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68 Cards in this Set

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Neurobiological and brain abnormalities:

Distributions in the pathways of the brain is schizophrenia are thought to be severe. It is possible that structural abnormalities cause such disruptions

Structural brain abnormalities:

Enlargement of the lateral cerebral ventricles, third ventricle dialation or ventricular asymmetry. Reduction in the cortical, frontal lobe, hippocampal or cerebella’s volumes. Reduced cortical thickness and reduced connectivity in various brain regions. Increased dopamine activity in the Mesolithic system.

Phase 1 of schizophrenia


Onset or exacerbation of symptoms

* disorganization

Phase 2 schizophrenia


*symptoms diminishing - meds by riese hearing

*movement towards previous level of functioning. Back to baseline

Phase 3 Schozophrenia

Maintenance after discharge, stay on meds and follow up appointments.

*at or near baseline functioning.

Psychotic person in ER could mean?

Establish trust and rapport and then asses to Rule out medical/physical

Meth, hypoglycemia, head injury or anxiety. PTSD

Psychotic person in ER could mean?

Establish trust and rapport and then asses to Rule out medical/physical

Meth, hypoglycemia, head injury or anxiety. PTSD

Schizophrenia onset stage:

Late teens early 20s

Psychotic person in ER could mean?

Establish trust and rapport and then asses to Rule out medical/physical

Meth, hypoglycemia, head injury or anxiety. PTSD

Schizophrenia onset stage:

Late teens early 20s

What is schizophrenia?

Biological disease/dosorder. Brain circuitry and could be caused by too much dopamine

SOLER -active listening

Square up, Opened up, Listening leaning in, eye contact, relax and breathe

Biological factors:



Too much dopamine causing positive symptoms like: hallucinations, delusions,

Prodromal S/S

Early onset, disorganized speech, eccentric behavior (bizzarre, odd, unusual) deterioration in concentration.

Positive symptoms:

Delusion, hallucination, grandiose, persecutory, referential(tv talking to me), somatic(organs Inside not there), jealous, nihilistic (lack of hope), erotomanic, mixed

The weather man told me a message thru the tv…


“My significant other has been dating other people so I’ve been watching the account and the odometer”

Jealous dellusion

Pt repeating words…


Pt saying jumble of words you can’t understand

Word sala

Pt rhyming….

Clang associations

Pt making up words. Hands turning burkle or a whatchamakalit


If you can’t understand what the pt says… what do you say?

I’m sorry can you please repeat that?

I know you can hear my thoughts:

Thought broadcasting

A mental block causing hesitation. Can’t finish thought or sentence


Pt says the don’t exist and is nobody and nobody is them

Depersonalization: loss of identity

This room looks a lot larger than normal

Derealization: a dream like stage changing the environment.

A pt is schizoaffective: expretiencing derealixation=

I feel like I’m in a dream

Positive symptom

Added on. A normal person and add symptoms not normally present.

Negative symptom

The A words. Lacking something. Diminished.

Anhedonia: lack of pleasure

Avolition: lack of motivation

Anergia: lack of energy

Alogia: lack of speech

Affect: lack of mood

First Gen antipsychotics:

1st: Thorazine/ chloripromazine

Dopamine antagonist, most affordable. Target positive symptoms. Palm Springs

The patient that is on haloperidol:

This is a high potency medication and you would expect to see high incedence of EPS, low sedation and - incidence of anticolinérgico effect.

The patient that is on haloperidol:

This is a high potency medication and you would expect to see high incedence of EPS, low sedation and - incidence of anticolinérgico effect.

Pts taking Thorazine/ chloripromazine

This is a low potency medication and you would expect to see - incedence of EPS, high sedation and high incidence of anticolinérgico effect.

What do you see with muscle dystonia?

Lick jaw, stiffness, torticolis, tight muscles. Arching back

What do we give for EPS?

Anecdote: A: artane/hexaphinodile or B:benedryl/ or Cogentine

IM only.

What do we give for EPS?

Anecdote: A: artane/hexaphinodile or B:benedryl/ or Cogentine

IM only.

Pt on first Gen medications starts being irritable and agitated passing around.

Acathesia: occurs in 3-4 weeks. Can’t stay still, toe tapping, rocking, swaying


What reverses effects of acastesia.

A or B or C


Slow movement, Brady kinesia, pull rolling, shuffling gate, tremors, fall risk.

Revirseible symptom


Excessive blinking, facial grimacing, lip smacking. You fue. Rocking of hips, twisting, thrusting


First Gen high potent medications are:

haloperidol, fluphenazine, thiothixene,loxapine.

High EPS, low sedation, low anticholinergic effect

Second Gen antipsychotics:

Treat positive and negative symptoms. Weight gain. Less EPS.

Second Gen antipsychotics:

Treat positive and negative symptoms. Weight gain. Less EPS.

Metabolic syndome

Lipids, hypertension, weight, diabetes (sugar)

Which are second Gen medications?

Clozapine, Olanzapine, quetiapine, risperidone, ziprasidone


Breast tenderness. Depression in men’s.


Strongest. Paralytic illeus. Risk for seizures, weight gain, sedation and hyper salivation. Lab draws every 6 months. WBC and ANC (absolute neutrophil count)

WBC and ANC are 6

Do nothing. Normal limits. Give meds.


Give meds


Hold meds

Chlozapine side effects

Flu like symptoms. Sore throat

Before taking ziprasidone do a

EKG and give with Atleast 350 calories of food.

Before taking ziprasidone do a

EKG and give with Atleast 350 calories of food.

Anticolinergic toxicity

Hyperthermia, fry red hot skin, diminished bowel sounds, coma, death, no reactive pupils

NMS (neuroleptic malignant syndrome)

Dantrolene can be used. Fever always. High BP. Cool down patient. Stop the medication.



Neurological and brain abnormality theory:

Enlarged lateral ventricles, increased dopamine activity in the mesolimbic system, ventricle asymmetry, third ventricle dialation

Schizophrenia DSM-5criteria

Symptoms Atleast 6 months

Active phase symptoms for Atleast 1 month: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, negative symptoms

First Gen low potent medication:

Chlorpromazine/ thorazine

High sedative, photosensitive, high anticholinergic systems

EPS means:

Extrapyramidal side Effects

Reversible EPS

Acute dystonia: bizzare muscle contractions

Akathisia: inner restlessness

Pseudoparkinsonism: pillrolling, movementvat rest, Brady kinsesia,

What are the ABCs

Artane - trihexyphenidyl

Benadryl- diphenhydramine

Cogentin- benstropine

Irreversible EPS

Tardive dyskinesia. Grimacing, sticking out tongue, smacking lips, rapid jerking.

Long acting first Gen antipsychotics depot therapy

Haloperidol decanoate. 50-100mg q4 weeks. 16g needle thick

Second Gen depot therapy

Risperidone consta Q2 weeks

Paliperidone sustenna Q4 weeks

Zyprexa relprevv Q2-4 monitor 3 hrs post injection

Third generation antipsychotic

Aripiprazole (abilfy): quick dissolve, long acting injection, dopamine stabilizer, minimal risk EPS, minimal sedation, SE insomnia alathisia. +/- symptoms. No weight gain.

Dangerous response to antipsychotics:

Fever, autonomic, renal, muscle rigidity.