport with others
Inadequate social and occupational skills
accounts for the majority of premature deaths among people with schizophrenia
What type of delusion:
"my neighborhood wants me dead or alive. They think I hold all of their secrets. They have tapped my phone and peek through my windows 24 hrs a day"
What type of delusion:
"You think this is me talking, but really it isn't. My husband keeps putting these thoughts in my head."
Thought insertion
What type of delusion:
"I have a hammer in my heart. It pounds daggers in it all day long. Dont you hear it? Someday soon it is going to pound so hard that my heart will come flying out of my chest onto the floor."
What type of delusion:
"I can have any guy I want. Matt Damon called me last night but I couldn't go out because I already had a date with Tom Cruise"
when verbal ideas shift form one topic to another, and there is no apparent relationship between the thoughts, and the person speaking is unaware there in no connection
Loose association
Appropriate goals for people with schizophrenia
Communicate clearly
Completes ADLs appropriately
Exhibits increased attention span
Makes appropriate decisions
Displays affect appropriate for the situation
Denies hallucinations
Verbalizes logical thought processes
Develops occupational skills
Priorites of care for a client with schizophrenia
Prevention of violence
Altered cognition
Compromised social relationships
One of the most effective nursing interventions with a client with schizophrenia is
the nature of the nurse-client relationship
Based on the assessment data, the nurse selects outcomes appropriate to the nursing diagnoses of substance abuse. Broad outcomes are:
Reduce or eliminate alcohol or drug use
Improve quality of life through abstinence
Improve quality of family life
Prioprities of care for clients with substance use disorders are:
Maintain safety of clients and others
Maintain abstinence
Assume responsibility for own behavior
are a form of amnesia for events that occurred during the drinking period
Based on the assessment data on eating disorders, the nurse selects outcomes appropriate to the nursing diagnosis. Broad outcomes include:
Weight stabilizers within normal parameters
Abnormal eating patterns decrease or cease
Verbalizes an improved quality of life
Goals appropriate to people with eating disorders
Verbalizes increase satisfaction with self
Demonstrates more flexible daily routines
Decreases frequency of binge eating and purging
Verbalizes fewer fears
Achieves target weight
Identifies secondary gains
Verbalizes fewer cognitive distortions
Family problem-solves together
Priorities of care for clients with eating disorder are
Critical physical alterations
Imbalanced nutrion
Excessive exercise
Delusional body image
Impaired cognition
part of the cycle of life; anticipated but still may be intensely felt
Necessary loss
any loss of a valued person or item that can no longer be experienced
actual loss
any loss defined by the client but not obvious to others
perceived loss
losses normally expected due to the developmental processes of life
maturational loss
unanticipated loss caused by an external event
situational loss
Kubler-ross five stages of dying
Bowlby four stages of mourning
yearning and searching
disorganization and despair
directive documents for medical treatment per the client's wishes
living will
for health care- an agent appointed by the client or the courts to make medical decisions when the client is no longer able to do so
durable power of attorney
Grief is defined as
an individuals response to a significant loss
Rape-trauma syndromes acute phase
occurs immediately following the rape and lasts for about 2 weeks
Somatic reactions such as bruising and soreness, muscle tension, headaches, sleep disturbances, GI symptoms, Genitournary symptoms, and a variety of emotional reactions including embarrassment in Rape-trauma syndrome occur later and last about
2 weeks
pressured or forced sexual contact, including sexually stimulated talk or actions, inappropriate touching or intercourse, incest, and rape
Sexual assault
With a rape victum you want to assess the client's
level of anxiety
coping mechanisms
support systems, including both personal and community supports, such as an attorney
counseling for a rape victum begins in the
Emergency department
Rape-trauma syndrome is comparable to
posttraumatic stress disorder
haveing thoughts about committing suicide
suicide ideation
inflicting a nonlethal injury to oneself with the intent to die or commit bodily harm
Pharmacotheraoy to prevent suicide includes
lithium therapy for the client with bipolar disorder
Antipsychotic medications for the clients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder
Antianxiety medications for clients with panic disorder and/or sleep deprevation
primary intervention for suicide
activities that provide support, information, and education to prevent suicide, such as speaking in a high school health class
alcohol withdrawal s/s
possible life-threatening increase in vital signs, psychotic behavior, seizures
crystal meth withdrawal s/s
depression, prolonged sleeping
cigarettes withdrawal s/s
craving, nervousness, anxiety, irritability, increased appetite
Heroin withdrawal s/s
yawning, piloerection, abdominal cramps, muscle pain
LSD withdrawal s/s
no withdrawal symptoms
antidote for opioid toxicity is
intravenous naloxone (Narcan)
alcohol and benzodiazepines are