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25 Cards in this Set

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1 yr with no menses
b/t 40-55 y/o
-many women have clinical symptoms several yrs prior --> perimenopause
-Begins 2-4 years prior to final menstrual period
-Changes in menstrual flow and length of cycle (due to fluctuations in estrogen)
-Reflects hormonal changes which occur even when menses still present
-Can have more menstrual flow (males them closer together)
-Late in perimenopause may have symptoms of lower estrogen levels
lower estrogen may cause
1. hot flashes
2. interrupted sleep
3. urinary symptoms
4. atrophic vaginitis
5. loss of bone density
hot flashes
-40-60% have them withint 2 yrs of cessatins
-warmth in head and works way down
-perspiration --> chills
-hot flashes decreased as time from menses increases
-30-40% have them for > 5 yrs
-lack of estorgen causes a vasomotor instability
tx of hot flashes
-lifestyle mod (exercise)
-SSRI anti-depressants
-biological agents
lifestyle mods
1. avoid spicy foods, caffeine, alcohl
2. relaxation and biofeedback exercises
3. dressing in layers
4. regular exercise
progesterone alone
-Side effects: (progesterone prominent hormone during second half of menstrual cycle so you see some symptoms seen in menstruation) breast discomfort, irregular vaginal bleeding, bloating, weight gain
-Oral medroxyprogesterone acetate 20mg bid or 20mg daily progesterone cream
-decreased incidence and severity of hot flashes
-dosage often less than needed for depression
-side effects: sexual dysfunction, dry mouth, nausea
-fluoxetine, sertraline, velafaxine
-gradually increase dose
side effects: dizziness, sedation, headache
biologic agents
-phytoestrogens: soy, chick peas etc.
-black cohosh
-evening primrose
-vit E
effects of menopause on lower urinary tract
-atrophic changes
-stress and urge in continence
-dysuria, urgency, frequency
effects on the vagina
-decreased vag elasticity, decresed rugae, shortened vaginal canal
-friable or ulcerative
-increased pH can lead to increased BV
Rx of genital/urethral symptoms
-Systemic estrogen (controversial)
-Topical estrogen (can be very useful) (put cream where it is needed)
-Daily use of low dose topical (intra-vaginal) therapy not associated with systemic levels so can use in clinical situations where systemic therapy might be contraindicated (doesn’t help with hot flashes because it is a systemic problem)
topical estrogens
-vagifem suppositories, nightly for 2 weeks and then twice weekly
-cream applied with aplicator
-e-string, inserted for 3 months
-Bone density starts to decrease at age 40
-Risk for osteoporosis increases with age
-15% of women age 80+ with have hip fx
-Amenorrhea from any cause decreases bone density
risk factors for osteoporosis
-thin body habitus
-menopause before 45
-smoking, alcohol
-low dietary Ca
-vit d def
preventative measures for osteoporosis
-wt bearing exercise
-vit d
-decreased smoking, alcohol
screeing for osteoporosis
-bone density scan
-All women ≥ 65 should be screened (good 10-15 yrs after beginning of menopause because in general bone changes take a long time to happen)
-All women ≥ 60 should be screened if they are at increased risk
Rx for osteoporosis
-estrogen therapy decreases bone resorption
-calcitonin decreases rate of bone turnover
-bisphosphate decreases osteoclastic activity
-unopposed est: est w/out progest
-unopposed can only be used if pt has has a hysterectomy, because it can increase the risk for endometrial cancer
combination therapy
-addition of progestins can cause HA, fatigue, bloating, menstrual cramps and bleeding
-cyclic progestins: medroxyprogesterone 10 mg 12 days/mo, rest of time just estrogen; can cause cyclical bleeding
-continuous progestins: 2.5 or 5 mg daily- unpredictable light bleeding x 6 mo
combo therapy and heart disease and breast cancer
-appears to increase the risk
-risk arises 5-7 yrs after therapy initiated
-risk small but present, may be beneficial to put a women on estrogen for a yr or 2 to combat symptoms, no ill effects if on for only a few yrs
when to prescribe estrogen
-severe symptoms, disabling
-limit to short term use
-get a med hx, PE incl breast exam, Pap, mammo before prescribing
contraindications to estrogen therapy
-hx of choleslithiasis
-hx of migraine
-hx of preg-related or OCP-related thrombosis
absolute contraindications for estrogen therapy
-undx vag bleeding
-suspicion or hx of breast ca
-" or hx of endometrial ca
-active venous thrombosis
-malignant melanoma