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13 Cards in this Set

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Mild: occurs in everyday life, promotes sharp focus of reality

Moderate: narrows perception

Severe: severely narrows perception, detail focus is lost

Panic: extreme level of anxiety, person cannot process environment

Universal human experience that is considered the most basic of human emotions


Acute: onset of exacerbation of S/SX with loss of functional abilities

Stabilization: S/SX diminish and client progresses toward previous function level

Maintenance: client is at or near baseline functioning

Complex brain disorder that affects thinking, language, emotion, social behavior, and ability to correctly perceive reality

Attention deficit disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

ADD: inappropriate degree of inattention and impulsivensss

ADHD: S/SX of ADD along with hyperactivity


Deficits in social relatedness: communication, nonverbal behavior, interactions

Neurobiological and development disabilities that appear during first 3 years of life

Major depressive disorder

S/SX: fatigue, anhedonia, change in appetite, insomnia or hypersomnia, anergia, feelings of worthlessness, persistent thoughts of suicide

Persistently depressed mood lasting for a minimum of 2 weeks

Bipolar disorder

Bipolar 1: mood disorder characterized by at least 1 week long manic episode

Bipolar 2: low level mania alternates with profound depression

Mania characteristics: inflated sense of self importance, extreme energy, excessive talking with pressured speech, indiscriminate spending, reckless sexual encounters, riskiy investments


Disturbance of consciousness and a change in cognition that develop over a short period of time


Progressive deterioration of cognitive functioning and global impairment of intellect with no change in consciousness

Alzeimer's disease

Stage 1: (mild) memory lapses

Stage 2: (moderate) forgetting events of one's own history

Stage 3: (severe) losing ability to converse with others

Most common cause of dementia in older adults. Marked by impaired memory and thinking skills.

Anorexia nervosa

Eating disorder characterized by an extreme fear of gaining weight and altered perception of one's own body weight

Bulimia nervosa

Uncontrollable complusion to consume large amounts of food in a short period followed by need to get rid of calories consumed

Posttraumatic stress disorder

Diagnosed 1 month to years after a traumatic event. Persistent re-experiencing of a highly traumatic event that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury to self or others to which the individual reponded with intense fear, helplessness, or horror

Cycle of violence

Tension building: minor incidents by abuser

Battering stage: abuser relasing built up tension by beating victim brutally

Honeymoon stage: kindness and loving behaviors that give victim hope that abuser will change