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53 Cards in this Set

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Defining feature of this disorder is aversion to and active avoidance of sexual situations, with fear and anxiety
Sexual aversion disorder
T or F: Persons with sexual aversion disorder do not necessarily lack all sexual desire, although in many cases they do.
T or F: Persons with sexual aversion disorder often develop avoidance behaviors
What are major etiologic theories to sexual aversion disorder
Rigid upbringing, sexual trauma, intercourse associated w/ pain, chronic unresolved anger in a relationship
T or F: boundary between female sexual arousal disorder and female hypoactive sexual desire disorder is clear
False: blurred
T or F: women are less dramatically reactive to sexual arousal disorder than men are to erectile failure
Women are less subject to performance pressure than men and manage sexual arousal disorder by what methods
sexual avoidance and use of lubricants
Atrophic vaginitis results from what deficiency
T or F: androgen-deficiency states can impair arousal, desire, and orgasm in women
Conditions such as diabetes, MS, alcoholic neuropathy, head trauma, or CVA affect which substrate of sexual function
How do antihistamines, ephedrine, anticholinergic drugs, and some antipsychotics affect female sexual arousal
They lessen lubrication
How are estrogen-deficiency states treated
HRT or estrogen containing creams or suppositiories
If estrogen is contraindicated, how can you treat sexual arousal disorder in women with estrogen-deficient states
Other vaginal creams and lubricants
What is the name of the male counterpart of female sexual arousal disorder
Erectile dysfunction
What characterizes generalized and lifelong erectile dysfunction
Never, under any circumstances having attained an erection
What characterizes acquired and situational erectile dysfunction
Hx of globally good function but now canno function with a particular sexual partner
T or F: erectile dysfunction can be gradual or sudden in onset
T or F: typical case of male erectile disorder may involve two or more psychological, medical, pharmacologic, or situational factors
Numerous psychosocial and situational factors such as anger at a partner, stress, fatigue, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to to what sexual disorder
Psychogenic male erectile disorder
Endocrine imbalance such as testosterone deficiency or severe hyperprolactinemia may lead to what sexual disorder
Male erectile disorder
T or F: Vascular and neurologic etiologies are less common in precipitating male erectile dysfunciton than endocrine problems
False: More common
What vascular problem is a common causal factor of male erectile dysfunction
Arteriosclerosis affecting the central pelvic arteries
Excessive outflow of blood from the penis through an imprecisely understood process is referred to as ____
Venous leak
What medical condition is most commonly implicated in the etiology of male erectile disorder
What are the two mechanisms by which diabetes impaires sexual function in men
Peripheral neuropathy and vascular deterioration
T or F: although with acute use of ETOH, pt may initially report an enhanced ability to become aroused, there is a clear dose-related negative impact on erectile function
Chronic ETO use leads to an increased incidence of male erectile disorder, through what 2 mechanisms
Peripheral neuropathy and impaired endocrine function
Is nicotine a vasoconstrictor or vasodilator and what impact does it have on erectile function
Vasoconstrictor, negative impact on erectile function
Acutely, in low doses, do cocaine and amphetamine have a positive or negative impact on sexual arousal
T or F: erectile dysfunction is a potential side effect of antihypertensive agents
What H-2 blocker has a well-established association with male erectile disorder
What antidepressant has been reported to increase sexual interest and to enhance erection, with priapism being its most serious side effect
Screening for this disease will help detect the small number of patients for whom erectile dysfunction is the initial presenting symptom
Nocturnal penile tumescence measurement can be useful in differentiating which two etiologies of erectily dysfunction
Organic and psychogenic
This drug works by inhibiting the action of phosphodiesterase-5, which breaks down guanosine monophosphate, critical to the enhancement of penile blood flow during erection
T or F: sildenafil is effective in men with mild to moderate psychogenic erectile disorder and in some cases of erectile disorder with organic etiology
T or F: sildenafil enhances sexual desire
False: does NOT enhance sexual desire
How are vasodilating drugs such as: Papaverine, phentolamine, and prostaglandin E administered
Self injection into the corpora cavernosa
Externally applied vacuum device is a type of treatment for what disorder
Erectile dysfunction
Sildenafil may lead to sig loss of blood pressure in men taking what other drug
Exposure of one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger is termed
T or F: victim's reaction, or the exhibitionist's fantasy of that reaction plays a major role in his sexual satisfaction
Sexual fantasies involving nonliving objects, often articles of women's clothing is termed
Touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person, often in crowded public places is termed
Sexual activity with a prepubescent child, generally under 13 y/o is termed
T or F: a person must be at least 16y/o and at least 5 yrs older than the child affected to be diagnosed as a pedophile
Sexual arousal due to act(real, not simulated) of being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer is termed
Sexual Masochism
Sexual acts (real, not simulated) in which the psychological or physical suffering of a victim is sexually exciting to the person is termed
Sexual sadism
Cross dressing is termed
Transverstic fetishism
What is a term for a cross dresser who has persistent discomfort with his assigned gender role
Gender dysphoria
T or F: men with transvestic fetishism may wear concealed articles of female clothing throughout the day
Observing an unsuspecting person who is naked or in the process of disrobing or engaging in sexual activity is termed
T or F: in voyeurism, the act of looking is the source of sexual arousal and no sexual contact with the person observed is sought