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48 Cards in this Set

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Sleep complaints usually fall into what 4 categories
-Difficulty initiating/staying asleep (insomnia)
-Difficulty staying awake during the day (hypersomnia)
-Abnormal movements/behaviors during sleep (parasomnia)
-Timing of sleep (circadian rhythm disorders)
What is a key element in the sleep history
Sleep diary
Do sleep complaints need to be managed by a non-specialist
what conditions require a referral to a sleep disorder center
-Sleep apnea
-Limb movements during sleep
-Parasomnias w/ potential for injury
-Intractable insomnia
Recording the pt's sleep overnight in the sleep lab is referred as
Nocturnal polysomnography (PSG)
REM sleep is also called
Paradoxical sleep
This stage of sleep is defined by presence of sleep spindles and K complexes.
Stage 2
Stage 3 and 4 sleep is also called ____ or ____
Delta sleep or slow-wave sleep
What is more common, chronic insomnia or transient difficulty sleeping
Transient difficulty sleeping
Diagnosis if this disorder involves c/o difficulty in initiating or maintaining sleep or of nonrestorative sleep for one month
Chronic insomnia
T or F: insomnia is more common with age and often associated w/ medical and psychiatric disorders or abuse of ETOH, drugs, and meds
Primary insomnia in its "pure" form comprises a very small proportion because…
It most often occurs as a comorbid dx
What are the most widely used sedative-hypnotics
What effects to benzos have on sleep
-Shortening sleep latency
-Improvement of sleep continuity
-Decreased slow-wave sleep
-Decreased REM sleep
Abuse of benzos is more often associated with simultaneous use of what substances
ETOH and stimulants
T or F: short-term use of benzos to treat insomnia nd long-term use to treat anxiety disorders are usually not associated with serious clinical problems
What drugs are safer, benzodiazepines or barbiturates
Small doses of these antidepressants have been helpful in treating insomnia
Amitryptyline and Trazodone
Withdrawal from prolonged administration of high dose benzos is associated with:
-Delirium tremens
How can you reduce withdrawal sx of benzos
Carefully tapering the dose
Before complete discontinuation of benzos, pt should be kept on what % of initial dose for some days to weeks
25% of initial dose
Withdrawal sx from benzos can be treated w/ what drugs
beta blockers - propranolol
This condition has many forms, from atypical depression when person sleeps 14 hrs a day to a pt with narcolepsy
In hypersomnia, it is important to differentiate between what 3 states
-General tiredness
-Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS)
-Sudden death
What is the most common cause of EDS in the general population
Chronic lack of sleep
Conditions such as PLMS and obstructive sleep apnea may often present with what chief complaint
In this condition, respiratory drive "shuts off"
Central sleep apnea
What is the most common disease that causes EDS
Obstructive sleep apnea
What are general risks associated with EDS
-Fatigue related accidents
-Inc. risk of pulmonary HTN
-Right sided heart failure
-Sudden death
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is most common in whom
Overweight, middle aged men
T or F: Snoring may disrupt sleep and lead to EDS
Snoring can be controlled with what procedure
Laser assisted uvulo-palatoplasty (LAUP)
Uncontrollable sleep attacks where the pt abruptly falls asleep in inappropriate, embarrassing, and even dangerous situations is called
Most narcoleptics experience related symptoms including:
-Cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle tone)
-Hypnagogic hallucinations (dreamlike experiences while falling asleep but not yet asleep)
-Sleep paralysis (brief paralysis w/ onset of sleep or wakefulness)
T or F: Narcolepsy results from defective REM sleep regulation
What is the treatment of OSA
-Nasal continuous positive airway pressure (NCPAP)
-Bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP)
Although some narcoleptics achieve reasonable control of their sleep attacks by structuring their days w/ scheduled naps, many require stimulants such as:
Unusual events or behaviors occurring either during sleep or during sleep-wake transitions are called:
Parasomnias associaed w/NREM sleep include
-Sleep terrors
-sleep bruxism
-Confusional arousals
Parasomnias associated w/ REM sleep include:
-Sleep paralysis
What is another name for Jet Leg
Does eastward travel or westward travel take longer to adjust to and why
Eastward due to a phase ADVANCE (of the biological clock)
Alcohol initially increases _____ sleep and decreases _____ sleep
(increases) Slow wave sleep; (decreases) REM sleep
T or F: ETOH may exacerbate sleep-related respiratory disorders by potentiating sleep-related atonia during sleep
Heavy alcohol dependence is associated w/ this sleep disorder
Chronic Insomnia
T or F: Alcohol induced sleep is usually characterized by shortened and framented sleep
Benzos exhibit cross-tolerance with this substance, bearing the risk of abuse, and not likely to be helpful on a long-term basis
In the treatment of alcohol related insomnia, sedating antidepressants such as ___, ___, and ___ might be administered at low dosaged, but their therapeutic value has not been evaluated